Overview joint and double degree master's programmes

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Are you interested in different cultures and scientific approaches? Then following a joint or double degree might suit you!

Joint and double programmes have an integrated curriculum and are coordinated and offered jointly by prestigious higher education institutes from all around the world. Upon completion, you will have gained either a joint, double or multiple degree.

What is a Joint degree?

A joint degree is awarded upon successful completion of a joint programme. It is a single certificate awarded by at least two higher education institutions offering an integrated programme and it is officially recognised in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located.

What is a Double degree?

A master's double degree consists of two national degrees awarded by the two higher education institutions offering the joint programme attesting the successful completion of this programme. The degrees are officially recognised in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located. Unlike the joint degree - which is a single document -,  the double degree consists of two different documents.

You will be following two different master's programmes simultaneously, either at the same institution or at different institutions (sometimes in different countries). As you are doing two programmes at the same time, it will take less time to obtain two degrees than it would if you obtained them one after the other. These joint programmes usually take up more time than a ‘standard’ master’s programme.

What is a Multiple degree?

A multiple degree consists of separate degrees awarded to you by the higher education institutions offering the joint programme, thereby attesting the successful completion of this programme.

Overview joint & double degrees

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