The Examination Board ME-SET for the Bachelor’s programme in Mechanical Engineering and the Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technology is an independent authority regarding anything that has to do with examinations.
The Examination Board determines objectively and expertly whether a student meets the conditions set by the Education and Examination Regulations with regard to knowledge, insight, skills and attitude required to obtain a degree.
To his end, the Examination Board monitors the construction of the testing and assessment system and compliance with the procedures and regulations regarding testing and examination.
It is also the authority where students can submit requestst and objections regarding testing, examination, study planning and everything related to it.
Meetings of the examination board are confidential and the submitted requests will be treated as such.
Requests and objections can only be submitted via the web application.
The examination board will always operate within the lines of the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Law of Higher Education and Scientific Research) of the programme.
- The expertise of the examination board implicates a broad knowledge of several workfields:
De Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Law of Hogher Education and Scientific Research); - The Education- and Examination Regulations (EER) of the programme;
- The educational programme itself;
- Exams and judging the quality of the exams.
The tasks of the Examination Board are twofold. In addition to implementing regulations and procedures, they also have a coordinating task when it comes to testing policy and quality assurance.
- Handing out diplomas (mandated by the dean to the examination board)
- Estimate Exemptions and Recognition of Acquired Competences (Vrijstellingen en Erkenning van Verworven Competenties (EVC)) by use of the EER.
- Estimate study programmes that diverge from regular programmes as requested by a student.
- Make judgements in case of fraud and decide the consequences that go with that.
- Handle complaints and cases of appeal.
- Set up the policy plan on the way quality of assessment within the programme is guaranteed.
- Formulate guidelines and directions to estimate the result of an exam. How is the weighing amongst questions, and how can open-ended questions, reports and oral exams be judged.
- Appointing of examiners (mostly the teacher of the course, however; he or she is officially appointed by the examination board).
- Documenting all of the decisions made.
- Defining the daily procedures of the Internal Regulations of the Organization (IRO = Huishoudelijk Reglement) of the exam committee.
- Setting up an annual report for the dean to justify the way of working, evaluate the past year and to reveal the plans for the future.
Sources: (Information for the exam committee) and the presentation ‘Nieuwe verantwoordelijkheden van examencommissies'.