Master Biomedical Engineering

Contribute to better healthcare by designing and developing medical innovations for improved diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention and a better quality of life.

Can you think of friendlier, less painful or less harmful methods to detect breast cancer, or to perform an endoscopy? Can you pave the way for animal-free drug testing by developing mini organ-on-a-chip models, that can mimic an actual human organ, like a heart or liver? And what about detecting complex diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s at an early stage, or developing an exoskeleton to train paralysed patients to walk? Advances in technologies are at the heart of innovation within healthcare. Are you eager to develop medical innovations that contribute to better care? If so, the Master’s in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Twente might just be right for you!

In this two-yearEnglish-taught Master’s, you will learn to research, design, and develop innovative products and processes that will benefit the healthcare sector. With your expertise, you can contribute to the improvement of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, but also to prevention and better quality of life. You will combine engineering skills in disciplines such as chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, electrical engineering and/or mechanical engineering with in-depth knowledge of biology and medicine. As a biomedical engineer, you can bridge the gap between healthcare and engineering, as you understand both contexts, thanks to the interdisciplinary character of this Master’s.

Start Master’s in Biomedical Engineering

You can start your studies in September or February. However, the specialisation Bioengineering Technologies only starts in September. In case you need to follow the Pre-Master’s first, you can start in September and continue with the Master’s afterwards.

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Choose a specialisation

You have a lot of freedom to tailor your Master’s in Biomedical Engineering to your interests and ambitions. Do you want to become an expert in medical imaging, or in measuring brain signals? Or do you want to contribute to the development of bionic prostheses or the creation of artificial (mini) organs from biomaterials? You will build your own expertise within one of the specialisations.

Your choice determines which courses you will follow and the type of research you will engage in during your master’s thesis. You can choose from five different specialisations:

Innovate in the TechMed Centre

As a student in Biomedical Engineering, you will have unique access to state-of-the-art labs and other medical facilities on our high tech campus. The programme is closely associated with UT’s renowned TechMed Centre, a leading institute that aims to improve healthcare through personalised technology. You have the opportunity to work with leading scientists and other experts from industry and clinical practice. It is a great environment for network building and gaining hands-on experience for your future career! 

Career perspectives

Due to our ageing society, not only the number of patients seeking help for their health problems is increasing, but the health problems they report are also more complex. On many levels, healthcare is moving towards more automated processes in order to keep care efficient, effective and more advanced (think of e.g. computer-aided diagnostics). In addressing this and virtually any other global health challenge, innovations in biomedical technologies are indispensable. As a biomedical engineer, you will be a key player in developing and advancing medical devices and clinical services, making you a highly sought-after professional on the job market. That’s why graduates of this Master’s find a job soon after graduation.

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Programme overview

Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering
Certification: MSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
2 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 February 2026
1 September 2026
1 February 2027
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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