Guidelines & Templates DMP

More information on Writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) is available at the UT, you can find the UT DMP tool there as well. PhDs at the UT need to follow the data management bootcamp.

Data paragraph in project proposal

Funders may require you in the phase of a project proposal, to include a 'data paragraph', this description in your research proposal should include the type of data that will be collected or generated, the use of standards and the expected exploitation or availability of the data, as well as how and where the data will be stored during and after the project has been completed. Here on the UT Research Data Management website you could find a document with example answers to help you write the data management paragraph for your NWO proposal. For tailored support, please contact the BMS data steward.

Estimating Data Management Costs

Costs for data management made during a research project can be inserted into a proposal’s budget. These may be costs related to temporary storage, to the anonymization or the transcription of data, or to the curation of data before sustainable archiving.

In case of archiving your research data in 4TU.ResearchData the costs for depositing up to 1 TB/yr will be reimbursed by the UT. Depositing data in a DANS Data Station is free of charge for individual researchers for datasets up to 50 GB. For larger datasets DANS may charge costs. You can find more information on this page. Downloading data from a DANS Data Station is always free of charge.

We have two guides developed at UT for you:

Full DMP once project is granted

When the project is granted funders may ask you to provide a full data management plan (DMP) as an early deliverable (this is compulsory for all funded projects within programs of the NWO, ZonMw, and the EU). Although grant providers may not have updated their websites yet, we can state that the UT dmp-template is accepted by NWO, ZonMW (Dutch), and EU, this means that you can complete the UT DMP tool (online web-form) and upload that DMP in finalizing your grant procedures.   

A Data Management Plan generally contains information on the following topics:

From a research data management perspective it is important to also include materials that are related to the data. Think of specific software and models for generating, processing, and analyzing data, methodologies, workflows, (physical) samples, standard operating procedures, informed consent, etc.

Funder guidelines and templates

There are many different Data Management Plan guidelines and templates. Exact data management requirements and conditions differ per funding agency, journal or institution. An overview of the most important guidelines is given below.



Extensive guidelines on Data Expertise, including a DMP checklist, are provided by DANS. DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).

The 4TU Centre for Research Data focuses on technical studies and offers a template to help set up a Data Management Plan. Check info here

Please also check the University of Twente template which can be opened or downloaded at the right side of this screen.

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding program for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion.
Applicants and recipients of subsidies can find info on Open Science (Data Management, Privacy, Ethics) in the new grant agreement (draft version). 


ZonMW, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, promotes health research and innovation. ZonMW stimulates the re-use of existing datasets and the accessibility of new data sets. Guidance on writing a Data Management Plan or a Data Paragraph can be found on their website

P:\IGS\Algemeen\Datalab IGS\Data Magement Plan (DMP)\Plaatjes\knaw_logo.jpg


The policy of KNAW, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, focuses on open access and digital preservation of research data. Research proposals should include a “data paragraph” containing information on data management.


NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, funds research programs and manages the national knowledge infrastructure. NWO states that “Responsible data management is part of good research. NWO wants research data that emerges from publicly funded research to become findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) for use by other researchers. Data management is thus part of Open Science. Due consideration is given to aspects such as privacy, public security, ethical limitations, property rights, and commercial interests”.  NWO stimulates permanent archiving and re-use of research data. To receive funding, researchers are required to sign a data contract with DANS.
More information on NWO regulation on granting can be found here and information on the data management protocol NWO here

Please let us know if you have any additional Data Management Guidelines, so we can add them to this overview.