TURBO Program

Explore the TechMed Centre and the health labs

The University of Twente and Radboudumc have set up the Twente University RadBoudumc Opportunities (TURBO) program. With a grant from the TURBO program, research groups from both institutions can expand an innovative idea into a large research project. 


TURBO program contribute to the missions of both institutes: the University of Twente's 'To Improve Healthcare by Personalized Technology’, and Radboudumc's ‘A Significant Impact on Healthcare'.

The University and RadboudUMC, and especially its respective research institutes TechMed Centre, MESA+, DSI, RIHS, RIMLS and the Donders Institute, recognize the value of scientific collaboration and exchange between the institutes. They have determined that there is enough interest to form a formal partnership in the context of the strategic priority of ‘Concepts for a Healthy Life’ and the TOPFIT Impact programme in the eastern region of the Netherlands. The primary goal of the TURBO program is to realise (more) joint research projects, the secondary goal in to increase the exchange of teachers, researchers and students.  


The goal of a TURBO grant is to prepare a research project for the acquisition of larger external grants, for example from national and EU-funds or from companies that work in the area of health and technology. The collaboration between the University of Twente and the RadboudUMC will also stimulate the exchange of students and researchers and the sharing of knowledge and expertise.    

Four grants

Annually, four TURBO grants are awarded. These project-based grants of 80K Euro each will be awarded to four (preferentially) new collaborations between researchers from the University of Twente and Radboudumc.  Grants are evaluated by a committee and selected on the basis of scientific quality, the odds of receiving additional grants, innovation and societal impact. 

The grants can be spend freely, for example to hire (new) scientific personnel, purchase equipment, arrange networking events for the setup of new consortia, or to realize participation of industrial parties/companies for a joint grant application.

Evaluation committee

Every member of the evaluation committee evaluates the (short) proposal on the established criteria: (scientific) quality (50%), feasibility of project and likelihood of obtaining additional funding (20%), innovativeness (15%) and (societal) impact (15%).

Projects that do not fulfil the general criteria and required focus will not be taken into consideration by the evaluation committee. The evaluation committee must come to an unanimous agreement. If no consensus can be reached, the chairman will take the final decision.

Time line 2025

23 April 2024 

Announcement TURBO round 2025 

15 July 2024 

Deadline full proposal TURBO grant 

15 July – 15 Sept 2024 

Applications evaluated by reviewers and the committee 

16 October 2024 15:30-17:30 

Granting meeting (online or live) 

Not later than 1 Jan 2025 

Start of projects 

31 December 2025 

End of projects and draft grant proposal written 

1 April 2026 

Submitted grant application at external funding body at the latest 



For general information or questions about the TURBO program:

M.J. Weghorst (Marlous)
Management Assistant