Level 1: Institution – Executive Board

The Executive Board is in general responsible for establishing central supporting frameworks, policies, guidelines and procedures, for having a well-functioning PDCA cycles at all levels, and for the practical organisation of examinations. The Executive Board acts on these required elements in order to foster good quality of assessment, by establishing a Framework, a PDCA cycle for assessment, and by offering several facilities and provisions to provide practical and stuctural support.

Frameworks & Guidelines

To ensure good quality assessments, the Executive Board established the Framework for Assessment Policy, including a Vision on assessment, via this website. As the basis for the Framework for Assessment Policy, (inter)national principles such as the principles of the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) and requirements and frameworks for accreditation by NVAO and ENQA are fundamental. Additionally, UT-wide agreements or documents apply as a basis, referring to, for example our Vision on Learning and Teaching, the strategic plan, the BBR, the model for Faculty Regulations, the Student Charter, the Guideline & Model for the BSc Education and Examination Regulations, rules of order for the central organization of examinations by CES, and Codes of Conducts (such as the Code of Ethics). When it comes to terminology, the terminology established with the previously mentioned policy is leading. In addition, to support the information on this website, key terms have been defined. 

Organisation & Facilities

The Executive Board fosters the quality of assessments by stimulating professionalisation, by stimulating innovation of education and assessments, and by offering facilities to support programmes in their pursuit of high-quality assessments. To ensure and support high-quality assessment, various colleagues, working groups and bodies play a (in)direct role in assessment, establishment or implementation of education and assessment policy.

More about Organisation & Facilities:

Quality Assurance & PDCA

To strive for high-quality assessment, all levels of the university must function in an aligned and interconnected way. Central quality assurance plans and the Framework for Assessment Policy, including the actions resulting from these, are therefore aligned and reinforce each other. The Framework for Assessment Policy aims to enhance the quality of assessments and examinations and can be seen as part of the overarching quality assurance framework regarding education. The fulfilment of the requirements at each level should be carefully monitored and agreements, measures, and provisions should be reviewed regularly and adjusted if necessary. Attention is paid to the consistency of plans, mutual recognition and finding ways that policies and plans can positively influence each other. A well-functioning PDCA cycle plays an important role in this respect. More about this is mentioned in the Vision on Assessment and in the requirements on Programme level.  

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