Expand your knowledge and skills with a double degree!
As a student of the Master’s in BA, with the specialisation in Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy, you have the opportunity to add a second master’s to your programme by following a double degree. Within this specialisation, you can choose from two different double degrees: the double degree in Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability that we offer together with our partner university TU Berlin, or the double degree with the Master’s in Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society at the University of Twente.
- Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability (TU Berlin)
Do you want to extend your knowledge within Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy (EIS) with a broader understanding of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship? Then the two-year double degree Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability that we offer together with our partner university TU Berlin might be right for you! Upon completion, you will receive two Master’s degrees:
- Master of Science in Business Administration, specialisation in Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy (UT)
- Master of Science in Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (TU Berlin)
The double degree programme entails a total of two years (four semesters). You will spend the first semester at UT, then continue the second and third semester at TU Berlin, and (formally) finish your last semester at UT again. You can start this double degree programme in September as well as in February.
Going abroad not only expanded my academic knowledge, but also allowed me to broaden my interests, explore another country, and meet many interesting new people from all over the world. Moreover, it gave me a new direction of what I would love to do after graduation, and I got to know myself even better. Personally, the DD programme added a lot of extra value to my master's and I would recommend it to everyone!
Juliette van der Valk Courses
Next to the courses belonging to the UT Master’s in Business Administration with the specialisation in EIS, you will follow various (elective) courses in Berlin, such as Innovation Economics, Sustainable Innovation, Life Science Venturing and Multinational Corporations and Corporate Control.
You will end your double degree programme by writing your master’s thesis. You will do this under the joint supervision of professors from both universities. Therefore, you have the freedom to complete your thesis wherever you want.
How to apply
If you are interested in following this double degree programme, you first apply for the Master’s in Business Administration at UT (make sure to check if you are admissible!). Once you are a student of this Master’s, you can apply for the double degree programme. Please note that the number of students who can opt for this double degree is limited. Selection is based on your study progress and motivation.
Do you want more information about this double degree programme? Contact the coordinator of the Double Degree programme.
Get an image of innovation Management, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability at tu berlin
- Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society
Do you want to extend your knowledge within Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Strategy (EIS) with a deeper, philosophical understanding of management, innovation or change processes and strategy making? Then the two-year double degree that we offer together with the Master’s in Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (PSTS) might be right for you! Upon completion, you will receive two Master’s degrees:
- Master of Science in Business Administration (UT)
- Master of Science in Philosophy of Science, Technology & Society (UT)
You can complete this double degree within just two years – instead of the three years that apply to these two separate programmes. You will follow courses related to both master’s, for example, Entrepreneurial Leadership and Responsible Design, Smart Industry, Management and Governance of Innovation and Creativity, Philosophical Theories & Methods and Ethics & Technology. You will end this double degree with a combined master’s thesis. Note: you can only start this double degree in September.
How to apply
If you are interested in following this double degree programme, you have to apply for both Master’s separately. Ideally, you start both applications simultaneously, although you can also apply for the Master’s in BA after you have already been admitted to the Master’s in PSTS, since the double degree starts with PSTS-courses.
Do you want more information about this double degree programme? Contact the coordinator of the Double Degree programme.