Are you a Master student and looking to continue your academic career with a PhD? Or would you like to stay in academia after your PhD graduation? Sometimes you need funding to start your PhD-project or your post-doc project.
Please find here more information and options for you to consider.
Fund your PhD-project
Sometimes phd-candidates have to bring their own research funding in order to start their desired phd-project. Find here several suggestions on where to find this funding.
Finished (almost) your PhD: what's next?
Are you in your third or fourth/final year of your phd, or did you recently finish your phd? Are you curious to find out what is out there to aid you in continuing your academic career?
For young researchers there are unfortunately limited options available in grants; for most applications you need to hold a tenure track or permanent position to be eligible as main applicant. However, most personal grant schemes are also tailored for young researchers, irrespective of physical age or current position.