Bachelor Psychology

at a technical university

Combine psychological expertise with a 21st-century, problem-solving approach.

Would you like to be a psychologist who can help others develop a positive, balanced, and resilient way of living? Do you see yourself using psychological expertise to design solutions for challenges in healthcare – for example, in clinical practice – business, education, or the fight against terrorism? Do you want to be a forward-looking psychologist who knows how to deal with the possibilities and risks of new technologies? Are you looking for a solid bachelor’s degree that combines classic psychology with a hands-on, 21st-century approach? Then our three-year, English-taught bachelor’s programme Psychology is the right choice for you.

UT psychologists have excellent job perspectives

At the University of Twente we believe that our increasingly complex society needs psychologists who have more to offer than knowledge of traditional psychology. We see it as our job to help you become a future-proof psychologist.

At Twente you become much more than a ‘couch psychologist’

A lot of people tend to associate psychology mainly with clinical ‘couch psychology’. In our bachelor’s programme Psychology you will discover that psychology is much more than that – and offers far broader career prospects, too. Of course, you will build a solid foundation in clinical psychology, personality psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, social psychology and developmental psychology. On top of that, we will give you the tools you need to design effective interventions for new challenges in our rapidly changing world – using human-friendly robots, or creating smart solutions for tackling gaming addictions, or traffic risks resulting from mobile phone use. At the UT, you will learn to analyse personal or social problems in an academic way and to systematically work out a realistic solution in which your psychological knowledge is embedded.

Read more about the study programmeadmission requirements, the application deadline and career prospects for this programme, or about our master’s programme Psychology 

Yara's vlog as a psychology student

Are you curious what it is like to study Psychology? Yara shows you a day in her student life.

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Why study psychology at UT?

If you want to study Psychology, there are many reasons to choose the Psychology bachelor’s programme at the University of Twente. Read about six of the most notable ones!

  • As an ‘intervention engineer’, learn to work outside-in

    Our programme is the only one in which you will learn to work ‘the outside-in’. This means that your starting point is not psychological theory, but rather a real-life societal or human problem, for which you draw on your knowledge to find a solution (see also 'Follow an academic programme with a strong emphasis on practical application' below). As a university known for its many technical courses, we will teach you to think and act like an ‘engineer’. You will become competent in analysing complex problems and systematically working towards an effective intervention with the help of theories, research and academic and professional skills. Applying this engineering approach will enable you to develop targeted psychological solutions for the challenges of our time. Analysis, critical thinking, ingenuity and problem-solving will be among your core competencies.

  • Learn to deal effectively with the opportunities and risks of a high-tech society

    We are the only university at which you can study psychology with the added dimension of a strong focus on technology. As a UT psychologist, you will build up unique expertise in the different ways in which technology, human behaviour and societal processes influence each other. Whether you become a researcher or a care provider, you will be able to use, or develop, smart technological tools – for example, a health app, or a Virtual Reality game that allows you to investigate human behaviour more deeply than ever. You will understand how to create substantial improvements for people and society by connecting psychology and technology. Think, for example, of an app that helps people overcome depression, or game addiction. UT, one of the world’s leading tech universities, is the ideal place to do this: many of the technologies that will influence our future are developed and studied here on campus, from apps and web applications to robotics and adaptive systems. For example, in our BMS-lab, where we fuse social sciences with high-tech possibilities, you will gain knowledge and experience that are impossible to get in a classroom. Your insight into all these possibilities and threats will give you a head start on tomorrow’s job market.

  • Develop an international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary view of your field

    Whether you launch your own psychology practice or become a pioneer in business, education or government, as a psychologist of the future you will increasingly have to deal with people and organisations operating across geographical, cultural and disciplinary boundaries. The UT offers you a rich international environment with many students and staff members from many backgrounds. Throughout the programme, you will tackle topics and cases from many countries, not just the Netherlands. Another benefit: UT is renowned for its multidisciplinary approach. As a psychology student, you will learn to join forces with experts from other disciplines. This is important because we believe that the best solutions are increasingly being discovered in the gaps between disciplines.

  • Develop your ‘21st-century skills’ in a small-scale educational environment at a cool campus

    Our small-scale learning environment and our informal, personal approach are highly appreciated by students. We know you by name and invest in both your professional and personal growth. For example, we distinguish three roles you can fulfil in a team, or as a professional – researcher, designer, organiser – and will help you discover which role best suits you. In other words, you will not just acquire knowledge of psychology, but also discover your own potential as a professional and as a person. You will also develop strong 21st-century skills and personal competencies. From designing workable solutions for complex problems and working together in multidisciplinary teams to flexibility, creativity and client focus. You will develop a work ethos centred on self-reflection, self-improvement and lifelong learning. In short, you become a well-rounded person – and all of that on an amazing campus that is the only one of its kind in the Netherlands: the perfect setting for an unforgettable student experience.

  • Follow an academic programme with a strong emphasis on practical application

    One of UT’s distinguishing characteristics is our practical application of scientific knowledge. Recognised in rankings for our substantial impact on society, we are strong in linking psychological knowledge and research with the real-life challenges of our time. Our Twente Educational Model, for example, is built on theme-centred modules, in which you work on a team project related to a contemporary issue, with the goal of directly applying the knowledge and skills you have gained in that module. You plan, form teams with fellow students, conduct research, analyse, distribute tasks, report and present. All of this will help you become a creative problem solver with a solid academic basis.

  • Benefit from excellent job perspectives, especially if you take one of our master’s tracks

    Your proficiency in applying profound psychological knowledge to practical issues, and in designing realistic solutions, will open doors on the job market that remain closed to traditional psychologists, giving you above-average career prospects. Your head start will be even greater if, after completing the bachelor’s, you follow our Psychology master's programme, choosing of its five unique specialisations: Positive Clinical Psychology & Technology, with its unique approach to working as a clinical psychologist; Human Factors & Engineering Psychology, the perfect preparation for a career linking human behaviour and technology; Conflict, Risk & Safety, which focuses on safety and security and the role new technologies play in this field; Health Psychology & Technology, the track for those who want to work on people’s mental and physical health; Learning Sciences, in which you apply psychology and technology to education and learning – an area in which UT conducts pioneering research.

Programme overview

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Behavioural Management and Social Sciences
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 September 2025
On programme request
Numerus fixus
There is a maximum of 400 study places
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