Master Technical Medicine

Get equipped to become a technical doctor who can use medical technologies to their full potential.

Technology plays a major and increasingly important role in healthcare and medicine. Think for example of the use of artificial intelligence in detecting tumours, wearable sensors that can monitor the health of patients with chronic diseases remotely, or the use of 3D-printed bone implants or prosthetics. Innovative technological developments follow each other at a rapid pace and demand a medical specialist who knows how to use technology as optimally and safely as possible in the diagnosis and treatment of individual patients. Are you eager to take on this specialist role within a (top clinical) hospital, or somewhere else? Then the Master’s in Technical Medicine (Technische Geneeskunde in Dutch) at the University of Twente is the right choice for you.

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This three-year, Dutch-taught programme will train you to become a technical physician (also referred to as a clinical technologist) within the Dutch hospital services who can combine scientific medical and technical knowledge in patient care within various hospital units. You will gain clinical skills – like performing endoscopies, catheterisations, injections, punctures, surgical operations and reanimation - and learn about the latest innovations and technologies in the medical domain. Your technical knowledge will not only enable you to use these technologies in the diagnosis or treatment of certain conditions, but it will also give you insights into the human body. As a technical physician, you will learn to interpret the human body as a logical, reducible system.

Start Master’s in Technical Medicine

You can start the Master’s in Technical Medicine in September or February. In case you need to follow the Pre-Master’s first, you can start in September and continue with the Master’s afterwards.

Read more in Dutch

This programme is taught (mainly) in Dutch. On this page, you can find a short English summary of the Master’s in Technical Medicine. Looking for more detailed information? Go to the Dutch website!

Choose a specialisation

This Master’s prepares you to become a Technical Physician, an officially registered healthcare professional in the Netherlands, that can perform a set of technical-medical procedures in direct patient care independently. To this end, you will acquire a number of clinical skills. In addition to gaining this fundamental knowledge, you will specialise in one of the two following areas:

Technical Medicine in Twente

If you are interested in studying Technical Medicine, you have come to the right place. The University of Twente is the first university worldwide to offer a study programme in Technical Medicine, and since its foundation, the field has grown to become a recognised, fully-fledged discipline in the Dutch healthcare sector. As a student, you will have unique access to the TechMed Centre, a leading research institute that aims to improve healthcare with innovative, personalised technology. For example, during your studies, you will regularly use the simulated operating roomsintensive care units and medical imaging labs within the Simulation & Training Centre and you will be taught by leading scientists and medical experts who are closely linked to (and often partly working in) clinical practice.

Which health programme is right for me?

The health-related study programmes offered at the University of Twente are perfectly aligned with daily practice in the healthcare sector. These programmes, Technical Medicine, Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences complement each other in different ways. Whereas Technical Medicine students are trained to independently diagnose and treat patients using existing technology, Biomedical Engineering students learn to develop new technologies for healthcare. It is up to the Health Sciences students to analyse healthcare issues from different perspectives and to design, implement and evaluate improvements.

Career perspectives

As a graduate of the Master’s in Technical Medicine, you can look forward to excellent job opportunities. Graduates all found high-level, well-paid jobs within a few months, most of them within (academic) hospitals. You could work in a variety of hospital units, such as radiology, neurology, cardiology, surgery, pulmonary medicine, 3D laboratories or intensive care.

More than a technical doctor

Although most graduates of this Master's work as technical physicians within a hospital, you also have excellent career opportunities outside clinical practice. For example, you can work for a company that focuses on the development of medical technologies (such as Demcon, Siemens or Philips), or you can start your own company, as some of our alumni have also done. You can also continue your studies with a PhD, either within a university or an academic hospital.

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Programme overview

Master’s degree in Technical Medicine
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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