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Master Civil Engineering & Management

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Learn to design, construct and maintain our natural and built environment in a way that is futureproof and sustainable.

Civil engineers play a crucial role in shaping our world and society. In fact, it is hard to imagine a world without them. Infrastructures, buildings, water resources, coastal protection: our environment would look entirely different if it weren’t for civil engineers. What does it take to design, construct, and maintain the natural and physically built environment in a way that is futureproof and sustainable? For example, how can we protect ourselves against rising sea levels? Are there smarter ways to perform maintenance on bridges to lower the risk of failure? And what infrastructure improvements are needed for the wider adoption of electric vehicles? The Master’s in Civil Engineering & Management at the University of Twente will help you to create solutions to many complex challenges related to construction and infrastructure, sustainability, resilience, water management, and traffic and transport.

This two-year, English-taught Master’s focuses extensively on both the technical and non-technical aspects of the management, design, realisation, and maintenance of civil engineering projects and systems. After all, while engineering skills are very important, they are not the only determining factor for success. Many other factors need to be taken into account while managing civil engineering projects: policy, political interests, participation and permits, stakeholders, land expropriation, sustainability, costs, budgeting and price control, logistic efficiency and safety. It is exactly this integrated approach to civil engineering projects that differentiates this Master’s from similar degrees at other universities – and will make you stand out on the job market as well!

Start Master’s in Civil Engineering & Management

You can start your studies in September or February. In case you need to follow the pre-master’s first, you can start in September and continue with the Master’s afterwards.

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Choose a specialisation

You have a lot of freedom to tailor your Master’s in Civil Engineering & Management to your interests and ambitions. You will build your own expertise within one of the four specialisations, which represent different domains of civil engineering. Within these specialisations, you can even choose from different profiles and electives. You can choose one of the following specialisations:

Career perspectives

Now is an excellent time to start a career within the civil engineering sector. Growing populations, ageing infrastructures, new challenges regarding sustainability, climate change and digitisation and an overall shortage of civil engineers in the current job market have led to an increased demand for academically trained civil engineers and managers throughout the whole sector. And the integrated approach and your ability to oversee, analyse and predict all processes involved in large, complex civil engineering projects, will make you a highly sought-after expert. In fact, it is not uncommon for students to get a job offer while writing their thesis.

Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Politie
  2. Kracht
  3. Rijkswaterstaat
  4. Gemeente Amsterdam
  5. Alliander
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Top 5 employers with the most jobs available
  1. Provincie Overijssel
  2. Witteveen+Bos Raadgevende ingenieurs
  3. Saxion
  4. Gemeente Enschede
  5. Gemeente Steenwijkerland
Number of job vacancies in the field of this Master’s
Based on data in the time period between 1/1/2020 till 24/7/2024
Curious about your starting salary, top 5 jobs or trends in this career field? Get the Master’s brochure.
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Job opportunities for civil engineers and managers

After graduation, you can find a job across the full spectrum of the civil engineering sector. Broadly speaking, you could pursue a career within consultancy or engineering firms (e.g. Arcadis, Sweco, RoyalHaskoningDHV, Goudappel Coffeng, Witteveen+Bos), construction companies or contractors (e.g. Ballast Nedam, Heijmans, BAM, Boskalis, Van Oord), governmental institutions (e.g. the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment – Rijkswaterstaat in Dutch – municipalities, water boards) or research institutes (e.g. TNO, Deltares, or the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency – Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving in Dutch).

Another option is to pursue an academic career at a university, either UT or any other university worldwide, by obtaining a PhD or EngD after your Master’s. The type of projects or research you will work on in your future career can vastly differ and depend on your chosen specialisation as well as your interests and ambitions.

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Programme overview

Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Management
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Engineering Technology
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 February 2025
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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