UTFacultiesBMSThe BMS LabFacilities, equipment & software


Flexperiment labs will be available starting September 17 in Langezijds.


Discover our cutting-edge research facilities. the BMS lab has 10 research facilities, specially designed to support a range of experiments and studies. 

The BMS Lab has multiple facilities in Langezijds, for example rooms dedicated to mixed reality (virtual and augmented reality), a room dedicated to cognition and EEG research, seven flexible small cubicles for usability studies and a driving simulator. Our rooms are set up for practical training sessions such as conducting or role-playing negotiations and different other settings. Next to this, we also have a room where you can conduct studies involving the use of serious games or make use of our portable driving simulator. Moreover, our Experivan allows researchers to take research on the road and reach the target population for their research.  Learn more about our specialised lab spaces below. 

Our facilities
Reserve a lab space
Please note that as of June 10, 2024 keys to the Flexperiment rooms must be picked up at the Cubicus Servicedesk on weekdays between 09:00 and 12:00, and 13:00 and 17:00. For spaces in Langezijds you need to request access in SESAM, the University's access system.

Or, if you have not registered your project yet, do this first and follow these steps to learn how to reserve our facilities

Our facilities

The BMS Lab Experivan with an opened door and a man working inside on a laptop.
The Experivan

The Experivan is a mobile lab that enables researchers to take their research on the road and go directly to their target population to conduct their experiments. The Experivan is set up to offer a wide variety of research possibilities. It is equipped with a 4G hotspot, two wall-mounted working stations, a laptop, a TV screen, and audio and video systems. With seating and table arrangements. Researchers can bring their own equipment to use in the van or make use of the BMS Lab equipment.

The XR Lab 1 with two people using VR.
The XR Lab 1 (LA 1503)

This XR Lab is specially set up for the development of Virtual Reality environments and to carry out VR and Motion Capture experiments. This room is suitable for experiments that require both minimal and larger walking space as it has both a wide open area and a VR walking set-up where you can test your development and conduct research with your participants. 

Research being done at the driving simulator with a participant driving.
The Driving Simulator 1, 2 and 3

Our driving simulators enable researchers to conduct experiments and training involving driving simulations. Researchers can conduct their studies with the driving simulator with the help of a beamer or for more immersive experiences with VR headset (with eye-tracking). Driving Sim #1 is situated in LA 1507, #2 in LA 2510 and #3 will be available at the end of 2024 in LA 2504. 

A person putting fNIRS on their head in the mirror.
The Neuroscience Lab - LA 1513

The Neuroscience lab is set up and dedicated to EEG/fNIRS research. The room is equipped with operational equipment dedicated to EEG and fNIRS research, as well as gel and tap. Multiple AV possibilities exist, including an immersive 5m-wide double 4K seamless beamer setup. Moreover, the room is equipped with a one-way mirror and an observation room to allow for group dynamics and group interaction studies.

Two screens with the camara recoding the cubicles being shown.
Flexperiment Lab Spaces

The Flexperiment facility is a set up of seven small cubicle lab spaces with workstations. All the rooms are connected to a remote-controlled camera system that allows for remote monitoring of participants. Four of the rooms are set up for specialised areas, e.g. usability studies, VR, eye-tracking or scent. The remainder of the rooms are flexible to be adjusted based on the researchers' needs. 

Flexperiment opens the possibility for a variety of research. Researchers use the specialised room for smaller-scale experiments with one participant at a time.

The former XR Lab 2 in Ravelijn with one round table and a desk with a desktop that can be used for analysis.
XR Lab 2 - LA 1511

This office-setting room is used for XR (i.e. Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality) experiments. This space is better suited for experiments that require minimal walking space. 

The former situation room in Ravelijn with 14 seats and 5 screens available for data visualisation.
The BMS Lab meeting room - LA 2518

This advanced meeting room with high-end visualisation capacities holds place for up to 14 people. There are various TV screens and a high-end PC for rendering and data visualisations. It is also possible to present from a laptop. To book the room you can use Outlook and add the room to the meeting.

The former serious gaming room in Ravelijn with four moniros, chairs, sound and light systems.
Serious Gaming Room (LA 1505)

This room is equipped with state-of-the-art (serious) gaming equipment and 4 workstations and enables different light sceneries. It is close to the break-out room (LA 1509).

The former 'break-out room' in Ravelijn including a driving simulator
Negotiation Room (LA 1509)

This small room can be used for breakouts, and gaming experiments . This room contains one table and 6 chairs. It can be used as a break-out room or for consultation during examinations in adjacent rooms.

The former 'break-out room' in Ravelijn including a driving simulator
Instruction Lab (LA 2516)

This space can be used for instructions, lectures and tutorials. It has seating for 40 and is equiped with a large canvas and projector. The Instructions Lab can be booked directly from Outlook. 

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