UTServicesHRCTDCourse finderAdvanced workshop (systematic) literature reviews

Advanced workshop (systematic) literature reviews


The course consists of two sessions and two assignments.

On the first day of the course you will receive and discuss information on the background, theoretical and methodological elements of (systematic) literature reviews. You will be encouraged to think about your own cases, research questions, and potential approaches.

The second day of the course will be focused on practice and Q&A interactions. You will try out practical tools that can assist you throughout various stages of a (systematic) literature review. Moreover, you will discuss your chosen review approach and any challenges or issues that arise from your particular research setting.


This course will help you gain insight in the various aspects and most advanced approaches of conducting a (systematic) literature review. The course is better defined as a workshop because it will focus on practicing advanced techniques and using novel tools, which you will be able to employ sooner or later in your own review.

To be clear, a systematic literature review is defined as: ‘A systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners.’ Fink, A. (2019). Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • ECTS

    0,5 ECTS


  • Requirements

    Successful completion of the course Scientific Information is a requirement for attending this course.


    This requirement ensures that you have up-to-date knowledge and skills to deal with the content and assignments of the advanced workshop. The instructors will assume you have basic or intermediate knowledge in the following subjects: information literacy; systematic literature searching; critical evaluation of (scientific) literature; reference management. Consequently, the instructors will assume you have basic or intermediate level in the following skills: developing a comprehensive literature search strategy; using (basic) Boolean Operators; identifying relevant sources or databases to search in.


    English language proficiency at level CEF B2 or higher (Common European Framework) is required.

    Please note;

    The course is mainly designed to support researchers who are already planning or preparing to conduct a systematic literature review. If you are not at this stage yet, you are recommended to first consult your research needs and ideas with an information specialist.

    Depending on the research goal, the level of systematicity required by your review will vary. It could happen that you only need to perform a less-structured ‘narrative review’. However, even in that case the instructors will expect you to report your process in a reliable and replicable manner during the assignments.

Dates and location

  • Date

    Dates in March:

    Day 1: March 1, 2024 from 9 am to 12.30 noon

    Day 2: March 15, 2024 from 9 am to 12.30 noon

    Dates in May:

    Day 1: May 3, 2024 from 9 am to 12.30 noon

    Day 2: May 17, 2024 from 9 am to 12.30 noon

    In order to receive the certificate, it is mandatory to attend both days, and to successfully deliver the two assignments.

  • Location

    The course starting in January will be held in the Kleine Zaal in the Vrijhof

    The course starting in March will be held in The Vleugel 100 

Please feel free to enquire about the course. For information about the content of the course please contact Stella Kruit-van Rossum email: s.a.kruit@utwente.nl. For organisational matters contact Henriëtte Otter: h.l.c.otter@utwente.nl (e.g., to ask about the possibility of exceptional accommodation in the prerequisite course).

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Advanced workshop (systematic) literature reviews
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October 2024
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