UT authors can now publish Open Access at no cost in Cogitatio Press journals
The 100% discount on article processing costs (APCs) for publishing Open Access is now also available for corresponding UT authors who submit their article to one of Cogitatio’s four Open Access journals. This new three-year agreement between the UT and Cogitatio Press covers the following journals:
1. Media and Communication
UT Journal Browser link to this journal.
2. Politics and Governance
UT Journal Browser link to this journal.
3. Social Inclusion
UT Journal Browser link to this journal.
4. Urban Planning
UT Journal Browser link to this journal.
All four journals are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Cogitatio Press is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers’ Association (OASPA).
The first two of these journals were recommended by BMS researchers. In the recent questionnaire about Open Science at BMS, for example, respondents indicated that they’d like Politics and Governance to be part of an agreement for open-access publishing at a 100% discount. And now it is!
It will take a few weeks before the discount will show up in the UT Journal Browser. For a walkthrough of the journal browser, see ‘How to publish Open Access for free as a UT author’ on www.utwente.nl/openaccess.
Any questions? Peter Noort and Marit van Eck will gladly help you.