This page gives an overview of current vacancies for PhD and EngD positions at UT.
Most PhD researchers in the Netherlands are paid employees, often working directly for the university. In the Netherlands, PhD candidates are generally recruited and appointed as staff. Some PhD researchers come to the Netherlands with an international scholarship. There are no annual admission deadlines. The regular PhD positions are offered on the UT vacancies webpage. Current postions:
Although EngD and PhD are both recognised as postgraduate titles, the EngD is a more practical oriented doctorate in engineering than the PhD and is better suited to the needs of industry. The three most pronounced differences between a PhD and EngD programme are:
- A PhD programme has a duration of 4 years whereas a EngD programme takes 2 years to complete
- A PhD candidate focuses on research at the University, whereas a EngD trainee focuses on technological designs in industry
- A PhD can be done in any research area represented by a full professor at the University and leads to the title “Doctor” (Dr., equivalent to PhD). A EngD leads to a “Engineering Doctorate” (EngD).
You can find all available EngD positions at the UT vacancies webpage. If there are no open vacancies for the programmes you are interested in, it is possible to submit an open application.