Social security for cross border working


Working from a border region. 

When you work from home in a border region this might have consequenses for your social security. It is important that you know all the information before you decide to work from home. On 25 May 2022 there have been two information meetings about the social security if you are working from Germany. This information can be found on this page.

Social security

The basic rule for social insurance is that it is assigned to one state. Contributions are only payable in one state for the total salary. Benefits are accordingly only granted by this one state. The decisive factor for the allocation of the applicable social security law is basically the question in which state you physically carry out your activity. If you carry out your activity exclusively in one state, its social security law is applicable.

On 14 June 2022 the Secretary of State has agreed to extend the temporary measure, because of Covid until 1 January 2023. You remain social insured in the Netherlands until 1 January 2023 and the certificate of coverage (A1-statement) is not necessary at the moment.

Starting 1 January 2023 the law regarding the cross border working will probably change. This means that if you work from another country for 25% or more of your working hours, your social security will be switched to the country you are working from.

Factsheets from the KPP

Here you will find the factsheets from the KPP (tax consulting company). In these factsheets the German social security is explained and compared to the Dutch social security.

Information meetings

Below you will find the recordings and the PowerPoint presentations of the information meetings on 25 May 2022. The meetings were held in Dutch and in German. For information in English please check the factsheets above.

Frequently asked questions

Later we will post some frequently asked questions.


Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.

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