UTLC can support your professional presentation and writing skills throughout your PhD research. In addition, we advise you to consider setting-up writing accountability groups. More information is found here.
There are some online references to help you through your PhD track:
- The Dutch PhD Coach (Arjenne Louter, with a blog and PhD tips)
- Doing a doctorate (Vitae, realising the potential of researchers)
- PhD Comics (Lots of humour: a comic strip every day and the PhD Movie I and II)
- Which grass is greener? Personal stories from PhDs about their careers within and outside of academia
- Pathways to Practice - a practitioners toolkit- supporting international doctoral candidates (Melissa Laufer and Meta Group, an EAIE publication)
- International Student Handbook (practical guide)
- Graduating around the globe (prof. dr. T. de Jong (ed.))
- PhD Unplugged: The coaching podcast for PhD students
… and more about stress:
- Make stress your friend (TED talk by Kelly McGonigal)
- What, Me Worry? (Stanford Alumni article by Kristin Sainani)
- What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it? (TED talk by Elizabeth Cox)
Reference books:
- R. Brewer: Your PhD Thesis - How to plan, draft, revise and edit your thesis. Studymates Ltd., 2007, 219p, ISBN 978-1-84285-070-1
- J. de Bruin and B. Hertz: Project Management for PhDs. Eleven International Publishing, 2010, 140p, ISBN 978-90-5931-619-5
- P. Gosling and B.D. Noordam: Mastering Your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral Years and Beyond. Springer, 2nd ed. 2010, 154p, ISBN 978-3-540-33387-6
- B.E. Lovitts: Making the Implicit Explicit - Creating performance expectations for the dissertation. Stylus Publishing, 2007, 409p, ISBN 978-1-57922-180-5
- E.M. Phillips and D.S. Pugh: How to get a PhD - A handbook for students and their supervisors. Open University Press, 4th ed. 2005, 220p, ISBN 978-0-335-21684-0