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Bachelor Chemical Science & Engineering

Develop new (sustainable) processes and materials using chemistry as your starting point.

What is the most efficient way of storing electrical energy? What kind of filter would it take to filter out as much clean hydrogen from a mixture of gases? What composition would you expect from a superconducting material at a relatively high temperature, and how could you make it? If this variety of questions intrigues you, the three-year, English-taught bachelor’s programme Chemical Science & Engineering at the University of Twente is the right choice for you.

In this bachelor’s programme, the focus is on the technological application of chemistry. You will become an expert in engineering, designing and developing new (sustainable) processes and materials, using chemistry as your starting point.

A day in the life of a Chemical Science & Engineering student

Wondering what it's like to study Chemical Science & Engineering? Tim gives you a glimpse into his student life.

Why study Chemical Science & Engineering?

  • Study at one of the best Chemical Science & Engineering programmes in the Netherlands

    In the rankings, our programme has been one of the best Chemical Science & Engineering programmes in the Netherlands for years now. Our students especially appreciate the level and combination of academic and practical skills, the available study guidance, the amount of personal contact and the informal atmosphere. 

  • Discover a broad range of interesting topics

    During this study, you will become familiar with many different areas in the field of chemical engineering. Think of fundamental topics like material science and process technology, but also more physics-oriented ones like thermodynamics, transport phenomena and quantum chemistry. Of course, you will also get a fair share of mathematics. With a solid basis in these areas, you will discover almost endless application possibilities, meaning that with this degree, you can pursue many different career paths. In this study programme, you will get plenty of space to further explore your interests in science, physics and chemistry, and use them to make a real difference – whichever field you choose to specialise in.

  • Work on the future of our society

    As a Chemical Science & Engineering graduate, you will work on topics that are important for the future of our society. For example, you may be developing an energy-saving process that did not exist when you started your bachelor's degree. You may discover an outstanding technique for desalinating liquids. Or perhaps you will work on a new type of battery for more efficient storage of electrical energy, or a new method for targeted delivery of medical drugs in the human body. At the University of Twente, you will get plenty of room to discover and work on the topics that you find important and interesting, as well as to put your knowledge into practice in one of the high-tech labs on campus. In short, you will learn to make a difference!

  • Attend a programme with a lot of personal attention

    Education at the University of Twente is known to be personal and informal, and this Bachelor's is no different. We have an open-door policy and you will receive more individual attention and guidance than at most other universities. The atmosphere between lecturers and students is friendly and informal: you can always approach someone with your questions. Together with our active study association C.T.S.G. Alembic, we continuously improve our education and organise all kinds of study-related activities. Here, you will live your student life to the fullest and grow both professionally and personally!

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Future jobs

As a student of Chemical Science & Engineering, you will have plenty of interesting job opportunities ahead of you. To give you an idea, we list some of the positions you could end up in as a graduate below. 

Programme overview

Top rated programme
Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 September 2026
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
Possible if you apply before 1 May
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