UTServicesHRCTDCourse finderLearning Assistant Training Practitioner – Student Assistant EEMCS

Learning Assistant Training Practitioner – Student Assistant EEMCS

  • Course code


  • Programme is for

    EEMCS Learning Assistants in the role of Student Assistant

    Please note: this training is for EEMCS SAs only.

    SAs from other faculties: if you are interested in this training, please contact the coordinator of your programme or your lecturer.

  • Date

    Several times a year

  • Time

    This training is fully online and exists of a Canvas Course with background information and assignments. The training contains four live online sessions with the trainer. The sessions have a duration from 30 minutes to 1,5 hours

  • Location


  • Maximum participants

    Min. 5 - max. 15

  • Trainers

    Trainers of CELT (Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching).

    Course coördinator: Thelma Stobbelaar-van der Laan, Msc

  • Course materials

    You will get access to a Canvas site offering all the necessary content in a modular setting.

  • Requirements

    To be able to enrol in this training you need to be registered as a SA in your programme (EEMCS students only).


The Learning Assistant in the role of Student Assistant (SA) is able to…

General – pedagogical, didactical skills: 

Support students in their learning process in educational settings (such as tutorials, labwork, lectures, practicals) by:

o   Motivating students by being aware how learning works

o   Using adequate listening skills 

o   Asking the relevant questions, aimed at making the learner responsible

o   Providing constructive feedback 

o   Helping students solving problems in a systematic manner 

o   Making contact and being approachable

o   Explaining the module or course as a whole, including learning objectives, learning activities and assessment 


Practice and reflecting: 

Develop own role as an assistant in learning by:

o   Making own learning experiences explici

o   Reflecting on own role and performance as a Learning Assistant


Central approach at University of Twente is student-driven learning, where students are (co)responsible for their own learning process. To facilitate this and to enhance quality of education in general, students are appointed as Learning Assistants (LAs). Tasks include supporting other students in labwork, groupwork, tutoring and (online) tutorials. CELT offers pedagogical and didactical training to support LAs in their tasks.

The goal is to support LAs to support students’ learning and to enhance efficient and continuous learning of LAs themselves.

Content of the training is basic principles of learning of people and how to supervise in this process:

·        Basic generic pedagogical and didactical skills

·        Reflection and other learning skills


General objectives include:

1)     LAs show a reflective, professional attitude aimed at improving their practice as LA;

2)     LAs understand goals, learning activities and assessment of the course in which they work;

3)     LAs make the shift from learner to educator perspective and role.


Preparation: exercises and assignments, reading course material.

In course: assignments, contributing to discussions

Further information

In order to be eligible for the certificate you need to hand in all the assignments on Canvas and participate in (all of the) the online sessions. For more information you can contact celt-ces@utwente.nl. 

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Learning Assistant Training Practitioner – Student Assistant EEMCS
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