- Courses, career and professionalisationA quickstart to development possibilitiesAnnual interview (FJUT) for employeesCentre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching (CELT)Courses and study facilities for employeesCourses and workshops for studentsDE&I Advisory BoardLean way of workingMy careerProfessional development for teaching staff: English, UTQ/BKO, Teaching FrameworkProfessorship policiesVacancies creation
- For managersAs a leader, you shoulder numerous responsibilities — for yourself and your team. This category helps you guide through them
- Terms of employmentAbsence and reintegrationAncillary activities (nevenwerkzaamheden)Business travelCommuting travel, temporary accommodation and relocationConfidential adviser, complaints and disputesEnd of employmentInsurancesLeave types & leave regulationsOptional model for employment conditionsPension accrual at ABPPersonal HR/Payroll system (AFAS)Salary and remunerationScope of employment, working hours and daysSocial security for cross border workingStaff manual (CAO, regulations, codes of conduct)University Job Classification (UFO)UT Student JobsUT Travel Unit (UTTU)Vitality PactWorking abroad