UTServicesHRCTDCourse finderDeliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation

Deliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation


Deliberation is not only good for policymaking, but also for policy analysis. This course shall provide students with an overview of knowledge of and basic hands-on experience regarding the possibilities and limitations of deliberation as a means of analysing decision-making, especially regarding wicked – and often technological – problems. The aim is to provide a repertoire of interactive, participatory, and deliberative approaches to policy analysis and policy making. The course has the character of a workshop/clinic in which we are experimenting with various approaches along a topic freely chosen by every student (usually the thesis topic).

Learning objectives: After successful completion of this course the student is able to:



Course description: In this course policy analysis will be considered as 'a process of multidisciplinary inquiry designed to create, critically assess, and communicate information that is useful in understanding and improving policies' (Dunn 2004). Assignments will cover issues related to (technological) innovation and use and production of knowledge.

Spectrum of contents:


Examination: several Q&A assignments (pass/fail) plus one final written assignment (100%) in which you plan a deliberation process for generating strategic intelligence about a wicked policy issue. All assignments need to be completed and/or graded 5,5 of higher to pass the course.


Course materialpapers and articles on specific approaches (CANVAS).


Rip, A. (2018). Futures of Science and Technology in Society. Springer VS.

  • ECTS


  • Programme is for

    PhDs and EngDs

  • Location

    to be announced

dr. P. Stegmaier (Peter)
Assistant Professor of Knowledge, Governance and Transition
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Deliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation
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