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Master Industrial Engineering & Management

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Businesses and organisations today need creative, multidisciplinary managers who combine technological know-how with engineering and management skills.

Do you see yourself taking on such a role in, for example, production and logistics, healthcare and/or financial engineering? Are you excited about using simulations, mathematical and/or statistical models to solve the problems and improve the performance of (international) organisations? If so, the Master’s in Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM) at the University of Twente might just be the right choice for you.  

During this two-year, English-taught Master’s you will learn to improve operational processes, in which multiple and sometimes competing objectives need to be considered, such as improving quality and service, managing risks, increasing productivity and reducing cost. The multidisciplinary approach of this Master’s helps you become the all-round, yet specialised professional many organisations are looking for. 

Start Master's in Industrial Engineering & Management

You start your studies in September or February. In case you need to follow the Pre-Master's first, you can only start in September and continue with your Master's in February.  

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Choose a specialisation

As a student, you have a lot of freedom to tailor your Master’s to your own interests and ambitions. We offer you different kinds of specialisations and research orientations, so you can develop your own expertise.  

At the start of the Master’s you need to choose a specialisation. Your choice determines which courses you take and the type of research you are involved in during your master’s thesis. You can choose one of the three specialisations:  

PLM is a classic specialisation in Industrial Engineering & Management, FEM and HCTM are unique in the world, which means following either of these will give you knowledge and skills very few professionals today possess. Choose your specialisation.

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Career perspectives

Graduates of this Master's are in high demand in the job market and find employment very soon after graduation. The majority, about 95%, has a job within six months, most of them even within one month after graduation. These jobs are often challenging and well-paid.  

Job of a graduate

To give you an idea of your future job, student Jeroen Assink visited alumnus Daan Koelemeijer. Daan is Site Manager at Gaudium Creative Weavers.

As a graduate, you may work in consultancy or research, or take up a management position in a commercial company or a government or healthcare organisation. Examples of jobs you could pursue include account manager, risk consultant, director of business development, supply chain manager or even CFO/COO. Of course, you can also choose to first expand your specialist knowledge base by pursuing a PhD or EngD programme as offered by UT’s Twente Graduate School (TGS).  

Curious about your future job? Your career perspectives might depend on the specialisation you will follow. Choose a specialisation to find out what your future job could be like.

  • Where do graduates of Industrial Engineering & Management work?

    Graduates of this Master's found highly various jobs with a very wide range of employers:

    • UPS
    • Unilever
    • KLM
    • Toyota
    • Rabobank
    • KPMG
    • HP
    • DSM
    • Grolsch
    • Coca Cola
    • Compaq
    • Swatch
    • KPN
    • Shell
    • Bol.com
    • Medisch Spectrum Twente
    • Philips

Programme overview

Top rated programme
Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme

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