Welcome at ET Research support!
- ET Research Support ServicesOn this page, you will find an overview of support the RST can provide. In case you are not sure who to contact for support on your specific question, please check the overview of the research support team members Ethics Committee The University of Twente has adopted a university-wide research ethics policy. This policy states that an ethical review of non-medical research will be conducted by one of the domain-specific committees. For information on ethics review of medical research and a description of the other domain-specific committees, pleas visit the UT page on Scientific integrity . Ethics Committee Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences (NES) The NES Committee facilitates and monitors the ethical conduct of all research in the field of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences domain. For general information and questions, please please visit the ET page on Ethics assessments for research or contact the secretary of the Ethics Committee Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences: Ethicscommittee
- ET Research Support Team MembersAs Research Support Team of the faculty of Engineering Technology, we provide demand-driven support for our research staff. Topics we can provide support on range from increasing personal branding, to increasing the success rate in funding schemes, to providing assistance in project preparation & execution. More information about our services can be found here. On this page, you will find an overview of team members and their expertise. M.C. Kamp (Maria) ing. P. Lasker (Peter) ir. L. van Ewijk (Luuk) prof.dr.ir. A.H. van den Boogaard (Ton) dr. H. Abdizadeh (Haleh) drs. J.G.M. van den Elshout (Janneke) A.M. Klijnstra (Anne-Marie) ir. M.H.B. Rupert (Marike) V.R.J.R. Wanningen MSc (Victor) dr.ir. J.D. Kamminga PhD (Jan Dirk) A. Bonenberg - Zwijnenberg (Annemarie) J.J.E. Hilgers (Jolanda) ing. G.H.W. Hondorp (Hendri)