Education programme for UT PhD candidates

The PhD programme is a nominal 4-year programme. The programme consists of writing a dissertation and completing 30 ECs in doctoral education.

The doctoral education programme at the University of Twente enables candidates to develop basic and advanced research skills, acquire disciplinary knowledge and transition effectively into their future careers. The programme, described in detail in the Doctoral Education Guidelines, applies to all PhD candidates regardless of their PhD category. It requires a minimum of 30 European Credits (ECs) that must be documented in the Training and Supervision Plan (T&SP). Both courses and hands-on learning activities count towards ECs:

The programme offers flexibility in multiple ways. For example, the programme can consist of courses and hands-on activities. Also, there are self-paced options available for all mandatory courses.

Doctoral Education Guidelines

The Doctoral Education Guidelines describe the 30 EC doctoral education programme in detail. Please read them carefully. The educational guidelines are regularly updated based on feedback from course evaluations and consultations with PhD candidates and supervisors. The current guidelines consist of:

Training and Supervision Plan (T&SP)

The Training and Supervision Plan (T&SP) specifies the roles of the supervisors, who may be appointed as promotor(s) and co-promotor(s) after the qualifier, the amount and format of personal supervision (e.g., frequency and mode of meetings) the PhD candidate is entitled to, and any involvement in teaching or student supervision. It also lists the PhD candidate's individual 30 EC doctoral education programme with the courses or alternative ways to acquire the necessary competencies. Amendments to the T&SP are allowed. The T&SP must be submitted within three months after the start of the programme; timely submission ensures that the candidate gets feedback and, if necessary, can act on it.

For each completed doctoral education activity, the PhD candidate must upload completion evidence as required by the Doctoral Education Guidelines. The activity details provided by the candidates serve as input for the TGS Certificate, which is analogous to a transcript of records. The information provided must be accurate for auditing purposes and because some PhD candidates need to submit the TGS Certificate to the national diploma validation body when they return to their home country.


Generic courses

Below is a list of the UT mandatory and selected UT-provided elective courses, including links for registration. This list includes links to recommended Nature Journal’s Masterclasses as well as Coursera courses. The Nature Masterclasses are designed for a general audience of early career researchers, are not discipline-specific, and are open to all PhD candidates.

For the mandatory courses, there are two modalities:

For the Nature Masterclasses, the institutional login option and UT credentials are required to login. The Nature Masterclasses issues course certificates for every completed course. The UT Coursefinder platform lists additional courses which might be relevant. PhDs can follow most of them and claim ECs, too.

List of all generic courses:

Disciplinary master courses

The Doctoral Education Guidelines allow to follow UT master's courses if no post-master level disciplinary courses are available. 

  • Read more
    • 5 ECs in master courses for broadening purposes (i.e. when the PhD candidate has no prior background in the subject and needs to build the knowledge from ‘scratch’), and/or
    • An unlimited amount of ECs in master courses, provided these courses are ‘upgraded’ to post-master level with an upgrade assignment, but only if the lecturer agrees to the requests to provide and assess an upgrade assignment.

    Master courses are listed in the Osiris platform, where the search engine can be used to access course descriptions. However, PhD candidates who wish to take a master course need to contact the course coordinator to request permission to take the course and be given access to the learning environment i.e. Canvas.

    If the master course needs to be ‘upgraded’ to post-master level, the PhD candidate should ask the course coordinator whether they agree to provide a post-master level final assignment. The coordinator should also issue an (email) statement that lists the learning goals of the upgrade assignment, explains why it qualifies as post-master level and confirms that the master course including the upgrade assignment was successfully completed.


Course description and 'Option B' (Co)promotor assessment forms

Course description forms for both 'Option A' and 'Option B' and (Co)promotor assessment forms only applicable to 'Option B'.

Additional resources

  • Professional development and support
    • The Writing Centre can help you identify a suitable writing style based on aspects such as document type (e.g. PhD manuscript, journal/conference/magazine article, grant proposal, project deliverable) and target audience. Please contact Dr. ir. Aline Valster at for more information. Note: this is not a correction service.
    • The Methodology Shop offers free advice on research methodology and statistical analysis.
    • The mentoring programme offers you the opportunity to reflect on your career in sessions with a senior staff member for 1 year. 
    • Information on research methodology by Sage is available here.
    • Eligibility to follow courses from the 4TU Federation Universities (see the courses section above)
    • MyCareer: development options offered by the UT Human Resources department
    • Besides the Data Management Bootcamp, which is a mandatory PhD course, there are several extra research data management courses and activities listed on this page.
  • Personal development and support
  • Courses at 4TU

    The 4TU universities (TU Delft, TU/e in Eindhoven, WUR in Wageningen and the University of Twente) have opened up their Doctoral Education training programmes to each other’s doctoral candidates (pilot). You can also enrol in their Doctoral Education courses. 

    All partner universities have excellent Doctoral Education training programmes:

    • TUDelft: The general overview of the TUDelft programme on transferable skills can be found here. (For the list of courses of TUDelft, please email:
    • TUe: For the list of courses of TUe, please email
    • WUR: The WUR programme can be found here.

    Please take travel time into account when signing up for courses. No additional fees will be charged for courses you may take within the 4TU consortium.