Bachelor Biomedical Technology

Details about this Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme?

Develop vital technological innovations for healthcare.

In this bachelor’s programme you will learn to translate your knowledge of physics, mathematics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biology and medicine into new technological applications for medical care. You will become an engineer of advanced medical devices, such as rehabilitation robots, artificial kidneys, scans or prosthetics. Are you looking for a future-oriented, technical programme in which you will learn to design and develop technologies for healthcare? Then our three-year, Dutch-taught bachelor’s programme Biomedical Technology (BMT) is the right choice.

Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch
More detailed information about the bachelor's programme Biomedical Technology is available in Dutch. This includes details about:

Master's programme after your bachelor's
Curious about the master's degree you could pursue in this field? Check out our master's programme in Biomedical Engineering.

Why study Biomedical Technology (or Biomedical Engineering)?

We will train you to be an expert researcher and designer of technologies that contribute to a better quality of life for patients. Discover what distinguishes our Biomedical Technology programme from other comparable ones:

  • Become an academic researcher and a problem-solving engineer

    Technology’s role in healthcare is rapidly growing and with it the demand for engineers who can combine medical knowledge with the ability to design solution-oriented technology. This programme prepares you for exactly that. You will learn to research and analyse clinical problems and complex challenges in the healthcare sector and how to transform your insights into concrete, viable technical innovations. With your broad, multi-disciplinary view, you will be uniquely equipped to bring different disciplines together.

  • Study at a university that excels at combining healthcare and technology

    Our Biomedical Technology programme focuses on the combination of healthcare and technology. Developing technical-medical innovations is one of our spearheads. Your education will take place at the Technical Medical Centre, an internationally leading research and innovation centre where various parties (students, researchers, medical staff and external partners) work together on innovations for healthcare. As a Biomedical Technology student, you will be a part of this.

  • Direct access to a unique master’s programme

    This Bachelor’s programme gives you access to our master’s programmes Biomedical Engineering, with the unique specialisations Bioengineering Technologies, Imaging and In Vitro Diagnostics, Medical Device Design, Physiological Signals & Systems and Biorobotics. 

  • Learn from teachers who are top researchers

    During your studies you will engage with top scientists and their research on a daily basis. These teachers can tell you everything about the latest scientific developments. In the projects you contribute to their research. You will also join them in collaborating with companies and aiming to develop advanced technical-medical solutions. In the meantime, you will become skilled in using the latest equipment.

  • Set to work on practical healthcare problems and projects

    One of the characteristics of our bachelor’s programme Biomedical Technology is the emphasis on practical application of scientific knowledge. Twice a year you will work on a team project in which you directly apply the knowledge you have gained to a current issue. This approach is characteristic of the Twente Educational Model. You will make plans, work together in multidisciplinary teams, look for information, analyse, distribute tasks, report and present. You will become a creative problem solver with an academic basis. You also engage with patients and doctors. In this way, you will gain first-hand insight into the solutions that are expected of you as a biomedical technologist.

Programme overview

Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
On programme request
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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