Get a good impression of the Master's in Electrical Engineering and the opportunities after graduation by having a look at the testimonials of students, alumni and staff.
Students and staff
Student Rob
"Electrical engineers provide the technology of the future."Student Thomas
I have looked at a lot of different study programmes before I found the right one for me. Electrical Engineering (EE) proved to be the most fun and challenging of them all- Student Dativa
In developing countries, we always move at a slower pace in research and adopting new mobile technologies. I wanted to learn more about them, which is why I chose to do my Master’s in telecommunications engineering. - Student Freddy
A master is an entirely different proposition to a bachelor’s. You have far more freedom, you can select the courses that suit your own ambitions and interests. Column by student Stef
Stef wrote this column as a contribution to the U-Today special about Electrical Engineering, 2019.Lecturer Rafaella
The course I teach is called Digital Control Engineering. Through lectures and practical work in the lab, I help students learn how to analyse and control multivariable dynamic systems in both continuous and discrete-time domains.
Alumnus Robert
‘I am glad that I chose electrical engineering. My knowledge comes in handy in so many different ways. Power electronics, medical technology or photonics: I deal with all that and more at the company I now work for,’ he says.Alumnus Bjorn
A University of Twente alumnus, Bjorn Timmer graduated in Electrical Engineering in the year 2000. In 2004, he successfully defended his PhD research on ‘Gas sensing in Microfluidics’.- Alumnus Boudewijn
Alumnus Michel
In 2007 Michel Franken completed his Electrical Engineering degree at the University of Twente and in 2011 he gained his PhD in the University’s Robotics and Mechatronics department.- Alumnus Benno
The fascination for medical technology determined his choice of study and university. His mind was made up immediately at the University of Twente open day when he watched a demonstration on electrostimulation in mice. Column by alumnus Marcel
Marcel Pelgrom, UT alumnus, wrote this column as a contribution the U-Today special about Electrical Engineering, 2019.