UTFacultiesBMSResearchBMS Research SupportNews (research related)New fund for Open Access Books that result from NWO projects

New fund for Open Access Books that result from NWO projects

NWO’s new fund will help pay the costs of your open-access, peer-reviewed academic book if it is the result of an NWO-funded research project and published by an academic publisher. You can apply now if you are a project leader or a co-applicant of an awarded NWO research project that ended no longer than five years ago. Per research project, a maximum of € 10,000 is available. 

You can apply when there is a publishing contract with the publisher, and when your peer-reviewed manuscript is ready to be put into production by the publisher. NWO intends to honour all applications that meet the criteria as long as the annual budget of initially €500.000,- is sufficient. 

For more information and the application form, please visit NWO’s page on this Open Access Book Publication Fund.

For practical information about open-access publishing at the University of Twente, please visit www.utwente.nl/openaccess.

Any questions? The information specialist of your faculty will gladly help you.