Contact - Centre for Educational Support

CES provides professional educational support and advice that is tailored to ensure the best possible development of learners.

As a partner of faculties, educational programmes, students, and staff, we provide services beyond operational excellence. We are professional and reliable experts in educational processes, systems and learners' development & support. This page provides details about the different teams at CES and offers personalised content & contacts for faculty staff

Student Affairs & Logistics (SA&L)

SA&L helps with study progress registration, including resulting registration, scheduling, exam periods, supporting program committees and OSIRIS. SA&L is composed of a minor organisation, a process coordinator, educational affairs offices and key users for Osiris. The logistics part consists of the Exam Office and the scheduling team. 

Educational Affairs Office (BOZ)

The Educational Affairs Office (BOZ) supports educational programmes, students and lecturers in an administrative way. For example in assigning and adjusting exam programmes, registration of the Binding Study advice, and more.


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All BOZ officers

Contacts for BMS

Contacts for EEMCS staff

Contacts for ET staff

Contacts for ITC staff

Contacts for TNW (ST) staff

Team leader (all faculties)

M.R. Gijselaar (Martijn)
M.R. Gijselaar (Martijn)
Manager Educational Affairs Office & Key-users OSIRIS

Exam office (tentamenbureau)

The examination office at UT is responsible for managing and coordinating all aspects of student assessment.

Team leader

M.M.J. Lindemann (Margriet)
M.M.J. Lindemann (Margriet)
Teamleader Timetables & Examinations Office


General contact:

S. Wisman (Sander)
S. Wisman (Sander)
Supporting staff
R. Mourits BSc (Renée)
R. Mourits BSc (Renée)
Keyuser Remindo & Support E-assessment
R. de Vrught (Robert)
R. de Vrught (Robert)
Examinations Office EEMCS / E-Assessment

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Exam office for all faculties

BMS examination office

General contact:

A. Willemsen - Bonthuis (Angelique)
A. Willemsen - Bonthuis (Angelique)
Examination office BMS

EEMCS examination office

General contact:

R. de Vrught (Robert)
R. de Vrught (Robert)
Examinations Office EEMCS / E-Assessment

ET examination office

General contact:

L. van Lente (Leonieke)
L. van Lente (Leonieke)
Examination office ET/TNW

TNW examination office | Health Cluster

General contact:

L. van Lente (Leonieke)
L. van Lente (Leonieke)
Examination office ET/TNW

TNW examination office | Science cluster

General contact:

L. van Lente (Leonieke)
L. van Lente (Leonieke)
Examination office ET/TNW

Contest & General support

A.E. Sikma (Elly)
A.E. Sikma (Elly)
Supporting staff

Timetable officers (roosterteam)

Information about the academic calendar, lecture rooms and lecture times


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All timetable officers

Contacts for BMS staff

L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
Timetabling Officer
I. Zoontjes - Visser (Ingrid)
I. Zoontjes - Visser (Ingrid)
Timetabling Officer
H.N. Breuking (Rik)
H.N. Breuking (Rik)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for EEMCS staff

P.W. Heuvelink (Peter)
P.W. Heuvelink (Peter)
Timetabling Officer & Information Specialist timetabling & occupancy analytics
N.E. Eppink (Nadie)
N.E. Eppink (Nadie)
Timetabling Officer
L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for ET staff

J. Vrugteveen (Jörgen)
J. Vrugteveen (Jörgen)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for TNW (ST) staff

P.M.D. Vrieling (Pauline)
P.M.D. Vrieling (Pauline)
Timetabling Officer
D.M. D'arcy (Danya)
D.M. D'arcy (Danya)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for UCT staff

L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for PreU staff

L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
L.M. Grijpma (Laura)
Timetabling Officer

Contacts for UT Language Centre staff

H.N. Breuking (Rik)
H.N. Breuking (Rik)
Timetabling Officer

Team manager

For questions about timetables, please contact

M.M.J. Lindemann (Margriet)
M.M.J. Lindemann (Margriet)
Teamleader Timetables & Examinations Office

Osiris Study progress & key user support

Please see the Osiris Study progress FAQ/links or contact the key user(s) within your faculty:


We show a personalised list of keyusers to employees at CES and all faculties.

All keyusers

Osiris keyusers

Contacts for BMS staff

M.H. Huiskes - Borghuis (Miranda)
M.H. Huiskes - Borghuis (Miranda)
Key user Osiris for BMS
M. de Vries (Merel)
M. de Vries (Merel)
Key user Osiris for BMS

Contacts for EEMCS staff

B.J. Arentsen (Benno)
B.J. Arentsen (Benno)
Key user Osiris for EEMCS

Contacts for ET & ECIU

O. Eppink (Olaf)
O. Eppink (Olaf)
Key user Osiris for ET & ECIU

Contacts for ITC

M. Hetharia (Mark)
M. Hetharia (Mark)
Key user Osiris for ITC
R.H. Roord (Robert)
R.H. Roord (Robert)
Key user Osiris for ITC

Contacts for TNW (ST)

M. Hetharia (Mark)
M. Hetharia (Mark)
Key user Osiris for TNW Science
R.H. Roord (Robert)
R.H. Roord (Robert)
Key user Osiris for TNW Health

Contact for Honours

M. Hetharia (Mark)
M. Hetharia (Mark)
Key user Osiris Honours programmes

CES Process & Design Team

The central service CES is here to support you with all your questions regarding educational development. The Process and Design Team (CES-PDT) offers support for educational initiatives, using existing tools, systems, and processes. CES-PDT helps you scale educational innovations and establish them at a central level.

Information Management (IM)

Centre of Expertise in Learning & Teaching (CELT)

The Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching (CELT) at the University of Twente provides support and advice to all university community members in the design and implementation of educational innovations. It offers guidance, expertise, and resources for developing, implementing, and assessing learning and teaching activities.

Examinations boards

Examination Boards are arranged per faculty, but sometimes also by study programme. See the information for and about Examination Boards.


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All exam boards


At UT, study advisors can participate in the BKS programme, which stands for "Beroeps Kwalificatie Studieadviseurs" or Professional Qualification for Study Advisors.


  • Angelique Assink (educational advisor, CELT)
  • Marieke Hofman (study adviser Technical Medicine/faculty of S&T)

Secretariat (CELT): 053-489 2056 or 5703. Citadel 4.19

Involved institutions:

  • LVSA (governance/working group Courses)
  • Platform Study Guidance UT
  • Centre for Educational Support / Student Psychologists
  • Concern direction Human Resources / Centre for Training & Development
  • UCOW
  • CvB / S&P

For students

About CES

  • We provide central educational support regarding student administration, timetabling and examinations, study progress, and student well-being.
  • We are responsible for the functional management of educational systems across UT, as well as providing information from these systems.
  • In addition, we maintain international partnerships and scholarship programmes and provide support for international student exchange programmes.
  • We promote teachers’ professionalisation, support the design and innovation of education, and offer training in academic communicative skills and languages.
  • Our Contact Centre is the central point to which students can turn in any questions that they have.
  • We provide advice both within UT and in national and international networks in the abovementioned areas of knowledge; in these areas, our professional knowledge is constantly increased and strengthened. 

General contact details

Secretariat CES:

Find all CES colleagues in the CES Who-is-who (intranet)
Open who-is-who

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