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BMS Research Support


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  • (personal) GRANT SUPPORT


    The grant & project advisor for BMS faculty is Sofia Mutlu-Numansen. She can support in linking your research ideas to grant opportunities, building a consortium, and editing your proposal drafts. She is your first contact person for anything research grant related. It is important to contact her from the moment you think of applying for a grant. This way she can have an overview of who is applying for what within BMS, and can link people to each other and support more pro-actively. Sofia works closely together with the Grants Office at central level (SBD-office) and other grant support officers all over the university. 

    Note: for questions regarding educational grants (e.g., Comenius), go to the BMS Teaching Academy. For questions specifically regarding Erasmus+, go to Janke Rademakers (Coordinator Internationalisation in Research).

    An overview of recent calls is available on the SBD news page. In addition, an overview of health related calls can be found on the TechMed intranet. SBD has organized and recorded many infosessions, these recordings can be found here. Furthermore, you can search for funding opportunities in a new system for finding funding: Research Connect yourself. 


    Personal grants are bottom-up and researcher-driven grants that enable researchers to strengthen their scientific career and conduct projects in their own line of research. Through such projects, researchers can explore new opportunities and directions within their field, which in turn can lead to new ambitious research projects.

    Personal grants are often seen as prestigious seals to individual research careers, especially for early- or mid-career researchers. And, while several developments within the scientific community point to an increasing focus on Team Science, one can easily argue that enabling (young) talent to apply for personal grants can be considered a team effort as well. In fact, being successful in the highly competitive arena of personal grant programs, requires a lot of time, effort, and help from others. Therefore, the BMS faculty finds it important to additionally invest in supporting researchers with the acquisition of personal grants, next to the already existing support from the SBD-Grants Office.

    Timeline for Personal Grants

    Below you will find a short overview of personal grants aimed at different stages in researchers’ careers. Importantly, extension clauses apply to all grants for parents, and to most on grounds of training, care responsibilities, or sick leave, supporting efforts to increase diversity and inclusiveness through these programs. You can check your eligibilty for NWO and ERC yourself. 



    NWO will ask candidates for an 'embedding guarantee' in their application for Veni and Vidi funding. In other words, researchers can only submit applications for Veni and Vidi funding with the support of their Department & Section Chair and the BMS Faculty Board.  


    Requests for a Veni embedding guarantee need to be submitted by the Department chair to the Faculty board before 31 May for VIDI the deadline is 8 September. The BMS procedure for requesting a VENI and VIDI embedding guarantee by the Faculty Board:

    1.      Section chair and candidate: agree with the candidate’s project proposal, and taking into account the consequences of grant acquirement for the section (i.e. in terms of the employment contract and time/topic dedication), and how the proposal is aligned with the BMS Research focus. Subsequently, the Section chair aligns with the Department chair on candidate(s). 

    2.      Department chair sends (BEFORE 31 May (VENI) or 8 September (VIDI)) an email (entitled 'Embedding guarantee [name candidate]' to 'BMS dean', cc to: Section chair, candidate, and, Sofia Mutlu-Numansen

    The email explicitly states:
    - section & department chair's consent with the candidate's project proposal, 
    - a statement that they both take into account the consequences of grant acquirement for the department/section (i.e. in terms of employment contract and time/topic dedication. Please discuss employment consequences explicitly with the HR advisor of your section to avoid unpleasant surprises);
    - a statement that the candidate will be allowed time to write the full proposal.
    - a quarter A4 motivation how the VENI/VIDI proposal is aligned with the BMS Research focus (we need this input to draft the guarantee);
    - please attach CV of the candidate and a short (about 300 words) summary of the proposal. Instead, a concept of the pre-proposal is also sufficient.

    3.      After the Faculty Board meeting end June (VENI) or September (VIDI), a confirmation email will be sent including the positive/negative advice to chairs and candidate, and i.a. the embedding guarantee.

    4.      Around the NWO submission pre-proposal date we ask the candidates to reply (to all) to the received confirmation email and attach his/her completed pre-proposal. This is to check correspondence with the earlier received documents on which the embedding guarantee was based, and for our archive. 









    Apply within 1 year after obtaining PhD

    All nationalities

    Employed at NL institution for at least 3 of 5 years preceding application

    Max 1 application to Rubicon

    1-2 years Post-doc abroad


    Three deadlines per year.


    Apply within 3 years after obtaining a PhD

    Extensions may apply*

    All nationalities

    Research must be conducted in NL

    Max 2 applications to VENI

    3 years of research in NL




    Apply within 8 years after obtaining a PhD

    Extensions may apply*

    All nationalities

    Research must be conducted in NL

    Max 2 applications to VIDI

    5 years of research in NL + research staff




    Apply within 15 years after obtaining a PhD

    Extensions may apply*

    All nationalities

    Research must be conducted in NL

    Max 3 applications to VICI

    5 years of research in NL


    March (Pre-proposal)

    End of August (Full proposal)

    ERC Starting Grant

    2-7 years after obtaining a PhD, measured on 1 January

    Extensions may apply

    Resubmission restrictions apply

    At least 50% time involvement of PI

    5 years project, 1.5MEU


    ERC Consolidator Grant

    8-12 years after obtaining a PhD, measured on 1 January

    Extensions may apply

    Resubmission restrictions apply

    At least 40% time involvement of PI

    5 years project, 2.0MEU


    ERC Advanced Grant

    senior/ established PIs

    Resubmission restrictions apply

    At least 30% time involvement of PI

    5 years project, 2.5MEU



    European Fellowship

    PhD Degree or 4 years of research experience after MSc

    Mobility to NL from any other country (less than 12 of past 36 months in NL)


    1-2 years project




    Global Fellowship

    PhD Degree or 4 years of research experience after MSc

    Mobility to non-EU country (less than 12 of the past 36 months in that country)

    Mandatory return phase

    1-2 years abroad, 1 year in NL



    * NOTE: possibility for extension to the time limit for Veni, Vidi, Vici applications on the grounds of care responsibilities, pregnancy, illness, and/or training in a clinical specialism. See FAQ NWO. Biological mothers who have given birth to one or more children are granted a standard extension of eighteen months per child. Other parents (fathers and non-biological mothers) are granted a standard extension of six months per child that is part of the applicant’s household


    For support on costing and pricing in the application phase of your project contact Martin van Ooijen or Renate Masselink-Veldschoten (based on the department you work in). For more information see BMS financial affairs intranet and check who you need to get in contact with. 


    We make you aware of the existence of the ‘EU sanction list
    Pay attention to this list and restrictions, before engaging in a cooperation agreement, contract or license agreement. The UT may not be allowed to collaborate with people/institutions in countries as mentioned on this list, depending on the specific restrictions. Ask our legal advisors for advice.
    It is particularly of interest on relations with people/partners in countries that are on the sanction list and responsibilities for those who want to work with partners on what is classified as ‘Dual-Use research’ (goods, software, and technology that can be used for both civilian and military applications). Dual-use research can also refer to knowledge transfer, workshops, training and training materials, software, materials, sensors, and other equipment. For cooperation with international partners on dual-use research, and export a permit is required. European guidelines for research misuse.

    In case of doubts or questions, please contact the BMS coordinator internationalization; Inge van Haare  


     The European Commission recognizes with the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customized action plan/HR strategy. The implementation of the Charter & Code principles by research institutions render them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project.
    The UT is allowed to use the 'HR excellence in research' logo. We encourage you to indicate this when acquiring for (European)funding.  


    THE BMS LAB can support in project acquisition (technology, data), Hardware/software tools, Lab facilities, Data Management, Computing and Storage, Development, Surveys

    Get in contact with the Managing Director: Dr. ir. Jan Willem van t'Klooster  or with THE BMS LAB

  • BMS Open Access Fund

    BMS stimulates Open Science, as from 2019 the Faculty Board of BMS made OA funds available. The BMS Open Access fund 2024 is available. Noting, however, that funds could be depleted before the end of the year. As we noticed an increase in APCs, we decided to also raise the reimbursement for book chapters to 2000€.
    BMS will reimburse (partly) publication costs for (high-quality) open-access journal articles or books/book chapters accepted in the period January-December 2024. Reimbursement depends on the criteria (see above link) and needs to be requested and paid by the section first before the end of 2024.

  • BMS PhD Fund

    New call will be expected end of the year for activities planned in 2025. The Fund for 2024 is depleted

    Sometimes, opportunities arise in your PhD project that may benefit your professional development, but which are not accounted for beforehand. Often, sections cannot financially support these (unexpected) opportunity-driven activities out of the planned PhD-project budget. In case the activities not only result in the scientific-career growth of you as a PhD but also positively contribute to the knowledge/expertise of our faculty BMS, you can apply for (partial) funding from the BMS PhD Fund. We have around 3 submission dates during the year.


    In 2021, the BMS Research Evaluation 2015-2020 was conducted and one of the recommendations from the committee was for BMS to raise our ambitions with respect to our international orientation and collaborations with international (top) universities. There is a lot of exciting research done within BMS and the Faculty Board is looking for ways to improve our exposure. To this end, it was decided to reserve a dedicated part of the BMS Research Budget to specifically support BMS colleagues in organising international events such as workshops, conferences, and symposia.


    • The topic/aim of the event is in line with the BMS Research Strategy (e.g., by connecting with one of the five research themes or otherwise).
    • The event is international (e.g., with speakers and visitors or organised with partners from abroad, either online or offline).
    • The event contributes positively to the external image and recognition of BMS as a place of interdisciplinary research on the intersection of Social Sciences and Technology.
    • The event will be actively advertised (e.g., through multiple Social Media and other channels).
    • There is some form of co-funding available (e.g., from an external research grant, partners, participant contributions, etc.).
    • The event is organised with special attention to Diversity & Inclusion and connecting with early-career researchers.

    Who can apply?

    The support is available to all BMS researchers, junior or senior.

    What can be funded, to what value?

    Costs for the organisation of events, including but not limited to rent location, catering, developing website, travel costs of invited (keynote) speakers, etc.

    How to apply?

    Applications can be submitted on a continuous basis to the Coordinator Internationalisation Research, via research-support-bms@utwente.nl.

    Applications should be brief (max. 500 words) and should include at least:

    1. Details of the BMS applicant(s).
    2. Details of additional partners.
    3. Short description of the event, including details on the organisation (e.g., the intended location, date(s), etc.), and an explanation on how criteria 1-6 are met / will be addressed.
    4. Budget, including the amount of co-financing that is available and how much is requested from BMS.

    Applications will be reviewed by the Vice-Dean of Research, and feedback will be provided by email within a few weeks. When approved, the financial support will be transferred to the budget of the main applicant’s Research Section.



    Each individual researcher or research leader is responsible to draw up a data management plan. He or she should do this at the start of the research project, hence a DMP is a living document and will be updated during the project. During the research, you should actively follow up on the agreements made in this plan.  


    There are many templates available for writing a DMP. To write your own DMP, please use the University of Twente’s DMP Template UT. Note that NWO, ZonMw, EU approved the UT dmp-template, so you can upload our own completed template by these funders. 

    Are you writing a data management plan (DMP) as required by your funder, or does the funder have questions regarding management of your research data? 
    Make sure you check the UT support on Data Management (and the course for PhD students), BMS Datalab Research DataManagement, UT and BMS data policies and Guidelines on personal information.  

    We have a multidisciplinary team with different specialties that can assist you in finalizing your DMP and support you on various aspects of research data management: datastewards-bms@utwente.nl (Datastewards BMS are Minsi, Deniece); all aspects of research data management: e.g. writing a data management section/plan for projects, data storage/sharing/archiving, repositories & data management course), Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman (privacy, personal data, informed consent procedures), THE BMS LAB (storage and data management details). 

    Contact details BMS Data stewards

    Get in contact with one of our BMS Datastewards (Minsi, Deniece) via the shared mailbox: datastewards-bms@utwente.nl
    Working days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday


    More information on BMS Datalab Data storage and Sharing/ArchivingAlso for students!
    Also, check the micro-lectures designed for students on how to handle your research data.

    For more details, including a help functionality for choosing the best storing and sharing solution for your research data, see the Research Data Management page (by LISA)

    UT offers a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for its employees (check video!!). If you are a UT researcher looking for flexible, efficient, and scalable computing infrastructure to perform simulations/calculations, the Virtual Research Environment (VRE) could be a good option for you. 

    UT supports archiving your research data after you finish your PhD or after a project ends. We developed an institutional data archive AREDA for the preservation of research data for long-term storage. It allows individual researchers and research groups to sustainably archive their data. 
    In Areda, datasets are archived in the research group bucket. All research group members have access to the bucket of their own group. Access to files can only be restricted by means of encryption. When archiving datasets with personal data, please be aware that file encryption is needed. You can share a dataset with people outside the group generating a temporary link to the dataset in Areda. Archiving datasets to Areda can be done in three steps. If you need any help with this, please contact BMS data stewards. Check also the service portal Areda info.


    Research data is often regarded as the crown jewels of science. It forms the basis of the results of scientific work. Data preservation or archiving aims in the first place at preventing physical data loss or destruction and securing the authenticity of data. Besides, it contributes to the quality and impact of your scientific work by enabling verification and possible reuse, for instance for further analysis or follow-up, new research, or as a contribution to a data resource for the scientific community. Preservation of data is also needed in case of a data publication: a journal article about a specific data set.
    Read more on preserving and publishing data FAIR, and the long-term archiving of research data at UT via Areda.


    The aim of open science is that researchers reuse other parties' research data and services where possible and make their own data available as far as possible.
    Think about reuse of existing datasets in your research. Check UT Research support for more data sources.


    Research funders NWO, ZonMw, and the EU have a data management policy that affects grant submission. They all ask you to write a data management plan within a certain amount of months after the start of your project. NWO and the EU also want you to answer specific questions as part of the submission process (data management section) about the way you are going to manage the research data.

    For NWO, calls for proposals will include a data management section in which the researcher should answer a number of short questions. LISA has developed guidance with examples for answering these questions.



    When conducting scientific research, personal data may be processed. This could be, for example, data of persons who complete surveys or participate in a study, but also data from social media or tracking data. The DPO & PCPs of the UT made a document that contains a Decision aid & Flow chart with further explanation is now available to help researchers comply with the GDPR

    When you collect or use personally identifiable data of persons (e.g., respondents, informants, test subjects, interviewees) who participate in your research, you have to comply with the GDPR privacy law. If possible, process the data of the persons in your research anonymously right from the start or as soon as possible, anonymous data does not fall under the GDPR law. You can also work with pseudonymization (make use of coding), in that case, make sure you keep the key secure, as this data falls under GDPR regulations. More information on this can be found on the UT privacy website and on BMS Datalab.
    Also, make sure that you know the rights of your participants and use an informed consent procedure when processing their personal data. 

    Processor agreement

    When you work with an external party (processor) that helps you processing research data, you may need a processor agreement in case the research data is identifiable to individual persons (also the case if data is coded/pseudonymized). Get in contact with the PCP of BMS: Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman to sort out if this is necessary. 

    Register your research with personal data (Report data processing)

    The UT has a documentation obligation for data registrations of personal information. This means all research that processes data of persons. Therefore, employees and students (see FAQ) need to register their research. 
    Read more info and the link to the UT GDPR Registration tool for processing Personal Data


    For the BMS faculty, Lyan Kamphuis-Blikman is the Privacy Contact Person (PCP). The UT Data Protection Officer (DPO) can also be contacted.


    The UT Digital Competence Center (DCC) is the hub for expertise on Open Science - Especially Fair Data and Open Access -, Digitalization of Science and Research ICT Facilities.  

    Every month the DCC picks a topic to put in the spotlights: 

    • Check previous Thematic sessions
    • Read Interviews on how DCC experts have helped other (BMS) researchers to make their research data FAIR and/ or open, or with questions about Open Science, Open Access or ICT for Research.
    • Do not miss announcements of the DCC: subscribe to the newsletter
  • BMS DATALAB website

    BMS Datalab webpage sets out how to handle research data safely, legally, ethically correct, and methodically soundly.

(OPEN ACCESS) PUBLICATION, preregistration, and your Research Output (RIS-PURE)


    The BMS Information specialists (Marit or Roberto), infospecs-bms@utwente.nl) can support you on topics like Choosing a suitable journal for your scientific work (Publishing), Open Access publication/Open Data (see more below under Open Science heading), Copyright & Referencing, Literature searches, Searching, finding and processing scientific information, Bibliometrics and visibility, and more (add ref). 

  • OPEN SCIENCE: publishing Open Access and Open Data

    Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods. Thus, Open Science is about more than only publishing Open Access, but on this page we limit it to support for OA publication and data.

    GOAL 100% OPEN! 

    Our aim is to make 100% of our research publication output Open in some form. How can we all contribute to this goal?

    1. Always consider publishing in (high-quality) open access journals, listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. As of this moment in 2020, there is no additional financial support for OA publications at UT or BMS. Fortunately, with several funders (e.g. NWO) you can request budget for expected OA publications before the start of your research project. And of course, there are national deals between Dutch Universities (VSNU) and several publishers (more info below).
    2. If you publish in a ‘hybrid’ OA journal, you can often publish OA for free thanks to national deals with the publisher. This includes hundreds of Q1 journals like Educational Technology Research and Development or the International Journal of Human Resource Management and can be checked via the UT Journal Browser. Please note! that it is crucial to address this deal (and request open access) when the article is accepted for publication.
    3. Publisher Emerald work with a set amount of Open Access vouchers between all Dutch universities. For Emerald journals that we also subscribe to, UT researchers can use such a voucher to publish OA for free. Upon acceptance of your paper, you will be approached by the editor about this (alternatively, see their illustrated workflow). It is also possible to use such a voucher to publish for free on Emerald Open Research, a new platform for innovative research with open peer-review. Every year we reach limit of ‘free OA vouchers’ early. Be aware this may mean that, despite what the Journal Browser states, one may now have to pay full APCs for OA publications in those journals. In this case get in contact with BMS information specialist if you can opt for a refund via BMS OA fund.
    4. OA after six months: Automatically open in UT Research Information. Thanks to Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, the final published pdf of UT-affiliated articles, conference papers, and chapters in edited collections can become openly available in UT Research Information six months after the first publication date. Until now, you could only do so by signing a licence (Taverne amendment). From now on, your eligible publications in UT Research Information will automatically become open after six months, unless you opt out. Of course, as a UT author, it is your responsibility to make sure your publications are uploaded to Pure. The University Library does the rest. 
      Read how the new procedure works. Do you have questions? Check the FAQ.
    5. If your research was funded by NWO of ZonMw, then you can share your resulting publications OA for free on Europe PMC. As such, you will meet your funder’s requirement of making your publications openly accessible immediately.
    6. Openjournals.nl is an open-access platform for academic journals launched on January 29th 2021. Journals that are published in the Netherlands can use this easy-to-access platform to publish open access. The platform offers a full system for open-source publishing and submission and uses a diamond-publishing model. This means that authors will not face publication costs.

    Journal Browser

    Want to know if the journal of your choice allows open access, check the Journal Browser. UT Journal Browser lets you search for scientific journals in your field, sort the outcome by impact, and select journals in which you can publish Open Access for free or at a discount as a corresponding UT author. UT has a membership APC discount on OA publishing for BioMed Central-BMC (15%) and MDPI (10%) journals.
    BMS/ITC has a three-year (2020-2022) agreement with Cogitatio Press (e.g. Media and Communication, & Politics and Governance journal), providing a 100% discount, this may not be visible in the UT journal browser yet.

    Join the Taverne Pilot ‘You share, we take care’
    In the light of the goal in the Netherlands to be 100% open access by 2020, this pilot ‘You share, we take care’ aims at making publications openly accessible after six months. To join read more about this pilot to support you to go open access with your publications.


    BMS Open Acces Fund
    Read more on the BMS OA fund 2024, check requirements and how to request.
    In the last years (starting from 2019) we offer BMS researchers financial support in OA publishing. The UT Open Science Fund ceases to exist as of 2019. 

    For NWO funded projects: Books Open Access

    Planning to publish an academic book Open Acces and is the publication resulting from an NWO funded project? Then you can apply as from 1 June 2020 onwards continuous for the Open Access Books call by NWONews message UT.

    NWO Open Science Fund

    NWO opened a new funding instrument in 2021: the Open Science Fund. It aims to support researchers to develop, test, and implement innovative ways of making research open, accessible, transparent, and reusable (FAIR), covering the whole range of Open Science.
    The Dutch Research Council NWO is making 500,000 euros per year available for this program, initially until 2023. A maximum of 50,000 euros is available per project.
    At this moment (nov'21) there is no call available, it will be back in 2022. Check NWO info

    Choose the right journal for your research

    The website 'Think. Check. Submit.' helps researchers identify trusted journals for their research.
    Through a range of tools and practical resources, this international, cross-sector initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.

    Predatory Publishers

    Be aware of predatory publishersWith the start of open-access publishing also the predatory publishers came into existence. These predatory publishers are dishonest and lack transparency and exploit the author-pays model with high fees. They aim to dupe researchers, especially those inexperienced in scholarly communication. They set up websites that closely resemble those of legitimate online publishers, and publish journals of questionable and downright low quality. Read more
    Article (Dutch) on how you recognize Predatory publishers
    Get in contact with the information specialist of BMS if you doubt about a journal. 

    Research Information System (Pure)

    Following the UT Open Access Policy to research results you: 

    • must upload the Final published version of your publication (Publishers PDF) in the UT Research Information System (Pure) AND
    • you are strongly encouraged to also upload the Accepted Author version of your non-OA publications. That is the final full-text version (after changes based on peer review and editorial comments) but without the layout of the publisher. 
      The UT library always validates the open availability of your publication.  

    Read more about RIS-Pure functionalities and opportunities to register publications, activities, prizes, awards, projects, datasets in a separate support topic.


    Plan S is an initiative for Open Access publishing that was launched in September 2018. The plan is supported by cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders responsible for Plan S. After an intensive consultation process, cOAlition S published the revised and final version of Plan S on 31 May'19, accompanied by a rationale on the changes based on the consultation. The core of Plan S is to ensure free access to all publications emerging from funding by coalition members from 2021 onwards, aiming to accelerate the transition to open access of all academic publications and thus maintaining the fundamental principle that no publicly funded research should be locked behind a paywall, but instead should be open access immediately. Plan S will now take effect from 1 January 2021.  
    COAlition-S has put out a guidance document detailing the implementation of the plan. Based on those details a scheme of nine routes to achieve compliance are published.
    Most recent UT update on PLAN S. (Oct'20) 


    Funders (e.g. ZonMW, NWO) also expect you to archive your research data belonging to a publication or a dataset belonging to the whole project and make it Open or FAIR. Find out more about archiving your research output

    For questions related to Open Data, you can reach out to our Data Stewards.

    Once you archived your research data make sure you put it in RIS-Pure as wellread more about this under our RIS-Pure support.

    The aim of open science is that researchers reuse other parties' research data and services where possible and make their own data available as far as possible. 
    Think about reuse of existing datasets in your research. Check also UT Research support for more data sources.



    Preregistration is the practice of submitting a research plan to a (public and trusted) registry, specifying the study's hypotheses and (analytical) methods, before the start of data collection or the analysis of a dataset. Registered reports are similar to preregistrations because they are also written plans including a study design and analytical plans. However, a registered report goes beyond that as it strives to become a published scientific article by itself, therefore including a peer-review step and decision to publish before data collection can begin.

    Why should I preregister a study?

    Preregistration commits researchers to the hypotheses and analytical approach of their study. In that way, it helps them avoid questionable practices and biases in research. For example, p-hacking or HARKing (Hypothesising After Results are Known). Above all, preregistration makes science more open, transparent, and potentially more effective.

    The faculty of BMS is actively working (see interview above) to encourage and facilitate preregistration. By pre-registering, you become an example of open and good research for the faculty, the UT, and your peers and collaborators worldwide. Preregistration shows that you strive for quality in your research rather than quantity.

    How can I preregister a study?

    Two steps, (1) start by identifying a suitable registry for your study and then just (2) follow their submission guidelines. The faculty of BMS recommends the following options:

    As seen above, some databases or registries focus on the preregistration of specific study designs. Importantly, keep in mind that preregistration does not necessarily need to be immediately public. The preregistration in a platform receives a timestamp and often a DOI (a permanent and citable link). Still, the preregistration can be embargoed and, for instance, made public around the same time than the results of a study. In any case, you should preregister before conducting any data collection (whether it is the first or an extra round), or before you begin with the analysis of an existing dataset.

    What is the added value of Registered Reports?

    While preregistration is often taking place on independent platforms, a ‘Registered Report’ is embedded in the typical processes of scientific journals. The methodological report is submitted to a journal and goes through the typical peer-review process. You are therefore adding another quality check to your research work, thus visualizing and recognizing the value of a study’s methodological design rather than just its (potential) results. The figure below visualizes this process.

    Once a registered report is accepted by the journal, data collection can start, with the added benefit that the methodological plan has been peer-reviewed. This also makes it possible that, in principle, the results of that study are already known to be of interest for the journal, whether they align or not with the study’s hypotheses.

    The table below shows the differences between preregistration and registered reports.

    Credits: Markus Konkol, ‘Blog#3 – Open Science Kitchen on Preregistration and Registered Reports’.

    Questions and support

    For any questions or support with preregistration or registered reports within BMS please contact the information specialists (infospecs-bms@utwente.nl). If needed, the information specialist will put you in contact with other members of the support team (e.g. data stewards, research support coordinator).


    Do you want to learn about preregistration and registered reports by yourself? We highly recommend you to read this page from the Center for Open Science and this blog from the OSCTwente. Below you can also find a reading list compiled by members of the ReproducibiliTea initiative.


    PURE RESEARCH INFORMATION is the back-end system where researchers can showcase their research output, profiles, and activities to increase visibility, access, and impact. This information is published on a public portal.
    For more information on the Research Information System (RIS) Pure see the UT RIS website (moved to UT service portal), especially the Quick Reference Cards (QRCs), or use the Manual and FAQ within the RIS Pure.

    NEW UT-Researchers:  By default your profile is set to non-visible, please follow these instructions to activate.

    If the direct links to the guides linked to on this page do not work anymore, look for the title on the infopage with quick reference cards.



    You can add these via your personal profile page in the Pure‐backend by a click on the arrow, next to the tab personal, this will bring up your options or use the big green button ‘add new’. Several ways to add your output:

    * if the direct links above to the guides do not work anymore, look for the title on the page with quick reference cards.

    IMPORTANT: As UT has an open access (OA) policy please always upload the final published version and – in case of a non-OA article – the accepted author version to maximize the visibility of your work.


    Besides publications, you generate impact with your research-related activities, for your own and the faculty/UT its visibility these are valuable to add! Examples of relevant categories of Activities may be Editorial work, Membership of an external organization, Membership of Committee, Organization of an event, Consultancy work, Invited keynote talks, your Prizes, and Awards. Please also add relevant external positions, log in the backend of Pure, go to ‘edit profile’ scroll down until you see ‘Positions outside of the institution’ and add your external position, it will be shown on your Pure Portal.


    As of now, you can also register the research data* that belong to your publications, or a complete dataset of data collected in your project, produced and/or used for your research at the UT. When you describe your data and their location, others can easily understand and find them in UT Research Information and as such, in search engines such as Google Scholar. This is important when others want to verify and possibly reuse your scientific work (when they do, they always have to cite it).
    NOTE: Once you registered your dataset that belongs to a publication in RIS-Pure, make sure you also link your dataset to your publication in RIS-Pure: by adding your publication (research outputs) under the heading 'relations to other content' in the dataset registration form in RIS-PURE (explained in the guide above). The other way around is also possible, go to the registration of your publication in RIS-Pure, and add under the heading 'Relations' the registered dataset that belongs to the publication.

    Have a look at how a dataset from your BMS colleagues is presented in UT Research Information.
    *You cannot upload your research data to UT Research Information, but you can add a good description, metadata, and possibly a link (doi) to the location of the datasets, so others can easily find them. You can also show this information along with other content in UT Research Information, such as publications that are based on your data. This increases the visibility, access, and impact of both your research data and your publications. If you want to upload your research data to a trusted repository, then please do so in, for instance, 4TU.ResearchData or DANS. Once your data are available there, you can add the link to be presented in UT Research Information along with the description of your data. It will soon be possible to automatically transfer metadata from these repositories to UT Research Information.


    Pure has the functionality to highlight a selection of publications/activities on your personal RIS-Pure portal page. Login to your Pure account and go to 'edit profile' and then on the left to 'Portal profile'. Under the header 'Highlighted content' you can search in several content types the content you want to highlight. 


    Projects can't be added manually into Pure, they are loaded from Oracle Projects. Projects are not visible on the portal page yet, their visibility is set on restricted only visible in the backend of Pure. However, since recently (end'2020) we have the possibility to enrich the project with info (such as: good title, description of the project, participants and collaborative partners, a website link, related research outputs, applications/awards for this project) and prepare it for public visibility. As soon as the UT has a sufficient number of 'projects ready for public visibility', the UT can activate the visibility of 'Projects' in the Pure portal.

    Other possibilities to highlight the projects you are involved in are:

    You can highlight your projects in a description on your Pure-profile. Go to ‘Personal Overview’ > edit profile > ‘Curriculum and research description’ > add profile information and choose type ‘projects’ and fill in the text box. The text under 'projects' cannot be shown automatically yet in People Pages (by ‘use text from Pure’), at the moment this is only possible for the text under 'research interest'. It will be possible soon.

    Previous or planned upgrades of Pure

    UT research information websitehttps://www.utwente.nl/en/ris/
    Faculty Managers BMSLyan Kamphuis-Blikman 
    Library RIS-teamris@utwente.nl 

  • PEOPLE PAGES and RIS-PURE connected

    The information about your research output in RIS-PURE can be connected with your People Pages (check FAQ):

    Description of your research

    In your RIS-Pure profile go to 'edit profile' and then to the heading 'Curriculum and research description' and add information on several topics (personal profile, Research interests, Teaching, Projects). In your People pages, you can show the information that you update in RIS-Pure (from the field Research Interests) by selecting 'use text from pure' under the tab 'Research'.


    Your publications registered in RIS-Pure are automatically shown on your People Page, but you may edit the number of presented publications or the period to display (in years). 


    Based on words and phrases from your research output including a title and abstract, so-called 'Fingerprints' are constructed in RIS-Pure. These Fingerprints are exported to the field 'Expertise' in People Pages. More guidance on fingerprints can be found in a FAQ
    It is possible to control fingerprints by 1) adding Abstracts to the metadata of your publications; 2) Removing fingerprints individually; 3) disable fingerprints in RIS-Pure.

    In RIS-Pure you can also make your own 'Keywords' within your own RIS-Pure profile. Choose one of the (sub)categories listed from A-->Z and then you get textfields for free keywords which you can fill yourself. 

    Another option is to write a piece of text in your People pages profile under 'About me'. By doing that you can make a introducing text and end with a heading with expertises, and because the text will appear above the pre-set 'Expertises', these (wrong) expertises will be moved further down on the page and will not be immediately visible anymore. Instead visitors will first read your own introducing text including your own keywords.  

    Contact Info People Pages



    BMS underpins the importance of an ethical review of research projects prior to starting the research.
    To ensure an ethically responsible research practice, it is mandatory for employees and students from the Faculty of BMS to submit their research project for ethical assessment in case your research involves human participants or/and using potentially sensitive data about and/or from individuals, groups or organizations. The Ethics Committee BMS/domain Humanities and Social Sciencs (HSS) website provide all the information you need about the assessment procedure and the ethical principles and criteria used.

    Go to the BMS Ethical review web application. Guides and FAQ are available here.
    Contact the BMS Ethics Committee by ethicscommittee-bms@utwente.nl

    UT-wide Ethics application offers 4 domain-specific ethics review

    The UT has adopted a university-wide research ethics policy. This policy states that an ethical review of non-medical research will be conducted by one of the 4 domain-specific committees, it may be that a small part of the research by students/staff of BMS better fits the CIS (e.g. cyber-related research) or NES domain (technology-related health research).
    Go to the UT ethics review application. 

    TechMed Supports

    TechMed supports and facilitates researchers across the university with specific Health-related research support, e.g. WMO applicability, medical ethical review preparations, and applicability of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), and implementation of technology in health. Get in contact

  • Knowledge Safety and Sanctioned collaborations

    Knowledge safety: EU Sanctioned Universities and Institutes

    International partnerships and collaboration are of high importance at the UT. Despite the opportunities and benefits, international collaboration also comes with certain risks - generally known as knowledge safety risks. Knowledge safety at the UT is defined as the protection of the UT community and infrastructure against:

    a.           the undesirable or illegitimate transfer of (sensitive) knowledge, materials, and technology to individuals, organizations, regimes or countries (including the transfer of controlled dual-use or military technology without compliance with current export control regimes).

    b.           covert influence by state and non-state actors. Such interference can include manifest itself through pressure to transfer knowledge outside the legitimate context of research /education projects, through pressure on students/staff to self-censor, to report, to change research topic, methods or results, through spreading of disinformation or through digital intrusions or cyber-attacks. 

    One example of illegitimate transfer of knowledge (under a) is the collaboration with sanctioned individuals, organizations, regimes or countries.  More background information on the EU sanctions regime can be found here.

    1. One implication of the (EU and UN) sanctions regime for researchers is that no form of collaboration, whatsoever, is allowed with persons working for listed sanctioned universities & research institutes in Iran, Syria (also not by co-authoring publications and also not when it concerns ‘harmless’ topics). For North Korea, all scientific and technical cooperation is forbidden.
    2. Another implication for the UT community is that hiring or hosting people who have connections with sanctioned universities and institutes is also legally prohibited. For this we have developed a special process, that will be implemented through HR at BMS and central level. The list of sanctioned universities and research institutes in Iran and Syria can be found here.

    It is important to note that research cooperation with or hiring staff from other universities is not prohibited. We want to be an inclusive university.

    If you have questions feel free to contact the Knowledge Safety Office.



    At University of Twente we have an integrated perspective and approach on integrity policies. We have an integrated integrity programme called ‘House of Integrity’ to structure and organize various integrity policies, regulations and practices. Our House of Integrity approach covers scientific, social and business integrity. 

    Scientific Integrity Programme

    If you would like to familiarise yourself with current issues of scientific integrity, and current legal frameworks now governing integrity, you can apply for the Scientific Integrity Programme at UT.  This programme is now available online and you can attend the subsequent workshop. 


    The University of Twente has a number of codes of conduct related to integrity. Here you can find, e.g. the behavioral standard for everyone who is part of the UT community,  the policy of the university in ancillary activities, which guidelines apply to professional scientific activities and various codes of conduct that apply, for example, to ICT and internet use or to (sexual) intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination.   

    The codes are applicable to everyone who is part of the UT community: employees, students, and those representing the University of Twente. 


    At the UT it is of utmost importance that everyone feels they have a safe and secure basis for their work and study that also makes it possible to conduct difficult or critical conversations when necessary. Students and staff must be able to address concerns, dilemmas and complaints within the UT, they need to feel they are safe to do so and feel assured their report or complaint will be taken seriously. Providing a safe university environment is recently underlined in a statement by all Dutch universities.

    If you want to report undesirable behavior, you can get in contact with one of the confidential advisors for advice and support whenever you have to deal with unacceptable behavior, like intimidation, (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, discrimination, bullying or stalking, or when faced with a conflict in your work situation connected to such behavior. PhD candidates, too, may call on the confidential advisor. Bachelor's and master's students may not, however. These students can approach any of the student counselors of their program should they be confronted with unacceptable behavior.


    All those involved with education and research bear responsibility for upholding scientific integrity as specified in the Dutch and European codes of conduct for scientific integrity. 


    Looking for a way to address scientific integrity in your department? There is a dilemma game focusing on professionalism and integrity in research available, which is developed by Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The dilemma game 'Professionalism and integrity in research' uses many common dilemmas in science and invites discussion on the subject.
    Dilemma Game Scientific Integrity


    The first point of contact is the university's confidential adviser for scientific integrity (for the complainant), Prof.dr.ir. Olaf Fisscher. The complainant is advised to speak with this confidential adviser before filing a complaint to the committee. Possible violations of scientific integrity, as well as any follow-up steps, can be discussed with him in all confidence. Prof. Fisscher can be reached at o.a.m.fisscher@utwente.nl.

    For the accused staff member of the UT who have faced a complaint with regards to their integrity can, if they so desire, be assisted by the independent university's confidential adviser for the defendant, Prof.dr Alfred Stein, who can be reached at: a.stein@utwente.nl. The confidential adviser knows the rules and procedures and can support the defendant. The defendant can share his or her doubts and concerns with this confidential adviser and this confidential advisor can also provide aftercare services.

    The UT has a Scientific Integrity Complaints Procedure in order to protect and guarantee scientific integrity. This procedure provides a system for reporting and dealing with possible violations of scientific integrity. This procedure is consistent with the national LOWI regulations.

    Check the UT website for more info on the CWI (Scientific Integrity Committee), CWI procedure and confidential advisors.



    THE BMS LAB provides support on: Hardware/software tools, Lab facilities, Advice in using tools/facilities, Advice in how to implement technologies into education, Support for project acquisition (technology, data), Data Management, Computing, Data processing and Storage, Development, Surveys, Knowledgebase on algorithms/equipment use/data processing (e.g. Audio transcription)/procedures.

  • SONA test subject pool & Recruitment participants

    The test subject pool system SONA can be used if you need student participants for your research sample. You can recruit participants for your research via SONA. To include your study in this system, you first need to submit your research project to the BMS Ethics Committee via the web application. As part of the web application, you will be asked if you wish to make use of the Sona test-subject system (Sona Systems) to recruit participants to carry out your research. For more information on the procedure and rules for the recruitment of participants read the SONA website.

    The Sona test-subject system is coordinated by the research secretary’s office (Shaunie Schutten, Cubicus room C130, tel. (053) 489 1291, email: test-subjects-bms@utwente.nl). 

    Recruitment of participants 

    As of June'2023 UT has a website 'Meedoen met Onderzoek' (Dutch) for people outside the UT to check if there are research projects searching for participants, and if people like to be informed on the research in order to decide if they want to participate. You as a researcher/student can contact Renske van Wijk via meedoen@utwente.nl to inform if your research project can be shared on that page to help you recruit participants. 

  • SURVEYS: Qualtrics

    The BMS LAB manages the Qualtrics software for BMS. 
    We have a support website on Qualtrics with extensive information on its use; e.g. about how to set up an account for the Qualtrics tool by using a self-enrolment access code and links to all kinds of Qualtrics support (e.g., tutorials, FAQ, online/phone).

    The Brand Administrator for Qualtrics is Johnny Lammers van Toorenburg


    The department OMD can support researchers on Research methods and Data analysis. 
    Contact: Henk van de Kolk

    For students, the Methodology shop is available for methodological questions, help with statistics, manuals and a database with micro-lectures.

  • BDSI - Behavioural Data Science Incubator

    The aim of Behavioural Data Science Incubator (BDSI) is to spark innovation and collaboration in data science that involves human behaviour: to accelerate and inspire data-driven research within BMS that uses statistical models, machine learning, or simulation techniques.

    BDSI will support researchers and promote good research practices in all steps of the research cycle:

    1. data gathering and governance,
    2. model building, training, and validation,
    3. visualization and reporting

    BDSI will organise courses, workshops and networking events on these topics, and provide training in the R and Python programming languages on all skill levels. We support the writing of research grants. By building a strong community, we aim to connect researchers in BMS with each other, with other UT research groups, and the outside world.

    BDSI is run by four representatives from all BMS clusters. If you have questions or ideas, or you want to get involved, contact your BDSI representative (meet the team):

    Get in contact with BDSI
    Email BDSI

PhD Portal and policy

  • BMS PhD portal (intranet)

    For more information for PhDs working at BMS and our BMS PhDs for PhDs initiative, see the BMS PhD Portal (Intranet).

    And check the special News (and Events) page for BMS PhDs as well, for the announcement of discounts, grants, workshops and more.

  • External PhD Policy and Registration

    In accordance with UNL guidelines and UT rules and regulations for PhD candidates, BMS specified a uniform process for registering and policy guidelines applying to external PhD candidates (i.e., PhD candidates not employed by the university), including fees and waivers. For requesting approval for a new external PhD candidate, a standard form can be used and sent to the Dean’s Office. In case the links do not work, make sure to be logged in on the intranet before trying again.


  • Impact Glossary

    Impact pathways, valorisation, 4th generation university... There are quite some terms you can hear in conversations around impact (and read on the BMS Position Paper on Impact). The Impact Glossary provides some definitions of key terms. Are you missing a term? Let us know.

    Impact Glossary
  • Impact Pathways, Impact Cases, and Indicators

    Impact Pathway (and Theory of Change)

    One may recognise the Theory of Change and/or the Impact Pathway from NWO or Horizon Europe grant applications. The Theory of Change is a comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context. It is focused in particular on mapping out or “filling in” what has been described as the “missing middle” between what a program or change initiative does (its activities or interventions) and how these lead to desired goals being achieved.” (Center for Theory of Change). Within this, the path from outputs (insights from research) via outcomes (changes in behaviour based on these insights) to impact is called an impact pathway (NWO). In an impact pathway, you work “backwards”, as illustrated by the image below. This visualises the Impact by Design approach, as you start at your desired impact, and then plan from a current situation to that desired future impact.

    Figure: a model impact pathway, adapted from the Erasmus+ Impacttool

    But you can't control everything! Sometimes researchers feel that they are solely responsible for their impact, but this is not the case. The further you are in the impact pathway, the less control you have. This is visualised below (you may recognise this from the NWO "Working with an Impact Plan" module). For example, you are in control of the contents of your publication, intervention, or prototype, but who is citing/using this, is something you can influence but not control. When talking about future impact, you can describe how you set up your work so that the chance of future impact is high.

    Figure: spheres of control, influence and interest

    Impact Case

    If you wish to make your past impact explicit, you can compose an impact case for a certain project or a research line. "Impact cases represent a portfolio of research around a central theme, line of research or topic. Impact cases are a comprehensive impact assessment tool to determine the contribution of a university, a group and/or individual researcher's make to society and the economy." (University of York) To guide you in developing your own impact case, a template has been developed, see below.

    IMPACT INDICATOR framework

    Making impact explicit can be quite challenging. Every project is different, so a generic set of e.g., 7 indicators does not exist. Instead, one can opt for context-sensitive indicators that match well with the goal of that specific project (per the Impacty by Design method). The Impact Indicator Framework provides a wide set of generic indicators that can help you get find indicators that fit your work. You can concretely use this guide to enrich an impact case, for instance.

    Please use this indicator framework as a source of inspiration, not as a checkbox system or a competition who checks the most boxes. The indicators should fit your work and narrative.


    Support for you and your team in using these tools is available!

  • Internal Support Overview


    At BMS, Tom Boogerd is the main contact point for any impact-related questions, workshop requests or when you have ideas you wish to share (feel welcome!).

    Internal Support Offer

    The table below tries to match more specific support needs to internal UT support offer:

    Support need

    Where to go

    I want to know more about science communication and/or Citizen Science

    Workshop Fundamentals of Science Communication and Citizen Science

    I am interested in Citizen Science and want support in involving citizens in my work

    Citizen Science Hub

    I am interested in Open Science, and wish to connect to colleagues with the same passion

    Open Science Community Twente

    I want to work on my visibility and brand as a scientist

    Workshops Personal Branding for Scientists or Workshop Effective Outreach

    I want a sparring partner for a communication strategy, I want a sparring partner for general (internal) communication challenges

    Contact Saloa Omari (Marketing & Communication BMS)

    I want someone to proofread my communication efforts (e.g., for outreach activities)

    Writing centre of the UT Language Centre

    I wish to transfer my work to relevant stakeholders (in a general sense: upscaling, licensing, or in a business sense: spin-off, copyrights, patents)

    Knowledge Transfer Office of the UT, located at Novel-T

    I want to make a nice video, make use of the do-it-yourself-studio, get a photographer, or make a podcast

    All services can be found on the Service Portal

    I want to compose a media plan or work on a press release 

    All services can be found on the Service Portal

    I want a social media plan, get social media analytics, or submit material to UT social media

    All services can be found on the Service Portal

  • More Tools and Resources

    In addition to the Impact Cases template and the Impact Indicator Guide above, there are many interesting and inspiring tools and resources on the topic of impact. Here is a short (incomplete) list, if you have any tools or resources you enjoy using, let us know!

    • For inspiration and more background, check the micro lecture series from the NWO on “Working with an Impact Plan"
    • Have a look at the Impact Helper from University of Oulu which helps you plan for impact by using a small worksheet
    • The Impact Toolkit of University of Dublin is a comprehensive website that explores the concept of impact