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Master Industrial Design Engineering

Become a ‘designeer’ and enrich people’s lives with new and/or better products while continuously improving the development processes involved.

In your daily life, without realising, you are continuously surrounded by products. But who designed these products? Why are they shaped the way they are? What user demands do they meet, what processes lie behind the development and what technologies are involved in that process? That’s what the Master’s in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) at the University of Twente (UT) is all about.

This two-year, English-taught Master’s enables you to become a ‘designeer’, an industrial design engineer who does not only know how to design and engineer a (part of a) product, but goes beyond that. With in-depth, scientific insights, you will learn to oversee the whole design and engineering process and know how to continuously develop and improve the products and the processes involved. In the end, it’s about developing products that enrich people’s lives. 

Start date

You start your studies in September or February. In case you need to follow the Pre-Master’s first, you can only start in September and continue with your Master's in February.

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Choose a Master's track

Within this Master’s, you choose your specialisation by following one of the Master’s tracks. Your choice of track determines which courses you are to take and the type of research you will be involved in. You can choose one of the three offered tracks: 

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Programme overview

Master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Engineering Technology
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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