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BMS Master tracks market

For all UT bachelor students

Are you a current UT bachelor student with aspirations for a specialised master's degree? Look no further! Join us at the BMS Master tracks market, where you can meet students and professors of the 30 Management & Social Sciences Master tracks, and ask all kinds of questions you might have. You can find the complete list of tracks below.

Event Highlights

  • Date & time: March 5th, 12:00 - 14:00
  • Location: Atrium, Ravelijn
  • Registration: Free walk-in
  • Discover your future: Get first-hand information about the Master tracks that intrigue you the most
  • Get one-on-one information: Talk to students and track coordinators to gain valuable insights
  • Application guidance: Learn about the admission process, requirements, and application deadlines

Which Master's is a match? Go to: Doorstroommatrix.nl

Wondering which Master's programme aligns with your bachelor's degree, have a look at Doorstroommatrix.nl. Get an overview of suitable UT master's. The platform also provides insights into potential pre-masters or additional courses you might need to pursue your dream master's programme. So come prepared to the BMS Master market and get more information on the Master tracks of your preference. 

Double Degrees and Joint Educational Programmes

Next to the Master tracks, you can also find more information about the opportunities to follow a Double Degree, or Joint Education Programme. And yes, this can be an option for you too! If you are intrigued by the prospect of earning two degrees in a streamlined fashion, we invite you to explore the possibilities that UT's Double Degree and Joint Educational Programmes have to offer. For more information visit the general Double Degree stand, or visit the stand of one of the Master tracks involved!

list of all BMS master tracks 

Visit one or more of these Masters (tracks) during the market.

  • Master's in Business Administration

    Seven tracks to choose from:

    • Digital Business & Analytics 
    • Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy  
    • Financial Management 
    • Human Resource Management 
    • International Management & Consultancy 
    • Purchasing & Supply Management 
    • Strategic Marketing & Servitisation 
    • Double degree options 
  • Master's in Communication Science

    No tracks, but there are three focus areas:  

    • Organisational Communication & Reputation 
    • Technology & Communication 
    • Digital Marketing Communication & Design 
    • Double degree options
  • Master's in Environmental & Energy Management

    Three tracks to choose from:

    • Energy Management 
    • Environmental management 
    • Water management 
  • Master's in Educational Science & Technology

    No tracks, but a great deal of freedom in customising your own Master’s, by choosing elective courses that interest you. 

  • Master's in Educatie in de Betawetenschappen (NL)

    UT lerarenopleiding with five tracks:

    • Informatica 
    • Natuurkunde 
    • Scheikunde 
    • Wiskunde 
    • Ontwerpen 
  • Master's in European Studies

    You can choose between two options at the end of the first semester, the one year programme or a two year Double Degree programme with Münster.

  • Master's in Industrial Engineering & Management

    Three tracks to choose from

    • Financial Engineering & Management 
    • Healthcare Technology & Management 
    • Production & Logistic Management 
  • Master's in Philosophy of Science Technology and Society

    Offers a lot of freedom because of elective courses, and you can apply for the 4TU Ethics and Technology track at the end of the first year. Besides this, there are two double degrees options (with Public Administration or Business Administration).

  • Master's in Psychology

    Five tracks to choose from: 

    • Conflict, Risk & Safety 
    • Health Psychology & Technology 
    • Human Factors & Engineering Psychology 
    • Educational Psychology 
    • Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology 
  • Master's in Public Administration

    You can choose to build your curriculum around one of six unique profiles: Healthcare, Safety & Security, Sustainability, Public Governance of Science & Technology, Public Affairs or Nederlands Openbaar Bestuur (Dutch-taught). Next to this, there is an option to follow a double degree with Philosophy.

So don’t miss out on your future, and visit the BMS Master Market on March, 5!