Tobias's experience

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Making technology more accessible and more useful for all

Tobias Uebbing, Bachelor’s degree in Creative Technology

My interest in technology, art, writing and people and my desire to study in an international atmosphere brought me to the University of Twente. It was still close to family and friends in Germany (60 km away) and I had no language problems due to my bilingual Dutch class from grades 5-10. It was the right choice and I do not regret it at all!

Creative Technology is the ideal programme for those interested in high-end technology research and development. It teaches you how to use creativity to identify and solve problems, to use existing technology in a new way and to create user interaction. Working with people with so many different backgrounds, talents and skills requires understanding, communication and flexibility.

For my graduation project I looked into how to enhance the effect of a game concept on children‘s creativity. After researching, exploring and ideating this topic, I decided to transfer an existing dice game (called Story Cubes) into a digital game on a multi-touch table, and I added new, interesting features. Now I am taking the Master’s in Human Media Interaction, because I want to know more about human media/computer interaction and improve my technical skills.

If I can give future students one piece of advice, it would be this: Creative Technology is a very comprehensive and customiable degree programme. Nobody can predict where you will end up after graduation, so just follow your instincts and interests and you will see where it takes you. But be sure you maintain an open attitude.

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