Master's structure

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At the start of this Master’s, you need to choose one of the three Master’s tracks.

You have a good deal of freedom in structuring your Master's in Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) with elective courses that suit your interests and ambitions. By working towards your ideal Master’s, you get to develop your own expertise and become the unique industrial design engineer you want to be.


I am interested in the human-centred way of product design and finding out what it is that people want or need, so I chose:

  • Master’s track Human-Technology Relations
  • Elective courses in:
    • Brand Management
    • Packaging Design & Management I
    • Intellectual Property in Product Development
    • Virtual Reality
    • Embodied Interaction

I am interested in innovation and thinking about the entire process of product development from the idea to manufacturing, so I chose:

  • Master’s track Management of Product Development
  • Elective courses in:
    • Durability of Consumer Products
    • Packaging Design & Management II
    • Design for Maintenance Operations
    • Advanced 3D Modelling
    • Electric Vehicle System Design

I am interested in using high-end technologies in developing (surfaces for) medical products, so I chose:

  • Master’s track Emerging Technology Design
  • Technology Direction: Products and Surfaces
  • Elective courses in:
    • Integrative Design of Biomedical Products
    • Biomechanics
    • Topics in Human Anatomy & Sports Physiology
    • Virtual Reality
    • Safety by Design

How to compose your Master's 

In two years of study, you will collect 120 EC. 75 EC consists of courses and you will earn the remaining 45 EC in completing your master’s thesis. What your curriculum looks like, depends on the choices you make in composing your Master’s. There are two steps in doing so.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.

Step 1: Choose a Master’s track

Before you start with your Master's, you need to choose a Master's track, in order to specialise within the field of Industrial Design Engineering. The Master’s in IDE has three tracks:

Step 2: Compose your individual study programme

After registering for your Master’s track, you will compose your own study programme, in consultation with your track coordinator. Each track contains a number of core courses and a master’s assignment that reflects the nature of the track. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to participate in a wider selection of Industrial Design Engineering courses and even electives beyond the programme, both inside and outside of the University of Twente!

You are supposed to remain critical of the choices you made in composing your study programme. Your interests may shift during your studies, or you might think that a different elective would better suit your ambitions. That’s why you keep the opportunity to adjust your curriculum during the programme, in consultation with your track coordinator. 

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