Bachelor Creative Technology

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Create tech solutions that are smartly thought-through, creatively designed and socially relevant.

What happens when you add music to a book? How do you visualise data streams? How can you reduce discomfort for people with chronic pain? If diverse questions like these intrigue you, our three-year, English-taught Bachelor’s in Creative Technology at the University of Twente (UT) or VU Amsterdam is the right choice for you. 

The Bachelor’s in Creative Technology will equip you to use the latest technology for developing solutions that contribute to a better future for people and society. Throughout the many hands-on projects, you will gain technical knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to understand how media and technology influence humans, design and creative processes. Using your extensive knowledge of computer science and electrical engineering, you will learn to cover the entire creation process: from identifying the core question to building a working prototype and testing it on users.

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What I enjoy the most about the programme is the freedom and diversity it offers. On the one hand, you develop your technical skills in programming, electronics, digital media, and interaction design. On the other, you learn to create innovative products and services.


Impression of Creative Technology

Are you curious to know what is it like to study Creative Technology? Watch this video and meet the people and facilities. Or read the experiences of current and former students.

screenshot of video

Choose yourself: CreaTe in Amsterdam or Enschede?

Thanks to a unique collaboration between the two universities, you can study CreaTe at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) or at the University of Twente (UT) in Enschede. Do you opt for Amsterdam? Then you will follow most of the lectures at VU Amsterdam. A few days a month you will travel to Enschede to work on larger projects with UT students and make use of high-tech labs on the UT campus. Do you choose Enschede as your study location? Then you will study at UT and work in the research labs on the Enschede campus.

From the second year, you need to choose electives. It is only in Amsterdam that you can take the elective Humane by Design (also open to UT students). And only in Enschede can you take the electives Interactive Media and Smart Technology (also open to VU students).

The Bachelor’s in Creative Technology starts every year in September. The programme takes three years and is completely English-taught.  

Read more about the study programmeadmission requirementsapplication deadline and career prospects, or about subsequent master’s. Check our student’s characteristics to see if this is the programme for you.

Why study Creative Technology?

There are dozens of reasons why you might sign up for this Bachelor's. Discover the top five here!

  • Benefit from a broad, international programme

    Creative Technology students come from all over the world. In project teams, you will learn to work with others across cultural and disciplinary borders – much the same as in the business you will enter world after graduation. Another key characteristic of this programme is that it will familiarise you with the entire creative process: from mapping out the research question to brainstorming about solutions, and from researching your target group to building the first working prototype and testing it in real life. Our richly varied study programme will open up many exciting directions to you upon graduation.

  • Make a difference in society

    As a Creative Technology graduate you will know everything about topics that are important for the future of our society. You could be the person who designs and carries out solutions for urban flooding, so that people in areas sensitive to flooding can keep their feet dry when the sea level rises. Or maybe you will be the creative mastermind behind a new robot with emotional awareness, or a 3D printer that can produce an artificial hip. Whether you choose to continue studying after this bachelor’s or to explore the many career options, your work will matter to society.

  • Pursue your personal interests

    The atmosphere in this programme is fantastic, our students tell us. Creative Technology has about 120 students in the first year. We encourage you to engage in extracurricular activities that will stimulate your personal growth. You can even get study credits for these initiatives, if you can show that a certain activity is important to you, contributes to what you want to achieve and is related to our field of study. Think, for example, of attending a conference, assisting a researcher, taking a study trip abroad, or taking a course on video production. Who knows, one of your designs may attract the spotlights at the Dutch Design Week, the Almelo Light Challenge, or Gogbot. Your ideas and input matters to us, too: together with our student association Proto, we are constantly improving our education and organising all sorts of study-related activities.

  • Grow as a 21st century professional, while enjoying our amazing campus

    In addition to in-depth professional expertise, you will develop a broad package of 21st-century skills and personal competences in this programme, including a work ethos centring on self-reflection and lifelong learning. Our informal, personal approach is aimed at helping you flourish both professionally and personally. You will become more entrepreneurial and learn to apply academic knowledge to the realities of our society. Our project-based education will challenge you to look beyond disciplinary and cultural barriers and to work together with others. On top of that, you will have an unforgettable student experience thanks to our magnificent, green campus and the vibrant student city of Enschede - a place of knowledge, innovation and fun!

  • Creative Technology has few drop-outs in the first year

    How can you confidently choose the right programme? At CreaTe we will help you with this. If you sign up for this programme, we will ask you to explain how CreaTe fits into your personal vision, and what you expect from the programme. We will arrange an interview with you on the basis of the motivation letter, portfolio and CV you submit. As a result of the matching procedure that you go through after registration, you will receive advice from the CreaTe staff. Teachers, mentors, the bachelor's coordinator and our Study Advisor will also regularly monitor your progress and development as a student. They may approach you, but it will also be easy for you to get in touch with one of them.

What is a typical Creative Technology student like?

We often see similar characteristics among CreaTe students who do well. They have an entrepreneurial spirit, unafraid to approach people and daring. They do what it takes to take an idea further and they are not satisfied until they have found a solution to a problem. They are well-versed in technology, have a feel for design, and always consider the impact of the end product as the most important factor. The question ‘How will this contribute?’ is central to them. Does this sound like you?

International in all facets

Creative Technology has been awarded the prestigious ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation, true recognition for our efforts of making this programme international in all its facets: the purpose, function and organisation of our education. This means you will not only study in an international environment, but you will also be stimulated to incorporate different cultures and perspectives while developing sustainable solutions.

Programme overview

Top rated programme
Bachelor’s degree in Creative Technology
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Electrical Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Starting date
1 September 2024
1 September 2025
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede
The Netherlands
On programme request
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme
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