Bachelor Health Sciences

Details about this Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme?

Improving healthcare with an innovative, tech-savvy outlook.

How would the use of a care robot impact doctors, patients and healthcare processes? How do we assess whether or a cutting-edge treatment is better than the old one? Healthcare in the Netherlands is facing significant changes. Do you see yourself managing or testing healthcare innovations in this changing landscape, streamlining care processes for patients and caregivers, or devising innovative policies for public health? Are you looking for an academic programme with a hands-on approach? If you are, the three-year, Dutch-taught bachelor’s programme Health Sciences at the University of Twente (UT) is the right choice for you. 

JETTE studies health sciences

Are you curious what it is like to study the Dutch-taught Health Sciences? Jette shows you a day in her student life.

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Why studying Health Sciences at UT?

There are many universities where you can study Health Sciences or comparable degrees. Our bachelor’s programme is very different from any other one. Discover why!

  • Get familiar with the impact of technology on the medical world

    In no other programme is the combination of healthcare and technology as strong as it is in our bachelor’s programme. Think of the link between Big Data and hospital logistics, or ICT and patient communication. You will learn how to assess from different perspectives whether the use of technology will improve healthcare. This kind of knowledge is becoming increasingly important in modern healthcare.

  • Take advantage of the world-class level of the TechMed Centre

    The University of Twente develops many technical-medical innovations. For example, your education will take place at the TechMed Centre, a leading international research and innovation centre, where various parties (research, clinic and industry) bring their knowledge together and devise, develop and test healthcare improvements and innovations. This blend of technology, healthcare and market forces is unique.

  • Learn how to design the most feasible solutions

    Studying with us, you will turn ‘design thinking’ into a habit. You will learn to design the best possible solutions by researching and considering the experience of the patient or healthcare provider. Throughout the programme you will become skilled in analysing healthcare issues from different perspectives, using methods and models, and designing, implementing and evaluating improvements. This ‘engineering approach’ means you will work in a way that is solution-oriented and systematic and that covers all the aspects and concerns related to the issue at hand.

  • Learn to speak the language of the stakeholders in healthcare

    In the healthcare sector, you will not only comer across patients, caregivers, specialists and technicians, but also insurers, directors and lawyers. In our Health Sciences programme you will learn to weigh everyone's interests, familiarizing yourself with the themes of health and sickness, organization and policy, technology in healthcare, and research methodology. You will gain insight into the quality of care for individual patients, organizational processes and the impact of policy on national healthcare. This will equip you to oversee the whole healthcare process, while keeping a sharp eye on actual results for patient and for the sector as a whole.

  • Work on real-life problems and projects in the sector

    Another distinguishing characteristic of our Health Sciences programme is our emphasis on the practical application of scientific knowledge. We convert our and your expertise into solutions that people and society really need. It’s no wonder that in 2017 the University of Twente was acclaimed as ‘University with the biggest societal impact’ in the Netherlands. We ensure that you regularly speak with patients and carry out research projects and working visits at healthcare institutions. You will be involved in many projects, applying your knowledge directly to current cases. You will draw up plans, participate in multidisciplinary teams, collect information, analyse, distribute tasks, report and present. Your lecturers will be a mixture of our own staff and guest lecturers from the healthcare sector or foreign universities.

This bachelor’s programme in Health Sciences is taught in Dutch. Detailed information about the programme is available in Dutch and German only. We also offer a master's programme in Health Sciences

Programme overview

Bachelor’s degree in Gezondheidswetenschappen
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
On student request
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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