Bachelor Applied Physics

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Learn to Convert fundamental physics into (new) technology that impacts society.

How is it possible that the human brain can perform 100,000 times as many tasks per second as a modern chip, with ten times less energy? What laws of physics do you encouter in a game of pool? Will impregnable security soon become a reality with the help of quantum physics? What will the chip of the future look like, and what knowledge of physics will we need to build it? If these kinds of questions fascinate you, the three-year, Dutch-taught Bachelor’s in Applied Physics is the right choice for you.

A day in the life of an Applied Physics student

Wondering what it's like to study Applied Physics? Macy gives you a glimpse into her student life. (Dutch-spoken video with English subtitles.)

Read more on the Dutch website

You will follow this programme entirely in Dutch. On this page, the study programme is briefly summarised in English. Would you like more information? Then go to the Dutch website.

Why study Applied Physics?

  • Combine fundamental physics with (new) technology

    Do you want to study physics, while also learning how to convert your scientific knowledge into new technological possibilities? Then Applied Physics at the University of Twente is the right degree for you. You will get all the scientific knowledge and skills you would expect from a physics degree, while learning to think like an engineer who can turn knowledge into working innovative solutions. You will be on the search for knowledge and application possibilities that do not yet exist, for example, the development of quantum computers, or a new generation of batteries. But the demand in the banking world for technical physicists is also increasing, for example! With your strong analytical skills, you know how to reduce complex issues to their physical essence and find a solution.

  • Top-rated physics programme with a great atmosphere

    For several years in a row, this Bachelor’s has been chosen ‘Top programme’ by the Dutch Keuzegids Universiteiten, making it the highest-rated Applied Physics bachelor’s programme in the Netherlands. On the one hand, you will encounter top research by renowned UT departments in key research areas such as fluid physics, photonics or material physics. You will have access to leading research institutes at the University of Twente, such as the MESA+ Institute, the TechMed Centre, BRAINS (the Centre for Brain-Inspired Nano Systems researching brain-inspired computing systems), and the Max Planck Centre for Complex Fluid Dynamics.

    On the other hand, students appreciate the atmosphere within the programme. Education is known to be personal and informal. You attend lectures by (top) professors who also know you by your first name - and you can always approach someone with your questions. Together with our study association Arago, we continuously improve our education and organise all kinds of study-related activities. Here, you will experience your student life to the fullest and grow both professionally and personally!

  • The optional added challenge of getting a double degree

    Are you looking for an extra challenge? Are you well-organised, a good planner and do you want to work in a multidisciplinary way? Then you can also combine the Bachelor's in Applied Physics with our English-taught Bachelor's in Chemical Science & Engineering or Applied Mathematics. Such a double programme has about a third of extra subjects, allowing you to earn two degrees in the same time as the regular bachelor's programme.

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Future jobs

As a technical physicist, you have expertise that is highly needed in a great variety of sectors, from the chip industry to healthcare and from aerospace to finance. You are a professional who can deploy fundamental physics knowledge and turn it into working technology with a strong societal impact. Are you curious about the types of jobs you can pursue with this knowledge and skills? We've listed some (of the endless) examples below:

Programme overview

Top rated programme
Bachelor’s degree in Applied Physics
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Science and Technology
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2025
1 September 2026
1 September 2027
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
Possible if you apply before 1 May
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