Structure Electrical Engineering

You have a lot of freedom to customise your Masters in Electrical Engineering.

Within the Master’s in Electrical Engineering, you build expertise in a specific field by choosing one of the eleven specialisations. In addition, you can tailor your Master’s to your interests by choosing elective courses from other specialisations or related master’s. The freedom to customise your programme will empower you to become the electrical engineer you want to be.

The choice of Maarten

“How can you develop chips and make micro-scale sensor systems? Interestingly, the same techniques used to manufacture chips in phones are used to make tiny fluidic sensors. By combining these two specialisations, I have learned not only to model an entire micro system but also to interface and analyse the chips. That’s why, as part of my master’s thesis, I designed, fabricated, and characterised a chip that could analyse fingerprints of fluids in real time, which has numerous applications in the pharmaceutical and food industries.”

Double specialisation in Semiconductor Devices & Technology and Micro Sensors & Systems


  • Technology
  • IC Technology
  • Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design 
  • Material Science
  • Optimal Control

The choice of Nadine

“The specialisation in Semiconductor Devices & Technology provides me with knowledge of the devices and materials used to make chips, while in Integrated Circuit Design I learn about the intricate building blocks of chips. These elements form the core of technologies we use daily, from laptops to smartphones. In my thesis, I am investigating metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET) in a recent technology: what are their limitations and possibilities, and how can we optimise their usage while minimising potential drawbacks?”

Double specialisation in Semiconductor Devices & Technology and Integrated Circuit Design


  • Nanoelectronics 
  • Advanced Analog IC Electronics 
  • System-on-Chip Design 
  • A/D Converters
  • Microwave Techniques

The choice of Rutger

I was part of Green Team Twente and worked on engineering a hydrogen power system. As this is a complicated power system, I learned to solve different challenges: for example, how to convert the hydrogen into electricity and, then, distribute it to the motor, steering wheel, and other parts of the car. That’s why, I chose the specialisation in Power Electronics. I focus on applications for cars and aircraft. In my thesis, I am developing a hybrid fuel cell and a battery electric power distribution system for a propeller-driven aircraft.”

Specialisation in Power Electronics


  • Electric Machines and Drives
  • Advanced Semiconductor Device Physics
  • Control System Design for Mechatronic Systems
  • Measurement Systems for Mechatronics
  • Modelling and Simulation

The choice of Twan

I am focusing on the intersection of radio systems and integrated circuit (IC) design. How can we design wireless transmitters for high-frequency systems, such as those used in automotive radars? The challenge lies in designing efficient and compact chips. IC design is a cornerstone of radio frequency electronics, such as Bluetooth chips. By combining these two specialisations, I learn about both the significance of wireless technology operation for analogue design and the impact of analogue design limitations on wireless technology.”

Double specialisation in Radio Systems and Integrated Circuit Design


  • Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • Wireless Transceiver Electronics
  • Microwave Techniques
  • System-on-Chip Design
  • Advanced Analogue IC Electronics

How to compose your Master’s

Your curriculum depends on the choices you make when you compose your Master’s. There are two steps you need to take.

  • Step 1: Choose a specialisation

    Once you start with your Master's, you need to choose a specialisation: this allows you to build expertise in a specific domain in electrical engineering. You can discuss the most suitable option for you with the programme coordinator.

    Do you want to expand your expertise by integrating knowledge and skills from two specialisations? If you combine specialisations, you will take courses from both, complete an internship, and write a master’s thesis while maintaining the same workload. Both specialisations will be mentioned on your diploma. This Master’s has eleven specialisations:

  • Step 2: Compose your study programme

    Once you have chosen a specialisation, you can decide what the rest of your study programme will look like. In your first year, you will take mandatory courses: two societal and philosophical courses and technical courses to develop expertise in your chosen field. In addition, you will take elective courses to deepen your knowledge or broaden your expertise by exploring related disciplines. You can choose electives from your own specialisation, the other EE specialisations, or from related master’s programmes, such as Embedded Systems, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Computer Science, or Sustainable Energy Technology. In your second year, you will do an internship and carry out research for your master’s thesis.

    You will compose your study programme in close consultation with your programme mentor. This will ensure you put together a coherent curriculum that makes you the electrical engineer you want to be.

Master’s structure

During your Master’s in Electrical Engineering, you will earn a total of 120 EC in two years.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.

You will begin with two mandatory non-technical courses and technical courses tailored to your specialisation. In consultation with your programme mentor, you will choose elective courses. In the second year, you will focus on your master’s thesis, which entails extensive research within one of our research groups.

Below is the general structure of this Master’s programme.

Year 1 and 2

Compulsory courses for all master’s students

5 EC

Perspectives on Engineering Design
Philosophy of Engineering

Specialisation courses

20 EC

Each specialisation has its own set of compulsory courses. Choose a specialisation and find out which.

Elective courses

35 EC

You will choose elective courses to gain more in-depth knowledge in your specialisation or explore other specialisations and related fields.


20 EC

In the second year, you will do an internship preparing you for the professional field.

Master's thesis

40 EC

In the final three quarters, you will join a research group to complete your master’s thesis

Total EC

120 EC

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