Support & expertise network for UT researchers
The Digital Competence Centre (DCC) is an innovative university-wide network of expertise on Research Data Management and ICT for Research (infrastructure, tools, software). We support and connect UT researchers with experts and each other.
Stay up to date, learn and co-create with us!
How do we help UT researchers in the faculties?
Your faculty’s data stewards, ICT-account managers, privacy experts, information specialists, research support coordinators - who are all part of the DCC Network – help you to make:
- your research (process): open, reproducible, and transparent
- your publications Open Access
- your research data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable
- your research easier, faster, and more efficient with state-of-the-art technology
- technological tools for (inter)national research cooperation more secure and user friendly.
What does the DCC network offer UT researchers?
- Advice, support and (policy) guidelines/ resources.
- Monthly thematic sessions that keep you up to date.
- Collaborative development of state-of-the-art ICT-facilities for Research: infrastructure, tools and software for your research that meet your (faculty’s) needs.
- Creation, transfer, and exchange of knowledge inside and outside the UT.
We welcome you to: