As a member of staff of the UT you are obliged to accrue a pension with the ABP (Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds) pension fund.
This is the pension fund for the government and education sectors.
The ABP pension plan comprises three group pensions: ABP KeuzePensioen (old age pension), ABP Nabestaandenpensioen (surviving dependants' pension) and ABP Arbeidsongeschiktheidspensioen (occupational disability pension).
You can find more information about ABP and the ABP pension plan at
Each year, ABP sends you a statement of the pension that you have accrued with them. In addition, ABP has an online 'personal environment': via MijnABP (only Dutch) you have direct digital access to your own pension details. You can make calculations and simulate pension options. You can log on to MijnABP with your DigiD.
On you can see how much statutory old age pension and supplementary pension you have accrued and with which Dutch pension providers (pension funds and pension insurers). You can access this data with your DigiD.
pension accrual for annual incomes above € 137,800
In the ABP pension plan the compulsory accrual of the old-age and survivors' pension is maximized on a full-time annual income of € 137,800 (reference date: 1 January 2024, pro-rata with part-time). On a voluntary basis you can take out a net pension product* for income above this maximum.
ABP English-language pension information session
ABP consultation hours stop as of 2024
ABP will stop offering pension consultation hours at the UT as of 2024. The reason the consultation hours will no longer be offered is that the questions are not complex enough to be handled by a specialist.
As an employee, you can find most information about pensions on MijnABP. If you can not find the answer in MijnABP, please contact ABP's Customer Services. For complex issues, an individual conversation with a pension specialist is scheduled via customer service.
Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.
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