About UT


About your new employer.

At the University of Twente, we are pioneers in fusing technology, science and engineering with social sciences to impact the world around us. What characterizes our scientists, faculty and students is a curious, entrepreneurial mindset and a strong connection with people who think alike. We are a multicultural community of talented, ambitious people that offers students, scientists and teachers from all walks of life the best possible learning, working and living environment.

Watch the UT story in the short corporate film Curiosity;

or watch our employer video A Job That Matters;

What does the organization look like?

The UT is subject to the Minister of Education and The Supervisory Board. The Executive Board (CvB) is the highest governing body of the UT and is charged with the administration and management of the UT. The CvB is supported and facilitated by eight support services. A description of these services is given below. The University Council (URaad or UR) is the central employee participation body of the UT and regularly consults with the CvB. The UR exercises influence on UT policy at the central level.

faculties and research institutes

Our strength lies in the cooperation between the various disciplines. The University of Twente research institutes link technology (High-Tech) to human behaviour and social relevance (Human Touch).



Service departments

  • General Affairs : GA
  • Centre for Educational Support: CES
  • Finance: FIN
  • Campus & Facility Management: CFM
  • Marketing en Communication: MC
  • Human Resources: HR
  • Libary, ICT Services & Archive: LISA
  • Strategy & Policy: SP
  • Stratetic Business Development: SBD

Career at the UT

The UT strongly believes in recruiting, developing and challenging talented employees. A wide range of courses, training and coaching is designed specifically for scientists and support staff.


U-Today is the journalism-independent news medium of the University of Twente and focuses on news, backgrounds and opinions at the UT and its environment. Articles about campus, student life, education, research, knowledge, entrepreneurship and internationalization get a lot of space. The articles comes from four editors and a varying number of freelance employees, including students. The independent journalistic position is anchored in an editorial statute. 


The University of Twente has a green campus. By this we mean a lively, inspiring, green and safe environment for our colleagues, students and guests. Education, research, living, sports and culture all come together here.Our large campus inspires you to look beyond your own discipline.
We are proud of our campus and we hope that you will enjoy and make as much use of it as you can! We have 150 hectares of beautiful parkland. And it is an international, national and regional hot spot for students, scientists, employees, governments and companies. 

Social activities

Our campus is a great venue for events, like ‘Create Tomorrow’, the world’s largest student think tank, and the ‘Batavierenrace’, the world’s biggest student relay race, covering a distance of 185 km. And also our festive events like the DIES (anniversary of our University) and the opening and closing of our academic year. We love to see you at those events and celebrate our university together.    


Please contact HR Services for any further questions. Tel 053 489 8011.

For ideas, comments or changes to this page, please email webteam-hr@utwente.nl.

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