Sign up for Chemical Science & Engineering

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You are about to sign up for the Bachelor’s programme Chemical Science & Engineering. You are to do this through the Studielink website.

UT works with different enrolment deadlines. These depend on the programme, your nationality and your qualifications. If you want to start the course in September, you can register from October of the year before. Before you start, have you checked the admission requirements of Chemical Science & Engineering?

Arrange your application via Studielink
Apply now!
You can sign up from October onwards.

You have to submit your enrolment through the website Studielink, which is the common registration and enrolment application for all non-private institutions of higher education in the Netherlands. During your application a motivation letter is required. The motivation letter for the programme Chemical Science & Engineering is a personal statement in which you explain why you wish to study Chemical Science & Engineering at UT. The motivation letter should explain who you are, what motivates you and what motivates you to study Chemical Science & Engineering. Also, try to explain how the programme fits your study ambitions or dreams for your future. Make sure you limit your letter to one page.

Once your registration has been processed, you will receive an e-mail from Student Services explaining the next steps.

Study Check

We think it is important for you to choose a programme that suits you, so that you can complete your studies successfully. The Study check is one of the tools we use for this. If you have enrolled via Studielink, we invite you to take part - voluntarily, not required - in the Study check, which consists of:

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