UTFacultiesBMSThe BMS Lab

The BMS Lab

Flexperiment labs will be available starting September 17 in Langezijds.

Where technology meets life

The BMS Lab is the social science innovation lab at the University of Twente. Our mission is to infuse social sciences and technology by providing a research platform, consultancy, services, and lendable resources. Our core values are fostering cutting-edge research and educating the generation of tomorrow.  With our 18  high-end lab facilities, a plethora of innovative equipment to carry out research, a mobile lab, and our team, The BMS Lab has facilitated and enhanced the cooperation of over 400 people across more than 300 projects yearly and an ever-growing research output. 

If you are a students or employee and want to start a research project at the BMS Lab, please register your project here. It will take about 15 minutes.

Please note that the Flexperiment lab spaces will remain in Cubicus for the time being. You will need to pick up and return the keys at the Cubicus Servicedesk


Our specialities

Participate in our study: Stress during bus journeys

Projects showcase
AR Windmils

To enhance engagement in energy transition participation processes, BMS researchers, together with the BMS Lab, develop, test, and optimise an augmented reality application. Utilising the HoloLens, participants can visualise prospective wind turbine sites and interact with virtual wind turbines within the environment. Variables such as the number of turbines, their height, the presence of flickering lights, and weather conditions can be adjusted. Elevating the realism of these future-scenario simulations, the tool will encompass multi-sensory elements, incorporating manipulations of sound, sunlight reflection, and drop shadows.

VR Class

To further integrate technology in the educational activities of the University of Twente, the BMS Lab created a VR class. In the class students familiarise themselves with VR as a research method, by using and modifying VR environments. 


TechEthos, a project funded by the European Union, addresses the ethical considerations associated with upcoming technologies expected to have substantial socio-economic implications. The primary objective of TechEthos is to promote "ethics by design," embedding ethical and societal values into the early stages of designing and developing new technologies. To this end, together with reserachers from the BMS Philosophy department, we developed a web tool, to aid in the design process.

To TechEthos

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