List of group insurances for all UT employees, like collective healthcare opportunities through Menzis
Healthcare insurance (Menzis)
Health insurance is required by law for everyone who lives and/or works in the Netherlands. Anyone who is obligated to take out Dutch health insurance under the Health Insurance Act, must enrol with a health insurer and take out at least the Dutch Basic Health Insurance to cover medical expenses within four months of arrival in the Netherlands. You have to take this out yourself and this can be done with any Dutch Health Insurer. However, the UT has a collective agreement with Menzis, which gives you as a UT employee certain benefits and discounts on the additional and dental insurance packages.
As a participant in the collective health insurance, you will receive a collectivity discount of 15% per month on the premium of the supplementary and dental insurances. As an UT employee, you will also receive 3 extra physiotherapy treatments from the employer's benefit if you have supplementary insurance.
The discount on the supplementary insurances and the 3 extra physiotherapy treatments for UT employees also applies to the combination package JongerenVerzorgd. This is an additional insurance and a dental insurance all in one for young people between the ages of 18 and 30. There is no premium discount and no employer benefit such as the 3 extra physiotherapy treatments to the basic insurance Menzis Voordelig and the corresponding combination packages Aanvullend and Extra Aanvullend.
Read more about the healthcare insurance with Menzis in the paragraphs below and on
Staff members and retired staff members residing in the Netherlands
You can use the UT’s collective health insurance if you are employed by the UT or are retired. Besides, you and your partner and your children up to the age of 18 as well as any unmarried children up to the age of 27 who study irrespective of whether they are or are not a member of the household, can also participate in the UT’s collective health insurance.
Staff members residing in Germany
Staff who live in Germany will as a rule have to take out (basic) healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. For this, they can make use of the UT's group healthcare insurance. Registration can be done online via
After registration, you will receive an E106 treaty form from Menzis, with which you can also register with a German insurance institution (Krankenkasse). This registration is free of charge. After registration with a Krankenkasse, you can make use of medical care in both the Netherlands and in Germany. The Krankenkasse reports family members who are also insured with the CAK. Family members who are jointly insured are entitled to medical care in accordance with the legislation in Germany. If desired, they can take out supplementary insurance with the Krankenkasse. A nominal premium (treaty contribution) is payable to the CAK for the entitlement to medical care of a jointly insured spouse and children above 18 years of age. This premium will be charged to you by the CAK. For more information, see the website of the CAK.
Do you live in the Netherlands and your family members live in Germany?
These family members cannot take out healthcare insurance in the Netherlands. They can often still be jointly insured, however. To this end, you can apply for the E109 treaty form from Menzis. This form should be submitted to a Krankenkasse. If it is established that your family members are jointly insured, you can register them with a Krankenkasse by means of the E106 treaty form. Family members who are jointly insured are entitled to medical care in accordance with the legislation in Germany. If desired, they can take out supplementary insurance with the Krankenkasse. A nominal premium (treaty contribution) is payable to the CAK for the entitlement to medical care of a jointly insured spouse and children above 18 years of age. This premium will be charged to you by the CAK. For more information, see the website of the CAK
If you have any questions about health insurance in international situations, please contact the Menzis Team Polis Buitenland: or +31 (0) 53 485 34 77.
Retired staff members residing in Germany
As a rule, retired staff members residing in Germany and their families cannot take out health insurance with a Dutch health care insurer. They are only entitled to medical care as provided for in Germany and need to register with the CAK. For medical care they can turn to a German health care insurer (Krankenkasse). Persons from the age of 18 are due a nominal premium to CAK. On working days between 8.30 a.m. and 17.00 p.m. retired staff members residing in Germany can contact the CAK by telephone on +31 88 711 5551.
Menzis’ website shows you the various basic and additional packages which UT staff members can take out at a collectivity discount.
Basic insurance
The Dutch health care system has a statutory basic insurance for everyone residing in the Netherlands or abroad but working and paying wage tax in the Netherlands. Children up to the age of 18 years are co-insured with their parents. Children from the age of 18 years are to take out a basic insurance themselves. The government establishes the insured package for the basic insurance. The basic insurance compensates a large part of your medical costs, like GP care, specialist medical care, delivery and maternity care, medication, stay in a hospital and patient transport.
Additional insurance packages
On top of the basic insurance, you can choose additional insurances. This additional insurance compensates care that is not or only partly covered under the basic insurance. For example, alternative medicine, physiotherapy and spectacles. You can decide whether and which additional cover you take out in addition to the basic insurance. Children under the age of 18 years do not pay any premium for additional insurance products, provided the package chosen is the same as that of one of their parents.
The basic insurance Menzis Basis Voordelig can only be combined with Aanvullend or Extra Aanvullend. This is an additional insurance and a dental insurance all in one and does not have a collective discount.
Combined additional package for young people: JongerenVerzorgd
Young people between the ages of 18 and 30 may combine the basic insurances Menzis Basis and Menzis Basis Vrij with a special supplementary insurance package: Jongeren Verzorgd. This package is an additional insurance and a dental insurance all in one. You can find this additional package when selecting collective scheme number 20340.
Dental insurance packages
In the basic insurance, persons up to the age of 18 years are insured for elementary dental care such as regular preventive dental examinations, anesthesia, fillings, and fluoride treatments. If you are aged 18 years or older, your dentist costs are not compensated under the basic insurance. You can take out a dental insurance policy for this.
Collective scheme numbers
You can choose between two collective scheme numbers for the University of Twente, depending on your supplementary insurance package.
- 58908 is for the supplementary collective insurance called Collectief Aanvullend and the dental collective insurance (so-called Collectief Tand)
- 20340 is for the standard Menzis insurance packages Extra Verzorgd and the dental insurance Tand Verzorgd.
The most important differences between the Supplementary Collectief Aanvullend Insurance and the standard Extra Verzorgd Insurance are:
- The supplementary insurance Collectief Aanvullend has more generous coverage for prevention, such as health courses and lifestyle advice.
- The supplementary insurance Collectief Aanvullend includes four additional insurances. The standard health insurance package Extra Verzorgd has three.
- Collectief Tand has a more generous coverage for orthodontics than Tand Verzorgd.
Would you like to find out what the most important coverage is for each insurance package, please refer to the reimbursement guide.
Worldwide Clause
If you have to stay abroad for the UT for a longer period (more than 10 weeks), good cover for healthcare costs is vitally important. The cover provided by a regular Dutch health insurance policy, combined with the collective travel insurance, does not always appear to be sufficient. Therefore, the UT has made agreements with Menzis on a temporary extension of the healthcare insurance cover for you and your family members: the Worldwide Clause. In order to qualify for the Worldwide Clause, you must be insured with Menzis (basic + additional).
It is up to you which health care policy precisely you choose. Menzis accepts all staff members, retired staff members and their family members for the basic insurance and for all supplementary types of (dental) insurance which are part of the UT’s collective health insurance. However, a waiting time from 1 year applies to some dental care (crowns, bridges, implants and orthodontics).
Premiums of the healthcare insurances Here you will find the premiums of the healthcare insurances. In case of quarterly, half-yearly or annual payment you will receive a payment discount. Also you can opt for an extra personal excess. In exchange, you receive a reduction on the premium
The basic insurance has a compulsory excess of € 385 per calendar year for insured aged 18 years and older. This means that, if in any calendar year you have incurred medical costs, you will pay the first € 385 yourself. If you do not make any medical costs during the entire year, of course you do not pay any excess. The excess – compulsory and voluntary – does not apply to all medical care. Care provided by the GP, care for children under the age of 18 years andobstetric care, are not subject to excess.
Application & when to register You can register with Menzis online via Click on "Find your employer". Under ‘Search for your (employer’s) collective’ enter: Universiteit Twente. You will then be given a choice between the two collectivity numbers (more information on the two collectivity numbers: see heading "insurance packages").
When to sign up
As a rule, your participation in UT’s collective health insurance can only start from 1 January of any calendar year.
The following situations, however, are exemptions:
- If you change employer and are able to convert your current collective health insurance with Menzis or another healthcare insurer into UT’s collective insurance.
- If you are insured abroad and because of your employment with the UT are obliged to take out health insurance in the Netherlands.
- If you are currently uninsured for healthcare costs but are obliged to take out health insurance in the Netherlands.
You can easily report adjustments online using My Menzis. Do you need help, please contact Menzis Customer Service.
Adjustment cover
It is not possible to adjust the cover of your health care policy in the course of the calendar year. However, there is one exception to this. If a co-insured child reaches the age of 18 years, it must take out his or her own Basic Insurance. If your child is unmarried and a student, he or she can continue to participate in the UT’s collective health insurance and remain on your health care policy. If your child is married or is not a student, he or she must apply for his or her own health care policy. In both situations you can make changes to your child’s additional insurance and the dental insurance. You can also opt for a first risk clause. These changes are to be passed on to Menzis no later than in the month in which your child has reached the age of 18 years. The changes will always be effective from the first day of the month following the month in which your child has reached the age of 18 years.
Changes in your personal or family situation
A change in your personal or family situation may have consequences for your health care policy, for example in case of a birth, death, marriage or divorce. But also if a family member moves to his or her own address. Only family members who move for reasons of study, can remain insured via you. If this is not the case, the family member must take out his or her own health care policy. You are required to pass on any changes in your personal or family situation that are relevant for your healthcare policy to Menzis within 30 days.
Termination of employment
If your employment with the UT ends, you are to pass this on to Menzis. As a rule, your health insurance will be continued for the remainder of the calendar year on the basis of the then applicable individual conditions and individual premium rates. This means that the extras in the specific UT arrangement will cease to apply. The same applies to the collectivity discount over the premiums of the Basic Insurance, additional insurance and dental insurance. There are three exceptions to this rule:
- Your employment ends due to (early) retirement. You and your family members can continue to participate in the UT’s collective health insurance on the same conditions and with the same premium rates. You do not need to do anything.
- Immediately following your employment with the UT you start with another employer in the Netherlands who offers you a collective insurance. You can switch prematurely to the collective health insurance of the new employer. In this case you must cancel your health insurance with Menzis within 30 days after the commencement date of your new employment. The termination of your insurance with Menzis and your new registration with the new health insurer will have no retroactive effect. Both will be effective from the first day of the same calendar month.
- Immediately following your employment with the UT you take up residence abroad and you are no longer obliged to take out health insurance in the Netherlands. After cancellation Menzis will terminate your insurance effective from the day on which this new situation commences.
Would you like to claim an invoice? You can do this easily in My Menzis. If you have an invoice regarding costst you made abroad, you have to claim in writing. Please check the Menzis Customer Service website for more information about claiming.
Without any notice to the contrary, Menzis will renew your health insurance each time for one calendar year.
Termination at the start of a new calendar year
If you wish to terminate your insurance with Menzis at the start of a new calendar year, you are to do so in writing before 31 December of the current calendar year. Subsequently, you have the time until 1 February of the new calendar year to take out another Basic Insurance with another insurer. This new Basic Insurance will then commence as per 1 January of the new calendar year.
Termination in the course of a calendar year
As a rule, it is not possible to terminate your insurance with Menzis in the course of a calendar year. There are two exceptions:
- Your employment with the UT ends and immediately following you start with another employer in the Netherlands who offers you a collective insurance? You can switch prematurely to the collective health care insurance of the new employer. In this case you must cancel your health care insurance with Menzis within 30 days after the commencement date of your new employment. Your cancellation of your insurance with Menzis and your new registration with the new health care insurer will have no retroactive effect. Both will be effective from the first day of the same calendar month.
- Your employment with the UT ends and immediately following you take up residence abroad and are no longer obliged to take out a Dutch health insurance? After cancellation Menzis will terminate your insurance effective from the day on which this new situation commences.
Do you have any questions about UT’s collective health insurance or do you wish to pass on information? You can reach Menzis in various ways. For more information go to
Private non-life insurance and mortgage
ABN AMRO (until 31 December 2021)
Employees of the UT receive mortgage interest rate discounts at ABN AMRO. This possibility, however, will expire per 1 January 2022. Do you have a mortgage with an interest rate discount through the UT? In that case, the discounted mortgage will continue until the interest rate review date. Do you still want to take out or increase a morgage with an interest rebate? Do this before 30 November 2021. The maximum discount is 0.1%. If you want to know more, go to Or call 0900-0024.
At Centraal Beheer you get a discount on various insurance policies such as: home insurance, travel insurance and car insurance. If you would like to take advantage of Centraal Beheer's discounts and offers, check this website.
Incapacity for work insurance (IPAP)
UT staff members are insured against loss of income due to partial occupational disability with Loyalis. This insurance partially covers the financial consequences of partial incapacity for work. The premium for this is paid entirely for you from Employment Funds. This has been achieved in collaboration with the OPUT (trade unions).
Each staff member can, on an individual basis, extend the insurance to provide coverage in case of full incapacity for work. The premium payable for such extended coverage is heavily discounted and will be withheld from the staff members' gross wages. On balance, the premium payable for extended coverage will amount to less than 0.2% of the net monthly wages. If you apply for the extension within 6 months after the start of your employment with the UT, Loyalis will accept the application without you having to meet its medical conditions.
Surviving dependants’ insurance (elipseLife)
The UT has concluded an agreement with elipseLife for a surviving dependants act (ANW) shortfall insurance. If you want more security for your partner when you die, you can register voluntarily for this insurance. If you apply for the insurance within one month of taking up employment or within one month after entering into a partner relationship, you will be accepted without answering medical questions.
The University of Twente has concluded an agreement with elipsLife for a collective Anw gap insurance.
Have you ever thought about the consequences for your partner's income if you die? Can your partner continue his/her life without financial worries after your death? It's important to think about this.
Under certain conditions, your partner is eligible for a temporary basic income from the government; the Anw survivor benefit. In addition, your partner receives a survivor's pension from ABP. If you want more security for your partner, you can take out insurance for this. An insurance that provides a fixed monthly benefit to your partner after your death. This is called an Anw shortfall insurance.
The Anw shortfall insurance for Civil Servants and University Employees is an insurance with attractive conditions. On the elipsLife website you will find additional information, such as the policy conditions that apply to this Anw shortfall insurance. You will also find an animated film here in which the financial consequences in the event of death and the Anw shortfall insurance are briefly explained.
If you want to register for this insurance, possibly after advice from your financial adviser, you do so yourself and you also pay the premium yourself. This does not take place through the UT as an employer. You can register via
No medical questions will be asked when you register within one month of taking up employment. Employees who enter into a partner relationship can also register within one month after entering into the partner relationship (marriage, cohabitation contract or at least 6 months living at the same address) without medical guarantees. If you register later than one month after taking up employment or later than one month after entering into a partner relationship, medical data will be requested which can lead to a rejection of the coverage.
The insurance is subject to a so-called carenz period, which means that if you die within one year, the surviving dependant is not entitled to any payment if your death is the result of an ailment, illness, complaint or disorder that existed on the insurance inception date.
If your employment with the university ends, you have to notify elipsLife within four weeks via If you want, you can ask for a quote to continue the existing insurance on an individual basis.
For questions about the Anw shortfall insurance you can send an e-mail to:
If you die, your partner's possible income may be supplemented by the Surviving Dependants Act (Anw) Benefit, the partner pension and/or your own supplementary insurance. Below you find more information about this.
Surviving Dependants Act (Anw) Benefit
The government wants surviving dependants to be sure of a basic income. Therefore, they can claim a benefit through the General Survivors Act (Anw). There are conditions attached to this.
Your partner receives an Anw benefit if:
- your partner has not yet reached the state pension age; and
- cares for a child, foster or stepchild under the age of 18, or
- if your partner is at least 45% incapacitated for work.
The amount of the Anw benefit depends on your partner's income. Does your partner have income from work or in connection with work, such as a WAO (state pension) or WW (unemployment) benefit? Then this income will be partially or completely reduced on the Anw benefit.
A benefit from the Anw is therefore uncertain and the amount of any benefit may be low due to other income.
ABP partner's pension
Before 2018, there was compensation from the ABP if your next of kin received no or a low Anw benefit. In May 2018, this Anw compensation was withdrawn from the survivor's pension. This can have major negative income consequences in the event of death. These income consequences are partly compensated by the increased accrual for the ABP partner pension from 1 January 2018. In addition, if you have accrued a pension with the ABP before 1996, you may also be entitled to a limited supplement to the survivor's pension under the so-called Annex K of the ABP Regulations. An indication of the maximum height of that supplement can be seen below in the table:
Supplement to survivor's pension Supplement
15 years of service for 1996 € 4,000 gross per year
10 years of service for 1996 € 2,800 gross per year
5 years of service for 1996 € 1,400 gross per year
Your partner does not need to apply for this supplement from ABP. After death, it is paid automatically if the conditions are met. This supplement stops when the survivor reaches the state pension age.
Supplementary insurance
If you feel that is necessary, you can arrange something for your partner yourself in addition to a possible Anw benefit and the survivor's pension. For example, by taking out life insurance or surviving dependants insurance. ElipsLife's Anw gap insurance as described above is an example of this and has been made especially possible for civil servants and university employees.
Group travel insurance
If you will be taking an international business trip, make sure to apply for the UT's collective travel insurance in a timely manner. To do so, use the web application 'International registration and travel insurance', listed on This insurance is available for students and employees. Since the webapps are only available for employees, students cannot apply themselves. After the personal details have been recorded, the original of the policy will be sent to the insured person by the controller of the financial cluster. If you have any questions on the coverage and conditions of this insurance, contact
Downloads and coverage list
Third-party liability insurance
Third-party liability insurance covers all damage and harm caused by UT staff members, students, trainees, temp workers, guest lecturers, etc. to themselves or others when performing any work on the instructions of the UT. If you have any questions on the coverage and conditions of this insurance, contact
Emergency assistance accident insurance
The UT has taken out insurance for all staff members forming part of the university's emergency assistance teams. If you are an emergency assistance team member, this insurance covers all accidents occurring while you perform your emergency assistance work.
Please get in touch with for any further questions about Group Travel Insurance, Third-party Liability Insurance or Emergency Assistance Accident Insurance.
For all other insurance contact HR services:
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Last edit: 9 January 2025