UTFacultiesBMSBMS DatalabData CollectionAccess to existing datasets

Access to existing Datasets

It is not always necessary to collect new data for your research. More and more research data is made openly available for further research and analysis in archives or data depositories. Re-using existing datasets can save a lot of time and money. We, therefore, recommend you to check which datasets are already available within your research field first.

Sources for existing datasets



EASY is an electronic archiving system for research data that offers access to thousands of datasets in the humanities, social and behavioural sciences, geospatial sciences and oral history. The majority of the datasets are Open Access available.

Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations (ODISSEI) is the Dutch national research infrastructure for the social sciences. ODISSEI brings together researchers with the necessary data, expertise and resources to conduct ground-breaking research and embrace the computational turn in social enquiry.

Through ODISSEI, researchers have access to large-scale, longitudinal data collections as well as innovative and diverse new forms of data. These can be linked to administrative data at Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Combining data from a wide range of sources enables researchers to answer new, exciting, interdisciplinary research questions and to investigate existing questions in new and novel ways. 

ODISSEI offers several benefits to UT researchers, including a discount for CBS Microdata and free access to the LISS panel  

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made its complete database (a total of 3400 datasets) available as open data. The statistical data is now easily available and reusable. You can find the datasets at the CBS Data Portal.
Go to the BMS info page on using CBS data 


4TU Research Data
The depository of the 4TU Research Data hosts datasets originating from technical and scientific research in the Netherlands.


Dutch National Data Portal 
The Data.Overheid.nl portal (available in Dutch) provides an overview of all available datasets provided by government organizations in the Netherlands.

A big part of the data collected by CentERdata is freely available for researchers. The CentERdata database contains CentERpanel dataLISS panel dataDHS data and SHARE data. Check out these pages for more information about the terms and conditions and to gain access to these interesting datasets.

ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. Besides, ICPSR provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community.
As a faculty, we have a membership.

There are more data sources to discover data relevant for your research have a look at the following portals and/or data providers (under heading 'Data Sources'.

Please let us know if you have any additional Data Archives for your colleague BMS researchers, so we can add them to this overview.

Terms of use

Each data archive or depository has its own terms of use, but generally the most important aspects that should be taken into account when re-using an existing dataset are: