Current students overview

On this page, you can find all the nice-to-know information for you as a current student at UT.

This page gives you insight in the following topics.

My well-being

For you as a student, well-being can be about physical and mental health, as well as academic and social success. Maybe you feel down, stressed, lonely, or maybe you struggle with mental or physical issues. To provide help and support, an overview of different situations that may apply to you is listed below.

Urgent issues

In case of an emergency, call 112. If you struggle with suicidal thoughts, call 113. Contact your GP or the outside-of-office hours GP service by calling +31885551188 (Enschede) or +31885551155 (Hengelo).

Help with my studies

If you need any information on your study progress or delay, you can find it here. Maybe you want to switch studies, or you are transferring from a bachelor's to a master's. Or maybe doing an internship, choosing a minor or writing your thesis. You can find all the information below.

Next to my studies

What are your opportunities next to your studies? You can impact the student community or broader societal issues. Do you want to join a student team, a board, a committee or an association, or maybe you want to pursue a career in top sports or arts next to your study programme at UT? Below you can find all the information concerning those topics.

  • Study or student associations

    The University of Twente has a wealth of active student organisations and academic associations. Over 100 associations are part of Twente’s student life. Go take a look at all study and student associations at UT.

  • Student participation at UT

    Good participation is of great importance for the functioning of our university. Your contribution and ideas as a student about UT policy are essential. 

  • Student teams

    The University of Twente has dozens of student initiatives. Check out all UT student teams.

  • Sports/arts


    The University of Twente currently has almost forty different sports clubs! From wall climbing to survival, from soccer to water polo, there is a variety of different sports to choose from. As a member of a sports club or as an individual athlete you can make use of the many sports fields located on Campus. Check out the website of the Sports Centre UT


    Are you a real culture lover? Then you've come to the right place at the Vrijhof. Vrijhof Culture is the center for cultural activities and events on campus.

    Top-level sports and arts

    For students who participate in top-level sports and arts, the UT has special top-level arrangements. The Support Scheme for Top-level Sports and Top-level Arts is part of the FOBOS scheme (Financial Support for Special Circumstances of Students).

  • Work on sustainability
    • Green Hub Twente is the central point for sustainability knowledge and initiatives at UT. Founded in August 2020, Green Hub plays an active role in the change management for sustainability at UT.
    • Check how you can get involved in sustainability at UT.
  • Events and courses


    Check out the student events in the Student Union event calendar.


    UT offers a wide range of training courses, workshops and events in areas as studying effectively, learning a language, career development, and sports and culture. For an overview of all courses, check the extracurricular course finder.

  • Extracurricular education

    ECIU University: Twelve universities from twelve European countries are putting you up to the challenge. This European network of universities, for which UT serves as coordinator, offers countless combinations of education and research - and you can join in.

My future career

The world is constantly changing and evolving, and with it, so are the career opportunities available to you. Below, we will give an overview of career opportunities, preparation, starting your own company and having a side job next to your studies. So, if you're ready to make your mark on the future of work, read on!

My personal development

Improving yourself in various aspects of life is what personal development is all about. Below, you can explore the various aspects of personal development, including courses. So, if you're ready to take charge of your life and achieve your full potential, read on.

  • Academic skills and development

    UT offers workshops, training and events in both English and Dutch on presentation skills, language courses, academic writing, brain training, entrepreneurial skills, business-model thinking, visual thinking or project management. And what about cross-cultural competencies in a global environment? Start working on your skills now! Have a look at the Career Services course finder.

  • Language skills and development

    The UT Language Centre (UTLC) offers language courses in English, Dutch, German and Spanish, amongst others. UTLC helps people identify their language needs, offers a skills programme for students, gives advice on language and assesses and validates language proficiency.

  • Get to know your strengths and weaknesses

    Are you in doubt about your study choice? Or do you want to discover your talents, or strengths and weaknesses? Then you can make an appointment with one of our career counsellors for a study choice or interest test

  • Board or committee

    Do you want to start or run an association or committee?
    The international student association handbook is a joint effort by the Student Union and International Office and is intended as a guide for students who are willing to become board or committee members of an association at the University of Twente. In this document, you will find information that will help you when you are trying to start an (international) association or running an association or committee.

    Check out all the associations.
    Check out all the Student Union committees.

Balancing my study life

Balancing your student life can be challenging as you are juggling multiple responsibilities such as attending classes, studying, participating in extracurricular activities, and maintaining a social life. For more information on how to balance all aspects of your student life, check out the topics below.

  • Dutch culture

    As a new UT student, you will experience Dutch traditions and culture. Get a head start in Dutch culture by learning about various typical characteristics, cultural rituals, and common social habits that are unique to the Netherlands.

  • Being away from home

    Leaving your home (country) to study in a foreign land can be both exciting and scary. Coping with being away from home can be a significant challenge for many students. However, with the right mindset, preparation, and support, being away from home can also be an enriching and transformative experience.

  • Financial matters

    As a student, you will have various costs to cover, such as tuition fees, visa payments, housing, insurance, and day-to-day expenses. On the Money matters page, you will find all the information you need concerning financial matters.

    If you have any questions or concerns about financial matters, please contact your study advisor.  You can also contact the student counsellor for questions and concerns regarding financial matters.

    You could also benefit from financial support for special circumstances, the so-called FOBOS rule.

  • Facilities to focus on your studies

    At the University Library (in Vrijhof) lots of materials are available to help UT students and staff study or work (together) more comfortably. 

    Other various buildings on the campus also offer study spaces. There are spaces where you can simply sit down and study, as well as project rooms which you can book.

    You can also apply for facilities and regulations if you experience personal circumstances that affect your study.

    A few practical tips on how to stay focused on your study/work can be found on the Study Skills webpage.

  • Balance between studies and student life

    Achieving a balance between your studies and student life can be a challenging and often overwhelming task. On the one hand, your studies are a top priority, with grades and academic performance directly impacting future career prospects. On the other hand, you also need to take care of your health, social relationships, and personal development.

    On the campus of the University of Twente, you will find everything you need to get the most out of your student life.

    Besides the campus, the city of Enschede also has a lot to offer to students at UT.

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