Contact Human Resources (HR)

Do you need to contact HR? We use the 'ask HR' section is to answer all your questions. Your request will be automatically submitted to a HR contact in your faculty/service department. They are your first point of contact. For more specific questions, you may be referred to a HR staff member on the central level.


HR contacts at your faculty/department

Sorry, there is no information specified for you.

Other faculties/departments

For BMS employees

See the BMS-HR Intranet for faculty specific documents. Your contacts at the HR department are:

S. Verbeek (Susanne)
S. Verbeek (Susanne)
HR Manager
K. Geerdink (Karen)
K. Geerdink (Karen)
HR Advisor for all support departments (OSC, FIN, HR, BFD, CSO, PLD, BMSlab)
S. Prent (Sandra)
S. Prent (Sandra)
HR Advisor for HBE (IEBIS, ETM, FE) and TPS (HTSR, CSTM, CHEPS, STPEPS, WIJSB) departments
R.H.S.M. Dokter BA (Roos)
R.H.S.M. Dokter BA (Roos)
HR Advisor for LDT department (CODE, ELAN, IST, PLT)
L. Werkman - Assink (Liset)
L. Werkman - Assink (Liset)
HR Advisor for HIB department (CS, PA, PGT, PCRS)
M.H.C. Blijleven (Marleen)
M.H.C. Blijleven (Marleen)
HR Assistant for HBE (IEBIS, ETM, FE), TPS (HTSR, CSTM, KITES, WIJSB) and LDT (CODE, ELAN, IST, PLT) departments
I. Keupink - van der Schoor (Ilona)
I. Keupink - van der Schoor (Ilona)
HR Assistant for HIB departments (CS, PA, PGT, PCRS) and support departments (OSC, FIN, HR, BFD, CSO, PLD, BMSlab)

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

For EEMCS employees

See the EEMCS-HR Intranet for faculty-specific documents. Your contacts at the HR department are:

I.M. Meeuwenoord MSc (Inge)
I.M. Meeuwenoord MSc (Inge)
HR Advisor
L.M. van Sprang - Heerdink (Leontine)
L.M. van Sprang - Heerdink (Leontine)
HR advisor
J.B. Büter MSc (Britt)
J.B. Büter MSc (Britt)
HR advisor

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

ing. S. Visser (Sjoerd)
ing. S. Visser (Sjoerd)
HSE coordinator

For ET (Incl FiP) employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

drs. C.B. de Carpentier Wolf - de Vin (Cathelijne)
drs. C.B. de Carpentier Wolf - de Vin (Cathelijne)
HR Manager
R.G. Pegge (Randy)
R.G. Pegge (Randy)
HR Assistant

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

N.C.M. Heijnekamp - Snellens (Nancy)
N.C.M. Heijnekamp - Snellens (Nancy)
HSE coordinator
A. Klijnstra (Andries)
A. Klijnstra (Andries)
HSE Coördinator

For ITC (incl PReU/UCT) employees

See the ITC-HR Intranet for faculty specific documents. Your contacts at the HR department are:

K. de Vos - de Groot BA (Karen)
K. de Vos - de Groot BA (Karen)
HR Advisor
I.P.B.R. Vuurpijl - Schothuis (Ingrid)
I.P.B.R. Vuurpijl - Schothuis (Ingrid)
HR Assistant

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

For TNW employees

TNW has some TNW faculty specific documents, only available after login for TNW and HR employees. Your contacts at the HR department are:

L.S. Bosch (Lieke)
L.S. Bosch (Lieke)
HR Manager TNW
N.G.M. van Wijchen (Nadine)
N.G.M. van Wijchen (Nadine)
HR Advisor
HR Advisor
D.G.M. Koelle - Horstink (Debby)
D.G.M. Koelle - Horstink (Debby)
HR Assistant
S. Jurgens (Suzanne)
S. Jurgens (Suzanne)
HR Assistant
HR Assistant

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

For CES Employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

A.D. Konter - Selderhuis (Sandra)
A.D. Konter - Selderhuis (Sandra)
HR Manager Centre for Eductional Support (CES) and Library, ICT services & Archive (LISA)
H.B.M. Kamphuis - ten Wolde (Harriette)
H.B.M. Kamphuis - ten Wolde (Harriette)
HR Assistant for the service department Centre for Educational Support and Marketing & Communication

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

H.J.M. Holtkamp (Henri)
H.J.M. Holtkamp (Henri)
HSE coordinator CFM, CES and SU

For CFM employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

C. Maas (Christine)
C. Maas (Christine)
HR-assistant service departments C&FM, S&P and GA-BO

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

H.J.M. Holtkamp (Henri)
H.J.M. Holtkamp (Henri)
HSE coordinator CFM, CES and SU

For GA (UToday, NovelT, Financial Audit, etc) and Executive Board employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

J. Kollen (Netty)
J. Kollen (Netty)
HR manager/Manager HR Advices
E. Fleer (Emma)
E. Fleer (Emma)
HR-advisor service departments: GA, Novel-T, SBD, S&P, Student Union
C. Maas (Christine)
C. Maas (Christine)
HR-assistant service departments C&FM, S&P and GA-BO

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For FIN employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

J.W.C. Somsen (Wim)
J.W.C. Somsen (Wim)
HR - manager service departments, Dienst Human Resources.
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
HR-Assistant services LISA, HR & Finance

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For HR Employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

J. Kollen (Netty)
J. Kollen (Netty)
HR manager/Manager HR Advices
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
HR-Assistant services LISA, HR & Finance

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For LISA employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

A.D. Konter - Selderhuis (Sandra)
A.D. Konter - Selderhuis (Sandra)
HR Manager Centre for Eductional Support (CES) and Library, ICT services & Archive (LISA)
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
M.L. Lokken (Mandy)
HR-Assistant services LISA, HR & Finance

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For MC employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

J. Kollen (Netty)
J. Kollen (Netty)
HR manager/Manager HR Advices
H.B.M. Kamphuis - ten Wolde (Harriette)
H.B.M. Kamphuis - ten Wolde (Harriette)
HR Assistant for the service department Centre for Educational Support and Marketing & Communication

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For SBD employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

E. Fleer (Emma)
E. Fleer (Emma)
HR-advisor service departments: GA, Novel-T, SBD, S&P, Student Union
C. Maas (Christine)
C. Maas (Christine)
HR-assistant service departments C&FM, S&P and GA-BO

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

For SP employees

Your contacts at the HR department are:

J. Kollen (Netty)
J. Kollen (Netty)
HR manager/Manager HR Advices
E. Fleer (Emma)
E. Fleer (Emma)
HR-advisor service departments: GA, Novel-T, SBD, S&P, Student Union
C. Maas (Christine)
C. Maas (Christine)
HR-assistant service departments C&FM, S&P and GA-BO

Health, Safety & Environment (Dutch: VGM):

E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
E.E. Dorée - Hobbelink (Elise)
HSE coordinator FIN, HR, S&P, LISA, M&C, GA

BHV team for your building

Sorry, there is no information specified for you.

All BHV teams

HR contacts at the central level

HR colleagues on a central level (not linked to any specific faculty/service department): 

Webteam HR

For questions about the HR web pages, please contact

About HR

We connect and inspire people to create impact
The UT stands for attracting, developing and challenging top talent. A University of Talent. An inspiring environment where entrepreneurship, collaboration and involvement are intrinsic values. The UT's powerful position in both the national and international market attracts educational, research and support talents. We stimulate talented people to invest in themselves and in the organization by providing customized development opportunities, coaching sessions and educational programmes.

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