ET Research Support Services

On this page, you will find an overview of support the RST can provide. In case you are not sure who to contact for support on your specific question, please send an email to research support officer ET: Jolanda Hilgers or check this website.

  • Ethics Committee

    The University of Twente has adopted a university-wide research ethics policy. This policy states that an ethical review of non-medical research will be conducted by one of the domain-specific committees. 

    For information on ethics review of medical research and a description of the other domain-specific committees, pleas visit the UT page on Scientific integrity .

    Ethics Committee Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences (NES)

    The NES Committee facilitates and monitors the ethical conduct of all research in the field of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences domain. 

    For general information and questions, please please visit the ET page on Ethics assessments for research or contact the secretary of the Ethics Committee Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences: Ethicscommittee NES

    • Members Ethics Committee Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences H.L. Offerhaus (Herman) H.L. Offerhaus (Herman)
      Chair / Professor J. Rouwkema (Jeroen) J. Rouwkema (Jeroen)
      Vice Chair / Associate professor
      dr. J. van Dijk (Jelle)
      dr. J. van Dijk (Jelle)
      Member / Assistant professor
      dr. K. Broersen (Kerensa)
      dr. K. Broersen (Kerensa)
      Member / Assistant professor
      S.J. Jukola PhD (Saana)
      S.J. Jukola PhD (Saana)
      Assistant Professor
      dr. J.I. Paez (Julieta)
      dr. J.I. Paez (Julieta)
      Associate Professor
      dr. L.S. Moreira Teixeira Leijten (Liliana)
      dr. L.S. Moreira Teixeira Leijten (Liliana)
      Member / Assistant professor
      dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)
      dr. F.R. Halfwerk (Frank)
      Member / Assistant professor
      dr. A.R. Rao (Ashit)
      dr. A.R. Rao (Ashit)


      C.D. Lammertink (Cindy)
      C.D. Lammertink (Cindy)
      Clinical research coordinator / lecturer
      ir. I. Sitters (Ilja)
      ir. I. Sitters (Ilja)
      Occupational Hygienist
    • When and how to submit a request for ethics approval

      The NES Ethics Committee advises on ethical issues related to research projects involving human beings, human or animal materials including cells and cell lines, genetically modified organisms, or so called 'dual use' research where the product of the research could be utilized for harmful purposes, such as military use. 

      If you plan to do research involving any of the above-mentioned materials or subjects that has not been previously approved by the Biological Safety Officer (Ir. Ilja Sitters), and/or use potentially sensitive data about individuals, groups or organizations, you have to submit your proposal for ethical assessment by the EC.

      An increasing number of journals and funding organizations require an ethical review. Therefore it is important that the EC assesses whether the research proposed conforms to ethical standards. This applies to all research that falls within the domain of Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences and that is conducted by staff, PhD students, postdocs and students (BA-/MA-thesis), regardless of where it is conducted. If research is conducted by students or trainees, the supervising staff member bears the ultimate responsibility.

      In case of a research subject to WMO/non-WMO (Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen) read further under 'Requirement of medical-ethical reviews'.


      Does your research:

      • involve human subjects (and is not previously approved by the Biological safety Officer Ir. Ilja Sitters), OR
      • include the use of data (either new or existing), the collection and analysis of which might conflict with the interests of the individuals, groups or organizations to which these data pertain, OR
      • include the use of human or animal material (including cells and cell lines) that have not been previously approved by the Biological safety Officer, OR
      • include the use of genetically-modified cells or organisms that have not been previously approved by the Biological safety Officer, OR
      • can your research be classified as ‘dual use’ research, with potential applications in for instance military or police technology.

      If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then you DO need to submit your research for ethical review.

      Examples of research projects that usually do NOT pose ethical problems include the following: literature research, document analysis of publicly available reports design/construction/testing of new technology outside the mentioned areas of application.  

      The researcher is responsible for the full and correct description of the research in the checklist and application, and positive advice is based only on the material that has been submitted.


      1. Go to the UT ethics site and check out the four different domain specific committees, to determine where to submit your request for ethics approval.
      2. Go to the ethics review application and fill out the form. There is a user manual available for help. 
      3. Prepare the necessary documents and upload in the webform. Mandatory if applicable are an Informed consent form and an Information brochure for participants, which should be written in easlily understandable language, without difficult technical terms (examples available below). Other documents such as research plans or protocols could also be uploaded. Please limit the reading time of committee members by only uploading documents with information that is vital for the ethics assessment.  
      4. If you need assistance or would like to consult your supervisor, collegues or the secretary of the committee you can save a draft of your application as a PDF and email it to them, before submitting.
      5. Submit your request.

      Next steps:

      1. If you are a Ph.D., EngD or Ba/Ma student, the request will be sent automatically to your supervisor for their consent. 
      2. If you are a student and your research is part of a course in your study your teacher should take care of ethics assessment. For Ba and Ma theses the information under 1. applies.
      3. After submission (and after consent from the supervisor in the case of a (PhD-/EngD/Ba/Ma student), the request will be referred to a committee member for review.
      4. The EC reviewer will assess whether the submitted research satisfies the characteristics and conditions for ethically responsible research. He or she may ask some further questions for clarification or suggest some improvements, to which the applicant/researcher is expected to respond.
      5. After that the reviewer will give a positive advice if he or she does not see any objections to the research going forward or a negative advice is this is not the case.

      The old questionnaire is still available but only for reference below. Please use the tool to put in your reqest.

      For questions please contact the Secretaries of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences Ethics Committee (email: 

      Should you require a formal letter of approval/no objection for a research project that has been approved by the Ethics committee e.g. for publication purposes, please let us know.

      The intention of the Ethics comittee is to complete the ethical review within 2 working weeks after the initial submission of the request to the committee (If applicable this is after supervisor approval). This will not alway be feasible. Please note that during summer and winter recess fewer reviewers are available and ethics reviews may take longer than usual.

      Informed consent; The informed consent form is only required if that is relevant.


      If any substantive changes (amendments) are made to the research proposal (eg., methods or design) after the ethics review has been completed, these changes must be submitted to the Ethics committee. Send your changes to the Secretary of the Ethics Committee, and include your original application number. The changes will be presented to the involved EC-member to decide whether they can be approved or that the changes are so substantial that a new research request should be submitted. 

    • Requirement of medical-ethical reviews

      In the Netherlands, medical research involving human subjects is regulated by law: the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO). Research is subject to the WMO if:

      1. It concerns medical-scientific research, and
      2. Participants are subject to procedures or are required to follow rules of behavior. 
        Read more information to decide if your research falls under the WMO. (also in Dutch)

      If your research satisfies these two criteria, you have to undergo a review by an accredited MREC or the CCMO, instead of a review by our Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences Ethics Committee. In practice, there will always be cases in which it is not clear immediately if a study is or is not subject to the WMO: the so-called grey area. When in doubt it is best you contact the MREC or CCMO.


      The University of Twente and Rehabilitation Centre Het Roessingh cooperate with the accredited MREC 'Research Ethics Committee in the region Arnhem-Nijmegen (CMO A/N)' and stimulate research to submit there. You can submit your research dossier to the CMO A/N through their online portal. There is an instruction manual available for submission to CMO A/N. This procedure can also be used for advice on WMO applicability (non-WMO statement).


      TechMed supports UT researchers with this type of research. Get in contact


      If your research does not fall under the scope of the WMO then it does not have to be reviewed by an accredited MREC or the CCMO. However, please note you may need a non-WMO declaration in case you carry out your research in a hospital or another medical institution. Both METCs can provide this statement: CMO A/N or MEC-U
      Also, identify whether the organization with which you will be working has its own requirements and policy for the ethical review of research. If it does, submit your proposal to this organization, and provide us with a copy of your application and the resulting decision. 

    • Informed Consent


      Informed participation is an ethical and legal requirement for research involving human Participants. It is the process in which a participant is informed beforehand about all aspects of your research to enable the participant to make an informed decision on their willingness to participate in your research. 
      Informed participation is an essential requirement prior to every research involving people as subjects for research. It involves informing the subject about his or her rights, the purpose of the research, procedures to be undertaken, potential risks and benefits of participation, expected duration of the research, the extent of confidentiality of personal identification and demographic data, so that the participation of subjects in your research is entirely voluntary.  
      Informed consent - when a person actively provides consent to participate in your research - is also increasingly important for use of data after your research, as failure to properly address issues of consent may restrict the opportunities for initial use of data, the publishing of your results and the sharing of the data.

      NOTE: you always have to inform people who participate in your research about your research. Obtaining explicit consent (e.g. signing a form or tick a box) is not always required; if research data is gathered completely anonymously you do not need to register the participants' consent


      Participants, or their legal representatives, must be given ample opportunity to understand the nature, purpose and anticipated consequences of research participation, so they are able to give informed consent to the extent to which they are capable of doing so. Please note that not all human beings are capable of consent. Individuals with the capacity or competence to consent:

      • are 16 years or older (adult);
      • have the capacity to make choices about a proposed course of action;
      • know about the risks, benefits, and alternatives;
      • understand that consent is ‘voluntary and continuing permission’;
      • understand that consent ‘can be withdrawn at any time’.

      More info on individuals competence to consent on CCMO website (EnglishDutch).


      Consent is one of the six legal grounds for lawful processing of personal data, often consent is the most appropriate legal basis in research. If personally identifiable information of individuals will be processed in your research, active consent is required, according to EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR. Consent under the GDPR is: valid, freely given, unambiguous, specific, informed and explicit actively given consent. The 'consent' requires action: it needs to be given by a written (signed)/oral statement or by clear affirmative action. Silent consent, inactivity or pre-ticked boxes are not valid. 

      If you intend to process sensitive personal data, then explicit consent is required for collecting those data. For an explanation on personally identifiable information check the UT Personal Data website on privacy rules and definitions.


      The informed consent procedure consists of an information sheet AND an informed consent form 

      Specifically, the information provided in advance addresses (where applicable):

      • the voluntariness of participation;
      • the nature and purpose of the investigation, including if the data collection is meant only for training purposes
      • any reasonably foreseeable factors regarding the nature, purpose, and duration of the research that may influence participants’ willingness to participate (such as the extent of strain, potential risks, and discomfort)
      • the right to decline to participate and withdraw from the research at any time, without any negative consequences, and without providing any reasons;
      • any recording of voices and images (where applicable);
      • confidentiality protection and the limitations thereof;
      • procedures for incidental findings (where applicable);
      • additional insurance guarantees (where applicable);
      • period of time to which the consent applies;
      • time and nature of data storage
      • re-use of specified data in the current, future or other research;
      • incentives for participation;
      • names and details of the responsible researcher and contact person(s) for questions about the research and rights of research participants;


      Here you can find several informed consent forms. They are examples, which can be used as a template for your own, customized version. Before signing the informed consent form, participants need to be provided with sufficiently detailed information on the study so that they can make an informed, voluntary and rational decision to participate. 

      Interviews and experiments
      See the download below for a template for an Informed Consent you may use for interviews and experiments. 

  • Financial support
    • Contact persons Financial support

      Here you can find contact persons in the financial staff of ET

    • Financial lifecycle

      On this page you will find the support offered by the financial department of the Faculty of Engineering Technology per project fase (start, during, end). If you need support that is not mentioned here, please contact Roy Nordkamp, project controller financial department ET. 

      • Start of the project

        Support topic

        Description of the support

        Responsible person

        Contract management

        Ensure the financial paragraph in the contracts is written correctly and the rest of the contract is legally in order.

        Project calculator


        Drawing up quotes, also known as calculations, for new projects or alterations.

        Project calculator


        Making sure all papers that need to be signed are delivered to the dean, this includes the correct, related forms and making sure they are actually signed (contacts, quotes, project proposals and other related forms).

        Project calculator

        Advising PI's

        Advising PI's on possible projects and possibilities such as the testing of the budget proposals and coming up with potential alternatives.

        Project calculator/ administrator

        Drawing up VoCa

        Drawing up PreCalculations (VoCa) for PI's to provide them with a better overview of the financial possibilities of a project. This is eventually also needed for the opening of a project.

        Project calculator

        Assessing of documents

        Determining whether documents can be signed by the dean and determining whether documents need to be checked by the legal department.

        Project calculator

        Opening of projects

        Opening a project when it has been honoured.

        Project calculator

      • During the project

        Support topic

        Description of the support

        Responsible person

        Project administration

        Judging of invoices and orders (approve/disapprove) for projects, such as approving purchase orders that are linked to a project.

        Project administrator

        Budget maintanance

        Keeping track of the time between the budget, the duration of the project and the expenditures; signaling when a project goes over budget or when there is too little spent to ensure full subsidy grants. Drawing up and ellaborating on reports.

        Project administrator/Project calculator

        Adjusting VoCa's

        Adjusting VoCa's when needed when a project, for instance, is dealing with a change in personnel, an extension, a shift in costs, a shift in partners.

        Project administrator/Project calculator

        Drawing up invoices

        Drawing up (interim) invoices and bills that ensure the financial progress of a project. Can be checked by an accountant. 

        Project administrator


        Drawing up a variety of invoices for the projects; advance notes, cost statements or incidental invoices. These will be sent to subsidy providers or companies.

        Project administrator

        Debtor monitoring

        Ensuring invoices are paid on time and taking action when they are not.

        Project administrator

        Monitoring of hours in TAS

        Sending reminders using TAS to fill in/correct the hours. This ensures there are enough hours put into a project.

        Project administrator

        Personnel changes

        Signing in new employees in TAS and informing them about the hours registration.

        Project administrator

      • End of the project

        Support topic

        Description of the support

        Responsible person

        Drawing up final accounts (for the purpose of auditing)

        Drawing up the accounts regarding the financial progress of a project over a certain period.

        Project administrator

        Taking care of invoicing and debtor monitoring

        Creating of various invoices; advance notes, cost statements or incidental invoices. Also monitoring that invoices are paid (on time) and taking action when they are not. Reminders are sent centrally.

        Project administrator

        Final report internal

        Providing project leaders and/or faculty management with financial management reports on the projects. Also providing explanations for these reports.

        Project administrator

      • Overview of contact persons per department
    • Guideline process projects 2nd and 3rd money stream

      On this page you could find the guideline regarding the process for the 2nd and 3rd money stream projects of the Faculty of Engineering Technology. 

    • Procedures for submitting a research proposal

      An estimated budget plan is a required part of a grant proposal. This means that the funder often requests not only a description of the research planned, but also an estimation of what implementing the project will cost. It is very important to reach out to the financial department as soon as you decide to work on a project proposal. The financials controllers can think along with you on what your project will require and they will be able to keep in check the specific budget calculations conditions of the call. Importantly, the financial controllers will have the full picture of your research group/department's situation and will be able to advise you beyond the proposal you are working on. 

    • Procedure tuition fee PhD-candidates (Guest employees) ET

      On this page you could find the information about the procedure tuition fee PhD-candidates (Guest employees) of the Faculty of Engineering Technology. 

  • Grants support

    ET faculty provides grant support on most grants in the Netherlands and EU. Reach out to grants officer Haleh Abdizadeh, who is the ET-liaison from the SBD-Grants Office, for any questions related to grants.  

    To prepare you for writing a grant proposal, the SBD-Grants Office provides in-depth information on grants, European and Dutch grant landscapes and tailor-made support through information sessions, webinars and personal support. 

    dr. H. Abdizadeh (Haleh)
    dr. H. Abdizadeh (Haleh)
    Research Grants Advisor
    • Searching for grants
    • ET and UT research grants

      ET faculty and the University of Twente host several internal grant for its research employees to perform out-of-the-box crazy research or collaborate with industry, the University of Münster (WWU) or hospitals in the East-Netherlands region.

      • ET research grants
        • ET Crazy Research Call

          Crazy Research Call 2023 is closed!

          We all know the feeling: You have plenty of exciting research ideas, and some are even more wild than the other. And often, the wilder the idea the more difficult it is to find required funds to finance your ideas. It are these research ideas that can be the start of something new, something special, something big! The Faculty ET is now offering seed money to stimulate the initiation of challenging research ideas. We would like to challenge you to submit these exciting research ideas to us. An internal committee will decide which proposals will be granted. More information:

        • ET Da-Vinci Fellowship programme

          The Da-Vinci Fellowship programme aims to increase partnerships with international experts and expansion of existing ties by inviting top academics to the faculty for several weeks to months.

          The faculty of Engineering Technology highly values international relationships. Strong, long-lasting partnerships facilitate joint research grant applications and increases publication exposure. Furthermore, complex global societal challenges ask for multi-dimensional, cross-domain international solutions.

          Building ties with well-established experts around the world strengthens our research and improves our international standing. Furthermore, it enables a wide range of ET staff to build a wider personal network.

      • UT research grants

        The University of Twente hosts three internal grants for its research employees to collaborate with hospitals in the region or private enterprises and one collaboration grant with the University of Münster (WWU).

        Connecting Industries
        The University of Twente aims to further expand its partnerships with private enterprises in order to develop new technologies and to strengthen the public-private ecosystem of the university. To this end, the UT Connecting Industries calls were launched. Funding for this call will come from the Topsector HTSM, private enterprises and the University of Twente itself. Each year, the UT will decide if a new call will be opened.

        Pioneers in Health Care Innovation Fund (PIHC)
        The Pioneers in Health Care Innovation Fund (PIHC) is all about technical solutions to overcome limitations in the current health care, or new medical applications of existing technology. With the innovation fund, the University of Twente, Saxion, MST, ZGT and Deventer Hospital are promoting bottom-up collaboration between the world of new technologies and medical practice with a view to facilitating the introduction of innovative technology in the clinic.

        The University of Twente and Radboudumc have set up the Twente University RadBoudumc Oportunities (TURBO) program. With a grant from the TURBO program, research groups from both institutions can expand an innovative idea into a large research project.

        UT-WWU Strategic Collaboration Grant
        The UT-WWU Strategic Collaboration Grants aim to support joint research initiatives that focus on strengthening the international reputation and standing of both universities and facilitating access to new stakeholders (e.g. relevant international strategic networks, industrial and governmental parties) and third-party funding.

        More detailed information on the above grants can be found at:

    • Personal grant support
      • Personal Grants support Faculty ET

        To an ever-increasing degree, scientific research is reliant on external funding. The faculty of Engineering Technology is committed to supporting its researchers in their research grant applications.   

        Are you planning to apply for a prestigious personal grant? The ET faculty is committed to supporting its researchers in their research grant applications. Please see below what support ET faculty delivers.

      • Personal Grants Support SBD-Grants Office

        In addition to the support offered by the Faculty of ET, the SBD-Grants Office also offers support for your personal grant application.

      • Embedding guarantee MSCA European or Global Postdoctoral Fellowships

        Any researcher who wishes to submit an MSCA European of Global Postdoctoral Fellowship application, requires an embedding guarantee signed by the Department Chair. With this embedding guarantee, we hope to clarify up front for the researcher who is submitting the application and the Department Chair the contractual/legal and financial obligations for the Faculty of ET when a submitted application is granted. This way, we hope to take away all unclarities for the involved parties and ensure that all researchers at the Faculty of ET that submit an MSCA European or Global Postdoctoral Fellowship application, are certain that the Faculty of ET will host them for the duration of the project, if granted.

    • Grant proposal preparation

      To prepare you for writing a grant proposal, the SBD-Grants Office provides in-depth information on grants, European and Dutch grant landscapes and tailor-made support through information sessions, webinars and personal support. 

    • Research grants contribution margin UT
    • Financial support for grant proposal writing

      Are you planning to coordinate a large research consortium? ET faculty is supporting you! Each year ET faculty provides limited funds to involve an external consultant to assist you in writing the research proposal for a large consortium grant. See below for more information and how to apply for this fund.

      • External consultancy firms

        When developing a grant application, it can sometimes be useful to (partly) outsource support, for example due to a lack of time or experience. You can enlist the help of specialized subsidy consultancy firms for this. However, this help is usually not cheap. How do you make sure you won’t pay too much?

        In any case, always consult with the faculty ET, both before and during the negotiation process, so that you do not make commitments that ultimately prove unfeasible, often financially.

        The faculty can also assist you in the negotiation process to arrive at a price that is acceptable to you. If you need help with this, please contact Jan Dirk Kamminga.

    • Procedures for submitting a research proposal

      An estimated budget plan is a required part of a grant proposal. This means that the funder often requests not only a description of the research planned, but also an estimation of what implementing the project will cost. It is very important to reach out to the financial department as soon as you decide to work on a project proposal. The financials controllers can think along with you on what your project will require and they will be able to keep in check the specific budget calculations conditions of the call. Importantly, the financial controllers will have the full picture of your research group/department's situation and will be able to advise you beyond the proposal you are working on. 

  • Knowledge Safety & Export Control

    On this website, you will find all information about knowledge safety and export control. 

  • Increasing visibility and impact
  • PhD/EngD support

    The faculty ET offers both PhD tracks and EngD programmes for graduated Masters. Below the information related to the PhD and EngD is outlined.

    • EngD support

      The faculty ET offers both PhD tracks and EngD programmes for graduated Masters. Although the PhD is well-known university wide, the EngD needs some more explanation.

      An EngD is a two-year post-master technological designer programme. In these two years, an EngD-trainee spends 50% of his time in broadening and deepening his knowledge and the other 50% the EngD-trainee carries out an in-company design assignment to demonstrate how the knowledge gained is converted into innovative business solutions. It offers companies the possibility to hire a technological designer, a professional who can design and develop complex new products and processes and offer innovative solutions to their technological design issues.

      In short the EngD is a practical oriented professional doctorate in engineering which is better suited to the direct needs of industry, whereas a PhD track focuses on scientific research. The three most noticeable differences between a PhD and EngD programme are:

      • A PhD programme has a duration of 4 years whereas a EngD programme takes 2 years to complete
      • A PhD candidate focuses on research at the University, whereas an EngD-trainee focuses on technological designs in industry
      • A PhD can be done in any research area represented by a full professor at the University and leads to the title “Doctor” (Dr., equivalent to PhD). AnEngD leads to an “Engineering Doctorate” (EngD)

      The faculty ET is the organisor and coordinator of the EngD programmes in Civil Engineering, Energy & Process Technology, Maintenance and Robotics. You can find all support and contact persons at the section EngD contacts ET.

      At the EngD intranet you can find all programme related documents such as the charter, studyguides, qualifier forms and templates. For any questions about or support for EngD proposals, contact the programme director of the best fitting programme.

      • EngD contacts ET

        The Faculty ET offers the EngD programmes in Civil Engineering, Energy & Process Technology, Maintenance and Robotics. Hans Voordijk is responsible for the strategic management of the PDEng programmes at the University of Twente. If you have general questions regarding the PDEng/EngD, contact him at

        TGS is responsible for the daily operational activities (procedures and requirements, Hora Finita, supervisor and trainee support). You can contact them at:, +31 53 489 3520

        Types of support they offer:

        • Support and advise in creating Training and supervisions plans
        • Questions about rules, requirements and procedures
        • Hora Finita support
        • Providing information, brochures, presentations etc.

        The EngD programme Directors are responsible for the implementation, realisation and quality of the programmes. For any questions or support on proposals for EngD projects, contact:

        dr. S.R. Miller (Seirgei)
        dr. S.R. Miller (Seirgei)
        Associate Professor/Programme Director for Civil Engineering's Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme A.K. Pozarlik (Artur) A.K. Pozarlik (Artur)
        Professor / Programme Director EngD Energy & Process Technology M.B. de Rooij (Matthijn) M.B. de Rooij (Matthijn)
        Full professor / Programme Director of the EngD Maintenance programme T.H.J. Vaneker (Tom) T.H.J. Vaneker (Tom)
        Associate Professor/ Program Director of Robotics EngD programme
      • Setting up an EngD project - basic steps

        Five UT EngD programmes (of which four are located at the Faculty of ET) support two-year innovative technological design projects. EngD projects build strategic relations between university groups and industry, and thereby are a catalyst for future collaboration. As compared to attracting funding for PhD projects, setting-up an EngD design project is relatively easy in view of funding, proposal and organisation requirements. These steps are explained in ‘Setting up an EngD project – basic steps

      • Regulation for PhDs and PDEngs due to delay by Covid-19

        The Faculty ET has developed a regulation for PhDs and PDEng ET who experience significant, specific and unavoidable delays in their research due to the Covid-19 pandemic countermeasures. 

        ET organisation & regulations | Regulation for PhDs and PDEngs due to delay by Covid-19 | Intranet ET (

      • EngD website
    • PhD support

      The support for PhD’s is centrally organised at the Twente Graduate School (TGS). For any general questions and support you can take a look at their website or send an email to For any questions and support relating Hora Finita for PhD’s check the website or contact the Hora Finita support office at

      • PhD admissions

        General information about PhD admissions can be found at the Twente Graduate School (TGS).

        Regular PhD positions
        Regular PhD positions with employment at the university are announced at our vacancies website.

        ET policy for Non-employed PhD candidates
        If you are eligible for a PhD project according to the TGS-regulations mentioned above and have your own funding, please check the ET policy for Non-employed PhD candidates for the current regulations. 

      • Finished (almost) my PhD: what’s next

        Are you in your third or fourth/final year of your PhD, or did you recently finish your PhD? Are you curious to find out what is out there to aid you in continuing your academic career?

        For young researchers there are unfortunately limited options available in grants; for most applications you need to hold a tenure track or permanent position to be eligible as main applicant. However, most personal grant schemes are also tailored for young researchers, irrespective of physical age or current position.

        Please see information from the UT Grants Office which grants are fitting for young researchers and what you can do now already to boost your CV.

      • PhD website
  • Privacy (GDPR)/use of personal data

    Privacy concerns information about people. This includes any information that can be traced directly or indirectly to a natural person, for example a person’s name, identification number, phone number, location data (also digital), assessments, ethnicity, religion, health and biometric data. When you collect or use personally identifiable data of persons (e.g., respondents, informants, test subjects, interviewees) who participate in your research, you have to comply with the GDPR privacy law. If possible, process the data of the persons in your research anonymously right from the start or as soon as possible, anonymous data does not fall under the GDPR law. You can also work with pseudonymization (make use of coding), in that case, make sure you keep the key secure, as this data falls under GDPR regulations. More information on this can be found on the UT privacy website.

    If you have any questions related to privacy, please contact the Privacy Contact Person (PCP) of the faculty of Engineering Technology:

    A.M. Klijnstra (Anne-Marie)
    A.M. Klijnstra (Anne-Marie)
    Research Support Officer Faculty of Engineering Technology
    • Reporting data processing

      All data registrations of personal information must be recorded across the University of Twente (see FAQ). These registrations (systems, forms) are referred to as ‘processing’. The responsible owner of the registration must report the processing to the DPO team. Processing in the course of scientific research also falls under this obligation. In that case, the research scientist is the processing owner.

      The Privacy Contact Person (PCP) of the faculty ET can assist with processing registration. A registration tool is available to make it easier for the custodian to comply with the statutory requirements set for this purpose. 

      For more information check the GDPR registration tool.

      The Privacy Contact Person (PCP) for the faculty of ET is, Anne-Marie Klijnstra. The UT Data Protection Officer (DPO) can also be contacted.  

    • Processor agreement

      Do you engage a (new) party that processes personal data for you, you may need a processor agreement in case the research data is identifiable to individual persons. Please contact the PCP (Privacy Contact Person) of ET to sort out if a processor agreement is necessary: Anne-Marie Klijnstra

      If you bring in someone who will be processing personal data for you, this person is not allowed to use this information for his or her own purposes. You need to formalize this in a data processor agreement. This agreement establishes that the new person may not use the personal data for his or her own purposes and that this person must immediately report any data breach.

      The UT has already established a data processor agreement for standard applications that process personal data. If you are bringing in a new person, or if you’re not sure if someone has already signed a data processing agreement, contact the Privacy Contact Person of ET or the Data Protection Officers team.


      At the UT we use a standard template by SURF for the data processor agreement, which you can request from your Privacy Contact Person. You should include the following items in this agreement:

      • The topic and the duration of the data processing.
      • The nature and the objective of the data processing.
      • The type of personal data.
      • The categories of those involved.
      • The rights and obligations of the person responsible for processing the data.


      1. Please contact the PCP of ET if a processor agreement is necessary
      2. The PCP will send the template by SURF to the researcher
      3. The researcher fills out the form and returns it to the PCP
      4. The researcher receives a copy of the signed processor agreement from the PCP
  • Publishing and Archiving

    For advice on publishing and archiving, including the options for open access publishing, consult these pages. Currently there is no central or faculty fund to cover open access publishing costs. Us the UT Journal Browser to find out which journals you can publish in at a discount as UT-author.

    ir. L. van Ewijk (Luuk)
    ir. L. van Ewijk (Luuk)
    Information Specialist
  • Research Assessments

    The University of Twente attaches great value to quality assurance in research. We therefore periodically invite external experts to assess all research carried out at the UT. 

    For these assessments, the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP 2021-2027) is used. This protocol was drawn up by the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and VSNU ( Association of Universities in the Netherlands), and is used in all research assessments carried out under their responsibility.

    An international assessment committee of renowned peers assesses the performance of a research unit on three criteria: research quality, relevance to society and viability. The committee assigns the research unit to a particular category on the scale of one to four, one being the highest. The committee also provides a qualitative assessment of the policy on scientific integrity and PhD programmes. Open science, academic culture  and human resources policy are also considered. Evaluation is based on a site visit by the committee and on a written self-assessment of the research unit. 

    In the past ET has conducted research assessments based on disciplines. Since the new protocol puts more emphasis on management and strategy we intend to step away from this approach and conduct a faculty wide research assessment in future.

    For more information on past research assessments and the schedule for future assessments at the UT see:

    The most recent  self evaluations of ET can be found here:



    Date of site visit

    Civil engineering


    June 2018

    Self assessment report

    Committee assessment report

    Mechanical and Industrial Design Engineering


    October 2020

    Self assessment report

    Self assessment report: scrapbooks

    Committee assessment report

  • Research Data Management (RDM)

    Good scientific practice is one of the main reasons to manage research data during and archive the data after the project. It is important to keep available the raw, processed and/or analyzed data, as well as the documentation necessary for understanding the data and the way it was collected, processed and analyzed. This plays an important role in accountability issues, and allows the researcher to reuse his/her own data or to return to earlier stages of the research process when needed. As a result, research will be reproducible and verifiable. Proper research data management (RDM) makes science more transparent, and improves scientific integrity and societal trust.

    V.R.J.R. Wanningen MSc (Victor)
    V.R.J.R. Wanningen MSc (Victor)
    Research Data Steward
  • Research facilities
  • Research ICT

    Peter Lasker is the ICT Accountmanager of the Faculty of Engineering Technology and is the point of contact for advice on all ICT related questions that are not related to the usage of standard offered ICT facilities.

    ing. P. Lasker (Peter)
    ing. P. Lasker (Peter)
    ICT Account manager for ET
  • Scientific Integrity


    At University of Twente we have an integrated perspective and approach on integrity policies. We have an integrated integrity programme called ‘House of Integrity’ to structure and organize various integrity policies, regulations and practices. Our House of Integrity approach covers scientific, social and business integrity. 

    Scientific Integrity Programme
    If you would like to familiarise yourself with current issues of scientific integrity, and current legal frameworks now governing integrity, you can apply for the Scientific Integrity Programme at UT.  This programme is now available online and you can attend the subsequent workshop. 


    The University of Twente has a number of codes of conduct related to integrity. Here you can find, e.g. the behavioral standard for everyone who is part of the UT community,  the policy of the university in ancillary activities, which guidelines apply to professional scientific activities and various codes of conduct that apply, for example, to ICT and internet use or to (sexual) intimidation, aggression, violence and discrimination.   

    The codes are applicable to everyone who is part of the UT community: employees, students, and those representing the University of Twente. 


    At the UT it is of utmost importance that everyone feels they have a safe and secure basis for their work and study that also makes it possible to conduct difficult or critical conversations when necessary. Students and staff must be able to address concerns, dilemmas and complaints within the UT, they need to feel they are safe to do so and feel assured their report or complaint will be taken seriously. Providing a safe university environment is recently underlined in a statement by all Dutch universities.

    If you want to report undesirable behavior, you can get contact with one of the confidential advisors for advice and support whenever you have to deal with unacceptable behavior, like intimidation, (sexual) harassment, aggression, violence, discrimination, bullying or stalking, or when faced with a conflict in your work situation connected to such behavior. PhD candidates, too, may call on the confidential advisor. Bachelor's and master's students may not, however. These students can approach any of the student counsellors should they be confronted with unacceptable behavior.


    All those involved with education and research bear responsibility regarding upholding scientific integrity as specified in the Dutch and European codes of conduct for scientific integrity.

UT general research support

The UT research support team maintains the central Research Support category in the Service Portal. The UT central information provides an overview of and information about support throughout the entire research cycle.

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