UTServicesCESExamination Boards

Examination Boards

Information about and for the Examination Boards at the University of Twente. 

This site offers information intended to support the work of Examination Boards at the University of Twente. It was developed through a joint initiative of the Assembly of Examination Boards Chairs and CELT. 
Suggestions, good practices, examples, instruments, and ideas are welcome! We would be very pleased to receive your input. The contact person and address are on the contact page.

Information for students

Questions or requests regarding assessment issues, should in principle be submitted to the Examination Board of your own programme. Under "Overview" you can find the links to all Examination Boards.
Do you disagree with the decision of an examiner or the Examination Board of your programme, such as a grade for a course or rejection of a request for an extra resit you can submit a notice of appeal directed at the Board of Appeal for Examinations (CBE).  
If you are not sure about what to do, you may also contact the study advisor of your study programme. The study advisor can advise you about adequate steps to take.