Master Communication Science

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Use the most effective communication strategies and CUTTING-EDGE innovations to help organisations and governments drive behaviour change. 

For any societal change to take place, people must change first. The communication strategies of governments and organisations play a crucial role in this transformation. Think about making the shift towards clean energy or tackling issues, such as fake news, polarization, and conspiracy theories. What communication strategies can motivate citizens to shift towards clean energy? Why do people trust fake news over mainstream news sources? The societal impact of AI on organisations, media, and consumer decisions is another significant concern. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using AI for operational optimisation? What about the risks of media personalisation based on social media browsing? If you want to delve into communication solutions to societal challenges, the Master’s in Communication Science at the University of Twente is an excellent choice for you.

In this one-year, English-taught Master’s, you will learn how innovations influence new societal challenges and what role communication plays in resolving them. You will dive into topics like VR, AI, filter bubbles, fake news, conspiracy theories, identity and reputation, corporate social responsibility, and crisis communication in the context of societal challenges like polarization, sustainability or safety. Think of using communication theories to design persuasive apps that help people engage in a desired behaviour, such as avoidance of echo chambers (polarization), reducing food waste (sustainability), or taking care of their online privacy (safety).

Start Master’s in Communication Science

You can start your studies either in September or in February. If you need to follow a Pre-Master’s programme, you can start in September or February and then continue with the Master’s.

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Develop expertise in a distinctive domain 

As a student of the Master’s in Communication Science at the University of Twente, you can specialise in a specific domain of communication science to gain a competitive edge in the job market. Depending on your interests, you can tailor your expertise in one of the following areas:

"I chose Communication Science because of the focus on real-world applications. In one of the courses, I created a prototype of an educational game where players collect trash from the ocean to raise awareness about the consequences of ocean pollution."

Chiel Nijman

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Career perspectives 

As a communication science graduate, you will be in high demand in the job market. You can go in the direction of digital marketing and content creation and work as a content marketing manager, social media creator, or digital advertising manager. How about jumpstarting your career in public relations, corporate communications, or crisis communication management? You will be well prepared to work at prominent companies, such as Philips, market research firms, such as Metrixlab, and global corporations, such as FrieslandCampina, to name but a few. Moreover, you can opt for an academic career and do a PhD at the University of Twente. You can even start your own company!

Career perspectives

With the skills and knowledge you acquire in our Master’s in Communication Sciences, you will have excellent job prospects. On average, our graduates find a good job within two months.

Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Philips
  3. FrieslandCampina
  4. INTK
  5. The Seafood Bar
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Adwise Internetmarketing
  2. Wehkamp
  3. Zonneplan
  4. Silka Holiday Rentals
  5. Seeders
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Curious about your starting salary, top 5 jobs or trends in this career field? Get the Master’s brochure.
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Programme overview

Master’s degree in Communication Science
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
1 year
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 February 2025
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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