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Master Industrial Design Engineering

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Become a ‘designeer’ and enrich people’s lives with new and/or better products while continuously improving the development processes involved.

In your daily life, without realising, you are continuously surrounded by products. But who designed these products? Why are they shaped the way they are? What user demands do they meet, what processes lie behind the development and what technologies are involved in that process? That’s what the Master’s in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) at the University of Twente (UT) is all about.

This two-year, English-taught Master’s enables you to become a ‘designeer’, an industrial design engineer who does not only know how to design and engineer a (part of a) product, but goes beyond that. With in-depth, scientific insights, you will learn to oversee the whole design and engineering process and know how to continuously develop and improve the products and the processes involved. In the end, it’s about developing products that enrich people’s lives. 

Start Master's in Industrial Design Engineering

You start your studies in September or February. In case you need to follow the Pre-Master’s first, you can only start in September and continue with your Master's in February.

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Choose a Master's track

Within this Master’s, you choose your specialisation by following one of the Master’s tracks. Your choice of track determines which courses you are to take and the type of research you will be involved in. You can choose one of the three offered tracks: 

  • Emerging Technology Design (ETD)

    What are the latest breakthroughs in technology? And how do you use these state-of-the-art technologies in designing and engineering solutions? This track turns you into an expert technology-oriented industrial design engineer.

  • Human Technology Relations (HTR)

    With this track, you become a people-oriented industrial design engineer, taking into account the human perspective of design. What does it take to create technology that gets as close as possible to what human beings truly want from the products and solutions they use?

  • Management of Product Development (MPD)

    This track takes you beyond engineering and design. It prepares you to become a process-oriented industrial design engineer, able to handle the bigger picture of processes and stakeholders in the development of new and better products.

We do not solely focus on creating good-looking products, but on serving the needs of the consumer, by improving products as well as the production process.

Silas Nethe, Master's student IDE

Career perspectives

The demand for industrial design engineers is eminent as innovation and smart design are gaining importance in the development of our society. The Master's in Industrial Design Engineering prepares you to be dynamic and strategically strong while offering a study programme that can be, to a large extent, adjusted to your preferences, making you a unique and expert industrial design engineer. The strength you will gain at UT in technology and engineering makes you all the more employable.

Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Philips
  2. ASML
  4. Belastingdienst
  5. ING
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Thales Group
  3. ENGIE Energie
  4. Zonneplan
  5. Demcon
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Curious about your starting salary, top 5 jobs or trends in this career field? Get the Master’s brochure.
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Job opportunities for industrial design engineers

Graduates go on to fulfil a wide variety of jobs. They focus on (product) design or development, research, management or consultancy within many different sectors and fields. Think of, for example, the automotive industry, packaging, biomedics or fast-moving consumer goods, to name just a few of the many options. Also, the issues on which you can focus is highly varied, from cost reduction to safety measures to sustainability.

Whether you want to become a specialist in engineering a specific type of product, the manager that oversees the whole production process or the researcher who applies the newest scientific insights in product design: with the Master’s in IDE you can become the industrial design engineer you want to be. Alternatively, you can expand your specialist expertise by pursuing a PhD or EngD programme as facilitated by UT’s Twente Graduate School (TGS).

Curious about your future job? Choose a Master's track to find out what your future job could be like.

Programme overview

Master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Engineering Technology
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 February 2025
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme

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