- Research supportWriting outstanding research proposals or grant proposals is very important because international competition has grown, while budgets are under pressure. Therefore, a growing offer of courses is available for employees with a substantial research task.Research support26 CoursesClose courses26 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailable1. Intake Twente Graduate SchoolFirst year PhD1a. PhD / EngD Introductory Workshop (incl Academic Integrity)1.5PhD / EngD, First year PhDAdvanced workshop (systematic) literature reviews0.5PhD / EngDCapita Selecta: Lattice Boltzmann Methods5PhD / EngDData Management bootcamp1First year PhDData visualization using R workshop0.3PhD / EngDGetting ready for your first individual research grant0.5Employees, PhD / EngDGoing Dutch or European: VIDI or ERC Starting GrantEmployeesHow to increase the visibility and impact of your research0.5PhD / EngDInferential Statistics5PhD / EngDInformation Design0.5PhD / EngDIntroduction to Programming C++1.5PhD / EngDIntroduction to Programming in Python1.5PhD / EngDIntroduction to R workshop0.2PhD / EngDPhD Coding Clinic5PhD / EngDQualitative data analysis using ATLAS.ti. A critical user perspective1.5PhD / EngDResearch Methodology and Descriptive Statistics Course5PhD / EngDScientific Information bootcamp0.5First year PhDSoftware Carpentry Workshop1Employees, PhD / EngDTGS: Academic Publishing Course 20252Employees, PhD / EngD, First year PhDTGS: Science Writing2PhD / EngDVENI Info-sessionEmployees, PhD / EngDVENI masterclassEmployees, PhD / EngDVICI-trainingEmployeesVIDI-trainingEmployeesWorkshop effective outreachEmployees
- TeachingA wide range of educational courses is available for UT staff with teaching tasks. We offer courses on topics such as design and development of education, (online) teaching skills and quality assurance in education. Courses 1 to 4 are connected to the UTQ competences, but are open for all teachers. Other courses do not directly relate to the UTQ but cover specific subjects in greater depth.Teaching28 CoursesClose courses28 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableCourse 1: Designing a lesson and a course 2023/2024EmployeesCourse 1: Designing a lesson and a course 2024/2025EmployeesCourse 2a: Practical teaching skills 2023/2024EmployeesCourse 2a: Practical teaching skills 2024/2025EmployeesCourse 2b: Supervising Students 2023/2024EmployeesCourse 2b: Supervising Students 2024/2025EmployeesCourse 3: Testing & assessment 2023/2024EmployeesCourse 3: Testing & assessment 2024/2025EmployeesCourse 3: Testing & assessment incl pilot redesign juni 2023EmployeesCourse 4: Evaluation of education 2023/2024EmployeesCourse 4: Evaluation of education 2024/2025EmployeesExamination Boards: introduction to tasks & responsibilitiesEmployees, PhD / EngD, First year PhD, Non-UT (External), SpecialistExpedition Education onlineEmployees, PhD / EngD, First year PhD, SpecialistGEANNULEERD Senior University Examination Qualification 2024/2025EmployeesLearning Assistant Training Practitioner – Student Assistant EEMCSStudents, PhD / EngDMasterclass Blended Learning Course DesignEmployees, PhD / EngDMasterclass Formative assessment trainingEmployeesMasterclass How to activate the learning brainEmployees, PhD / EngDMasterclass Teaching in an international classroomEmployeesMasterclass: Microlectures and where to find themEmployeesOnline webinar Comenius callEmployeesPeer Feedback TrainingEmployeesPerformance skills - Grow as an authentic teacherEmployeesProgramme Committee: 2024 introduction to tasks and responsibilitiesEmployees, Students, PhD / EngD, First year PhD, Non-UT (External), SpecialistTaste of Teaching on campus 2024/20252PhD / EngDTaste of Teaching online 2024/20252PhD / EngDThe Challenge-Based Learning learning experienceEmployees, PhD / EngD
- Languages and communicationUT is an international university in which people with various language backgrounds work together. Effective language is what brings us together. The UT offers various courses focused on effective use of language and language learning.Languages and communication41 CoursesClose courses41 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableDutch A0 - Introduction to Dutch (on-campus or online)0.5Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A1 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A1 - Dutch Intensive Summer Course2.5Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, First year PhD, Non-UT (External), SpecialistDutch A1 - Selfstudy Dutch 0>A1 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch A1 Self-study online2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A2 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A2 - Dutch Intensive Summer Course2.5Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, First year PhD, Non-UT (External), SpecialistDutch A2 - Selfstudy Dutch A1>A2 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch A2 Self-study online2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A2/B1 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A2/B1 Self-study online2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch A2/B1 – Selfstudy Dutch A2>A2/B1 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch B1 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch B1 – Selfstudy Dutch A2/B1>B1 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch B1/B2 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch B1/B2 – Selfstudy Dutch B1>B1/B2 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch B2 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch B2 – Self study Dutch B1/B2>B2 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch B2/C1 (on-campus or online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch B2/C1 - Selfstudy Dutch B2>B2/C1 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDDutch C1 - (On Campus or Online)2Employees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Dutch C1 - Selfstudy Dutch B2/C1>C1 (online)3Employees, PhD / EngDEnglish Advanced2Employees, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)English for Lectures1Employees, PhD / EngDEnglish Proficiency2Employees, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)English Pronunciation Training - individual sessions0.5Employees, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)English Speaking: General EnglishEmployeesEnglish Upper Intermediate2Employees, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)Fundamentals of Science Communication and Citizen Science2Employees, PhD / EngDGermanEmployees, Students, PhD / EngD, Non-UT (External)SEO and copywritingEmployees, StudentsTour Rijksmuseum TwentheEmployees, Students, PhD / EngDWebHare basic course (default UT template)Employees, Non-UT (External)WebHare: complete course (default UT template)Employees, Students, Non-UT (External)Webhare: Work on your website (for WebHare editors)Employees, Students, Non-UT (External)12 GoodHabitz online coursesProviderForAvailableAre You Listening? GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsConflict Management GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsCoping With Aggression GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsCurb Your Bias GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsGreat Conversations GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsNederlands op het werk GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsNo Story, No Glory GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsPersonal Branding GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsSpeak Business English GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsThe Art of Feedback GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsWrite Business English GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsWriting Emails GoodHabitzEmployees, Students
- Online self-studyLearning about a range of subjects using online courses, whenever and wherever you want. Due to the collaboration with GoodHabitz and FutureLearn, we offer a wide variety of different online courses.Online self-study3 Courses
- Professional effectivenessIn order to increase your level of professionalism and effectiveness, you need to keep developing your skills and continue to gain new insights. This will not only greatly improve the quality of your study or work, but also your personal well-being.Professional effectiveness57 CoursesClose courses57 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableAgile scrum0.5Employees, PhD / EngDCareer CollegeEmployeesConsortium Dynamics1Employees, PhD / EngDCourse conflicts in absence situationsEmployeesDealing effectively with underperforming employee and case buildingEmployeesDeliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation5PhD / EngDDiversity Proof SelectionEmployeesFundamentals of Science Communication and Citizen Science2Employees, PhD / EngDHow to convince your audience with a good storyEmployeesInfluencing others (and yourself)0.5EmployeesIntegrity: Active bystander trainingEmployees, PhD / EngDIntegrity: Online Programme Scientific Integrity (excl. PhD students)0.8Employees, StudentsIntegrity: Scientific Integrity Programme for staff0.3EmployeesIntervision skills for PhDs0.5PhD / EngDLean Green belt3Employees, PhD / EngDLean introductionEmployees, PhD / EngDLean Masterclass: Continu verbeteren in onderwijs teamsEmployeesLean op de UT: Community bijeenkomstEmployeesLinkedIn and UT Share workshopEmployeesMental Health First Aid0.5Employees, PhD / EngDNegotiation SkillsEmployees, PhD / EngDParticipatory Councils: Basic courseEmployees, Students, PhD / EngDParticipatory Councils: Expert courseEmployees, Students, PhD / EngDParticipatory Councils: for service councilsEmployees, Students, PhD / EngDParticipatory Councils: Negotiating according to the Harvard PrinciplesEmployees, Students, PhD / EngDPensioen in perspectiefEmployeesPersonal and powerful advisingEmployeesPersonal Branding for Scientists0.5EmployeesPleasantly assertive0.5Employees, PhD / EngDProfessionalisation of the program committeeEmployees, StudentsQualifier Workshop for PhDs / EngDs0.1First year PhDQuit smoking, Allen Car's Easy way (live & online)EmployeesRefine and Professionalize Your Coaching Skills5PhD / EngDSEO and copywritingEmployees, StudentsTalkshow Erkennen en waarderenEmployeesTGS Build your Intercultural Muscle - Offline group course1Employees, PhD / EngDTGS: Creative and design thinking1PhD / EngDTGS: Professional Effectiveness2PhD / EngDTime Management1Employees, PhD / EngDVisual Storytelling1.5PhD / EngDWeb and email: privacy and other legal basics you need to knowEmployees, StudentsWebHare basic course (default UT template)Employees, Non-UT (External)WebHare: complete course (default UT template)Employees, Students, Non-UT (External)Webhare: Work on your website (for WebHare editors)Employees, Students, Non-UT (External)Workshop 'Systemisch kijken'EmployeesWorkshop effective outreachEmployeesWorkshop Scientific Identity - How to stay faithful to your SELF in your work as a scientist?Employees, PhD / EngD, First year PhD24 GoodHabitz online coursesProviderForAvailableAre You Listening? GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsArtificial Intelligence GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsBadass Brainstorming GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsConfronting Bullying and Harassment GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsCritical Thinking GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsCuriosity GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsDifficult conversations GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsGet a Grip, Clear Your Mind GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsMicrosoft: Power BI GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsMind Mapping GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsMy Turn! (Assertiveness for Rookies) GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsOwnership GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsRecognising Fake News GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsResilience GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsSocial Intelligence GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsStick to the Plan GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsSustainability GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsTest Yourself GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsThe Art of Networking GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsThe Power of Breathing GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsTime Management GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsUnderstanding Generation Gaps GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsWork-Life Circus GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsZest for Life GoodHabitzEmployees, Students
- LeadershipIn the current fast-changing environment, developing and showing leadership are of great importance. As a manager you are responsible for the results of professionals; it is your task to stimulate them in their individual and collective development. Do you want customized training for your team? Please contact CDCLeadership9 CoursesClose courses9 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableAcademic Leadership IIEmployeesDecision makingEmployeesInfluential coaching and effective managementEmployeesLeadership community event - social safetyEmployeesLeadership Development Program - Leading through uncertainty: building a future proof UTEmployeesLeidinggeven aan verbeterteams (lean-agile)EmployeesManage your careerEmployeesProfessional LeadershipEmployeesSupervising PhD'sEmployees9 GoodHabitz online coursesProviderForAvailableBehaviour Change GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsChange Management GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsEthics GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsHiring the Best - Recruitment and Selection GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsInnovate Yourself GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsLean GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsStrategic Thinking GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsTalent Development GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsTeamwork GoodHabitzEmployees, Students
- Career developmentIt is important to keep developing your skills within your work or study and other means. It may be helpful for your current situation but may also benefit you shortly, whether this is within or outside the university. In addition to the courses, it is also possible to contact the Career Development Centre for a personal consultation. In addition to the courses, contacting the Career Development Centre (employees) or Career Services (students) for a personal consultation is possible.Career development2 CoursesClose courses2 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableEntrepreneurial Researcher Programme1PhD / EngDEntrepreneurial Researcher Programme - Online1PhD / EngD11 GoodHabitz online coursesProviderForAvailableDirect Your Career GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsDo Your Thing GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsEnjoy Your Job GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsExcel Essentials GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsI Want That Job GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsLevel up Your Digital Skills GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsLinkedIn GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsMicrosoft 365 OneNote GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsMicrosoft 365 Teams GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsThe Gutsy Way to Get the Job GoodHabitzEmployees, StudentsWorking With Google Apps GoodHabitzEmployees, Students
- Cultural coursesVrijhof Culture offers you, thanks to the Student Union and OPUT, very interesting and divers cultural courses at a very attractive price. Most courses are in English, on starters level and accessible for everyone with a Union- or CampusCard. All courses below have been realized in cooperation with Kaliber Kunstenschool, Volksuniversiteit Enschede, Shu Training and AKI/ArtEZ.Cultural courses12 CoursesClose courses12 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableBurlesque WorkshopEmployees, StudentsCreative Welding, advanced courseEmployees, StudentsDJ-ing courseEmployees, StudentsFreestyle dance course, beginnersEmployees, StudentsGuitar lessons, follow-upEmployees, StudentsGuitar, beginners courseEmployees, StudentsHigh Heel Dance 1 en 2Employees, StudentsLessons on the CampuscarillonEmployees, StudentsPainting & DrawingEmployees, StudentsPhotography courseEmployees, StudentsProducingEmployees, StudentsWorkshop Content Creation Social MediaEmployees, Students
- Post academic educationThe Professional Learning & Development Centre (PLD) offers part-time training for professionals, in the areas of: governance, risk management, supervision and business development.Post academic education2 CoursesClose courses2 CoursesECTS creditsForAvailableDesignLab Academy: Responsible futuring in 1 day - Circular societyEmployeesOverview of all PLD coursesEmployees, Non-UT (External)
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